The installation

Install the apache – superset

pip install apache-superset
Copy the code

Updating the database

superset db upgrade
Copy the code

Creating the admin user

export FLASK_APP=superset
flask fab create-admin
Copy the code

Download sample data

superset load_examples
Copy the code

Initializing the Environment

superset init
Copy the code

Start the Superset

Superset run -h -p 5000Copy the code

Add a custom database

Sqlite3, for example

(sqlalchemy_uri) SQLiteDialect_pysqlite cannot be used as a data source for security reasons.

Change in superset to PREVENT_UNSAFE_DB_CONNECTIONS = False and restart

$ locate|grep superset ... / python - 3.7.2 / lib/python3.7 / site - packages/superset/config. Py $vi... / python - 3.7.2 / lib/python3.7 / site - packages/superset/config. Py # Some sqlalchemy connection strings can open superset to security risks. # Typically these should not be allowed. PREVENT_UNSAFE_DB_CONNECTIONS = FalseCopy the code
