
Before, many friends asked me to talk about how to learn Java, and I replied a mind map directly. Later, I felt that the answer was not very serious. My original intention was to ask my friends to take the principle of “divide and conquer” according to the knowledge points in the mind map, so that they could not check where they were. Later, I thought that this kind of answer is not directly accepted by many people. What people want more is something from me.

Indeed, let friends themselves to find some information online and blog, pros and cons of not to talk about, mainly a lot of not comprehensive and a waste of time to see, so think about it is really, so, I directly their own hard up for you to summarize the information.

Make a Java blueprint

So in view of above this kind of circumstance, I plan to draw a blueprint by myself, the likelihood somebody say I brag force again, really have a bit brag force to me now mean, but sometimes, brag force still want bit by bit to come true.

So, I started to build my own Github, before has been looking at other people’s Github all kinds of information is very complete, thinking when they also want to have one, so now, I do well. Here I want to say a word, I think it is good to learn computer, why? Because most of your naive ideas can be realized in the computer, and the threshold is not very high, there is no external influence, only you decide.

Let’s take a look at my submission record

A little bit of a circle? I don’t know what this is, and it is very messy to submit records, but it doesn’t matter, I will explain to you below

Github is a Github for becoming a better Java programmer, commonly known as bestJavaer, which contains the knowledge you need to learn to become a better programmer. This repository is carefully compiled and organized by the author and some friends, and the contents will be gradually expanded. The mind map is shown below

It is almost the Java technology stack that the Internet can cover. I have read some Github about learning materials before, but I feel that they are not very complete, especially in the operating system, I think no one has written better than me (pure boast). Let’s go on

The operating system

This is the operating system module recommended by the author, not only the aspects of the operating system, but also how to learn, errata found, recommended reading of the operating system books, operating system terminology summary, etc.

A recent answer from the operating system has also gone viral on Zhihu

Computer basic introduction series

Clone github is a clone github, which can be found below mypDF.

HTTP series

HTTP series is a series I spent a lot of time writing in the YQ phase at the beginning of this year, which can be said to summarize 90% of the core concepts of HTTP. I have also made this PDF, you can download the clone github, which can be found below mypDF.

Linux series

Linux series is still embryonic stage, I did not write Linux series, this part is written by Tencent big man (public number: back-end technology school), the article has been reprinted many times, you can read.

Computer network series

I have only written three articles in the computer network series. The following articles about computer networks are written by Kobayashi (public id: Kobayashi Coding). This part of the article is highly recommended for you to read.

Java Basics

Java Basic series is I spent a month to finish writing, can be said to be creative to build, you can download this Clone github, in the mypDF below can be found.

Java concurrency

There is a PDF in the Java concurrency section written by an Ali team. Some readers have read this PDF, and the feedback is very good. Some publishers have contacted about publishing a book.

What I list is from my writing and the public account: a flower is not romantic written.

Design patterns

There are also plans to rewrite the design pattern, which is an important part of improving code capability.


I don’t need to say more about the importance of THE JVM, big factories will ask, to be exact, companies will ask, SO far I haven’t written articles about the JVM, there are two articles about garbage collection from the public account: mihai


MyBatis is also what I came into contact with when I started writing articles. At that time, I wrote several articles, but later, I just wrote about the execution process of SQL, and there are many places left unwritten


MySQL is also today’s Internet almost must ask the topic, from the data structure to the principle of MySQL to MySQL tuning, almost all are the most important, behind will also hard liver MySQL


Spring usage was written when I first started writing, and I was exhausted by the sheer volume of Spring content, so I only wrote a few bits and pieces

Each article in the brain map is more than tens of thousands of words, you can imagine how much work it is, instantly feel cold.

But slowly write, the back will be able to write, Java may not be popular at that time.

The Spring source

Spring series source code reading is very full, from the public account: programmer DMZ, a recent article anger liver 8 months of source code, I became a Spring open source contributor

This is the author’s contribution, the following is the source code part of his output

Kafka series

The Kafka series has two articles by me that will take you quickly into the world of Kafka

Redis series

I haven’t updated the Redis series yet, but I’ve sketched out a mind guide

Nginx series

I don’t have a tutorial for the Nginx series, just a brain map

ZooKeeper series

ZooKeeper can be said to be a distributed must learn, this is also good to learn.


Now more and more like to ask the algorithm, almost big factory will ask the algorithm, the importance of self-evident, this content from the public number: code sea

Mind mapping

Now I really like to draw mind maps, so I can have an overall cognition of a knowledge and framework. The following is a sorted mind map.

Programming the story

If you’re not a professional or if you’re tired of studying, check out these funny and easy to understand programming stories from the wechat account Universe of Programming Technology, whose articles are so popular right now

I haven’t written a lot of articles since I am a little uneducated and have been working for a short time. However, I can guarantee that I will keep maintaining this Github and form my own technology stack and system. I hope I can also help more friends and partners.


The following is my PDF, I read three copies of THE PDF

The interview questions

I also have an idea, is to re-create a below test

One question per day plan

I have several groups, and I will initiate a question of the day plan in each group. Now I have persisted for several days. If you are interested, you can add my wechat account to the group exchange and note the question of the day.

By the way, I also have a lot of e-books here, interested partners can reply 002 to get these materials

The last

I know there are a lot of technologies and frameworks that I haven’t listed yet and will continue to refine in the future.

My Github project is very large and will expand many things in the future, so I need some friends to work on it with me now. It’s like writing to me, but we study together. If your article I adopted, I will pay you 100-300 yuan as a reward, if you have their own public account, I will also help you to promote their own public account, in my contribution here is good, contributed to my small partners know.

Look forward to working with me on this project. If you have any new ideas, please feel free to communicate with me.

Project address: github.com/crisxuan/be…