A basis,

Characteristics of 1.

The statement ends with a semicolon.

Start with ‘use strict; ‘Enforce var declaration!

2. Declare variables

Var, let, and const declare variables

Uppercase letters, digits and underscores: Aa_1 let

Define local variables that can be used mindlessly

Const defines constant

3. Input and output

alert('Hello, world');// Browser popup output
console.log(x);// No popup output
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Second, data type

1. Digital


2. The string

Single line: single lead/double lead,

Cross – line: lead back.

Format: “${x}”

string.length;// Returns the length of the string
string.toUpperCase();/ / caps
string.toLowerCase();/ / lowercase
string.indexOf("x");// Return to position
string.substring(1.3); Slice [1.3), not available3
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Unable to assign dynamically

3. The Boolean


4. A null value

NaN, I can’t compute

Infinity, Infinity

Null, an empty value


Three, operation

1. The calculation

= = =,! =, >, <, =>, <=

NaN and itself are not equal, using the isNaN function to determine.

Floating-point number operation process error, through the difference method to determine.

, &&, | |,!

Condition of 2.

if (xxx){ ... } else if (xxx){ ... }else{... }Copy the code

3. The cycle

for(Initial conditions; End condition; Increment condition) {execute statement; }for (var key in obj)/ / object
for (var x of a)// Array, dictionary, collection
obj.forEach(function(value){console.log(value)})// loop into the function
while(conditional statement){execute statement}do{execute statement}while(Conditional statement)Copy the code

4. The function

function x(i){return y}
var x=function(i){return y}
// The parameter is passed flexibly. At most, the latter is ignored and at least NaN is returned
function foo(a, b, ... rest){}
// Rest receives arguments after the third
//arguments.length Specifies the number of arguments

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Typeof XXX, returns the data type


var arr=[1."2".3]// This is a good ideaOr:new Array(1.2.3)

arr.length;// Check the length of the array.Directly toArrayAssigning a new value to length causesArrayChange in size. If it decreases, it takes the first X bit of the index, and if it increases, it usesundefinedY bit ARR [x] after filling;// Array values
arr.indexOf("xxx");// Subscript the index to return the position of the element

arr.slice(a);// Slice, a (inclusive) all the way to the end
arr.slice(a,b);// Slice a (inclusive) all the way to b (exclusive)

arr.push("x");// Add elements from the right
arr.pop();// Remove the element from the right and return it
arr.unshift("x");// Add elements from the left
arr.shift();// Remove and return the element from the left

arr.sort();/ / sorting
arr.reverse();/ / reverse

arr.concat([1.2.3]);// Concatenate the new array after arR and returnArr. Join () does not change the original array."-");// Concatenate the array with the string
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5. Dictionary/mapping

var map=new Map([["tom".100], ["jack".90], ["haha".80]]);// Define the dictionary
var name=map.get["tom"];// Dictionary values
map.set("admin".123456);// Add key-value pairs
map.delete("tom");/ / delete
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Six, collections,

var set=new Set([]);// Define a collection
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Seven, objects,

There is no concept of class, all objects are instances, the so-called inheritance relationship is just a prototype of one object to another object.

var xiaoming={name:"xiaoming"}
// Xiaoming inherits from person
//ES6 new expression
/ / define the class
class Student{
        alert("hello")}}/ / class inheritance
class Person extends Student{

// instantiate the object
var xiaoming=new Student("xiaoming")
var xiaohong=new Person("xiaohong".100)
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Create a new Object with object.create.

var person={
person.func();// Call the method
function getAge(){
    var now=new Date().getFullYear();
    return now-this.birth;
var person={
person.age();// Can return a value
getAge();//NaN, this points to window
getAge.apply(person,[]);// Make this point to the Person object with an empty list
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By default, this points to the object on which it was called, and you can use Apply to help specify this.

An unordered collection data type consisting of several key-value pairs. Return undefined if accessing a nonexistent property can be dynamically assigned, dynamically deleted property

delete person.name
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Attribute method judgment

Person. HasOwnProperty ("age") // This function can return property methods that already exist in personCopy the code

Json conversion

Parse ('{"name":"quipy"}') var a= json.stringify (person) var b= json.parse ('{"name":"quipy"}'Copy the code

Eight, time,

var now=new Date()
now.getDay()/ / week
now.getTime()/ / timestamp

now=new Date(Timestamp)// Three different expressions
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Nine, DOM

Window stands for browser

// Browser size
windowOuterWidth Navigator. userAgent returns UA Navigator. platform, operating system type navigator.language, browser setting language// Computer screen resolutionScreen. width: screen width screen.height: screen height screen.colorDepth: Returns the number of color digits, for example8,16,24
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The Location positioning


location.protocol; // 'http'
location.host; // 'www.example.com'
location.port; / / '8080'
location.pathname; // '/path/index.html'
location.search; / / '? a=1&b=2'
location.hash; // 'TOP'
location.reload()// Refresh the page
location.assign(url)// Load to other sites
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document.title// Returns the page title, which can be dynamically assigned
document.cookie/ / return the cookie
// forward and backward
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Add and delete

<div id="js">javascript</div>
<div id="app">
    <div id="i1">111</div>
    <div id="i2">222</div>
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dom=document.getElementById("i1");// Obtain by location ID
dom.children/firstChild/lastChild;// Select the child node from the parent node
dom.nextElementSibling/previousElementSibling;// Select sibling nodes

// Update the node dynamically

// Remove the child node from the parent node
// If the child node is deleted by subscript, the subscript of the following node changes
father.removeChild(father.children[1]) insert the node, insert the existing label into the specified position, that is, swap ordervar js=document.getElementById("js")

var newP=document.createElement("p")
newP.id="newP"/ / the id attribute
newP.innerText="hello"// Text content
newP.setAttribute("type"."text")// universal

var list=document.getElementById("app")
list.appendChild(js)// Add it at the end
list.insertBefore(newP,i1)// Insert newP before i1
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Ten, JQ

The formula

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Like CSS selectors, selectors are selected by ID, label, and class

Manipulating DOM nodes

$("#id").text()// Get the return value
$("#id").text("text")/ / assignment
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