1 Several apis related to image lazy loading

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Explanation on MDN

ClientHeight 'can be calculated as: CSS' height '+ CSS' padding '- horizontal scroll bar height (if present) clientWidth' can be calculated as: CSS 'width' + CSS 'padding' - Vertical scroll bar height (if present)Copy the code

Visual diagram

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Explanation on MDN

It returns the distance of the current element relative to the top inner margin of its offsetParent elementCopy the code
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Explanation on MDN

Element. GetBoundingClientRect () method returns the Element size and location relative to the viewport. For a standard box model, the size of the element is equal to the sum of 'width/height' + 'padding' + 'border-width'. If ` box - sizing: Border-box ', the size of the element is equal to 'width/height' if: 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'x', 'y', 'width', 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'y', 'width', The read-only attributes, in pixels, and 'height' describe the entire left edgeCopy the code

Visual diagram

The IntersectionObserver interface (which is part of the IntersectionObserver API) provides developers with a way to asynchronously monitor the intersectionstate of a target element with its ancestors or viewports. Ancestor elements and viewports are called rootsCopy the code

For details on how to use IntersectionObserver interfaces, please refer to my article

2 pictures lazy loading ideas

For one thing, images are requested only if they are in the viewable areaCopy the code
Methods a

If: offsetTop -scrooltop <clientHeight, the image is in the viewable area and is requestedCopy the code
<! < span style> < span style> img {width: 100%; height: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; } </style> </head> <body> <div> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/a/3f/3302e58f9a181d2509f3dc0fa68b0jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/1/34/19aa98b1fcb2781c4fba33d850549jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/0/6f/e35ff375812e6b0020b6b4e8f9583jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/9/bb/e27858e973f5d7d3904835f46abbdjpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/d/e6/c4d93a3805b3ce3f323f7974e6f78jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/3/28/bbf893f792f03a54408b3b7a7ebf0jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/2/11/6535bcfb26e4c79b48ddde44f4b6fjpeg.jpeg" alt=""> </div> </body> <script> const Imgs = document. QuerySelectorAll (' img ') / / if the current element offsetParent there are upward cycle until the offsetParent does not exist the function getTop (e) {let T = e.offsetTop while (e = e.offsetParent) { T += e.offsetTop } return T } function lazyLoad(imgs) { const H = Document. The documentElement. ClientHeight / / for viewing area highly const S = document. DocumentElement. The scrollTop | | document. The body. The scrollTop for (let i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++) { if (H + S > getTop(imgs[i])) { imgs[i].src = imgs[i].getAttribute('data-src') } } } window.onload = Onscroll = function () {//onscroll()} </script> </ HTML >Copy the code
Method 2
Element. GetBoundingClientRect (). The top < = clientHeight `, the picture is in the viewing areaCopy the code

The js code is as follows

const imgs = document.querySelectorAll('img'); function isIn(el) { const top = el.getBoundingClientRect().top; const clientHeight = window.innerHeight; return top <= clientHeight; Function check() {array.from (imgs).foreach (function(el){if(isIn(el)){loadImg(el); } }) } function loadImg(el) { if(! el.src){ cosnt source = el.dataset.src; el.src = source; }} window.onload = window.onscroll = function () {//onscroll() trigger check(); }Copy the code
Methods three

IntersectionObserver interface is used

<! < span style> < span style> img {width: 100%; height: 250px; } </style> </head> <body> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/a/3f/3302e58f9a181d2509f3dc0fa68b0jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/1/34/19aa98b1fcb2781c4fba33d850549jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/0/6f/e35ff375812e6b0020b6b4e8f9583jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/9/bb/e27858e973f5d7d3904835f46abbdjpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/d/e6/c4d93a3805b3ce3f323f7974e6f78jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/3/28/bbf893f792f03a54408b3b7a7ebf0jpeg.jpeg" alt=""> <img data-src="https://fuss10.elemecdn.com/2/11/6535bcfb26e4c79b48ddde44f4b6fjpeg.jpeg" alt=""> </body> <script> let imgList = document.querySelectorAll('img') let observer = new IntersectionObserver(entries => { entries.forEach(entry => { if (entry.isIntersecting) { entry.target.src = entry.target.dataset.src observer.unobserve(entry.target) } }) }) imgList.forEach(img => { observer.observe(img) }) </script> </html>Copy the code