I. Background introduction

From a practical point of view, I will sort out a basic CMake tutorial that can help you quickly eliminate illiteracy, which is also a learning summary of the project I am currently in charge of. Considering the practicality of the project, the following explanation may not be complete, but more in line with some features currently used in the project.

How to learn the Android Framework

If the Framework is so important, how do we learn it?

About how to learn the knowledge of Android Framework development, recently xiaobi was lucky to pick up the Android Framework advanced development notes in the hands of bytedance director. Part of the knowledge chapter was published on Zhihu and got 1000+ likes. Today, I will share it with you.

This note focuses on the main modules of the Framework:

Binder the Binder mechanism as a means of interprocess communication permeates almost all of the Andorid framework layer. The basic communication mechanism of Android Binder must be understood first. Knowledge in this chapter

  • Binder series – Introduction
  • Binder Driver a preliminary
  • Binder Driver revisited
  • Binder start ServiceManager
  • Get ServiceManager
  • Registration Service (addService)
  • GetService (getService)
  • The Framework layer analysis
  • How to use Binder
  • How do I use AIDL
  • Binder to summarize
  • Binder interview questions

There are so many articles on the web analyzing the Handler mechanism, why do we need to write this note? It is not that the articles written by the former people are not good, I just feel that they are not fine, some points are not clear, logic is difficult to flow smoothly, every time I learn something when this situation is sad.

This chapter first macro theoretical analysis and Message source code analysis, and then to MessageQueue source code analysis, Looper source code analysis, handler source code analysis, handler mechanism implementation principle summary. Finally, we also sorted out and handled all the interview questions.

Handler is a long, step-by-step chapter that I’m sure won’t disappoint you if you stick with it.

Chapter 3: Dalvik VM process system

Andorid system startup, init process, Zygote, SystemServer startup process, application creation and use, Activity creation, destruction Handler and Looper.

Chapter 4 analyzes WMS in depth

Window management frame system animation frame View working principle.

The fifth block PackagerManagerService

Package management services. Resource management related classes


After the last small make up want to say: no matter choose what direction, now the important thing is to learn Android technology well, after all, in fact for programmers to learn the knowledge of content, technology there are too many, not eliminated by environment is constantly improve themselves, has always been our to adapt to the environment, rather than the environment to adapt to us!

Attached here are dozens of Android interview questions compiled by Tencent, Bytedance, JINGdong, Xiaomi, Toutiao, Ali, Meituan and other companies in the past 19 years. Organize the technical points into videos and PDFS (which actually took a lot more effort than expected), complete with context of knowledge + lots of detail.

Due to the limited space, here in the form of pictures to show you a small part.

Details can be found on GitHub.

Android Architecture video +BAT Interview topics PDF+ Study notes

There is a lot of information about Learning Android online, but if the knowledge learned is not systematic, and problems are only tasted, no further research, then it is difficult to achieve real technology improvement. I hope this systematic technical system has a direction reference for everyone.

The road to technological advancement is long, let’s share it