We can declare a generic T that will be used to represent everything that inherits from the class

//where T sets limits on T, class indicates that this is a class, new indicates that objects can be created, and new must be placed last
public class NormalSingleton<T> where T : class.new(a){
// Static field
    private static T _single;
    // Static attributes
    public static T Single
            // Check whether the field has been assigned a value
            if (_single == null)
               // NEW an object if empty
                T t = new T();
                // Check to see if this object inherits Monobehaviour. If so, you can use mono singletons to inherit
                if (t is MonoBehaviour)
                    Debug.LogError(message: "Mono class please use MonoSingleton");
                // Give this object to _single
                _single = t;
            / / return value
            return_single; }}}Copy the code

When using a singleton class, fields must be declared as attributes, and singletons can only be used through methods or methods of attributes