
Recently, I also read the mid-year summary written by some gold nuggets. There are those who learn and grow up, those who have successful career, those who are happy in love, and those who are warm in family, especially those who are happy in love. To be honest, I was also sour to… Really envy, but also with a little jealousy, why? I will talk about it slowly

Seriously, each article is write very, very great, gift is also very good, was not especially want to write years summary, his literary skill levels are, after all, the limit, how not bashful to front the excellent article, but, after all, his life is through a third, always from time to time there will be some impulse, want to share some what, for me, Maybe the following summary is not so much half a year summary, more should be like my entire personal growth process and summary party, dare not say how good these things, but still hope to explore with more partners, grow together, harvest together ~


When it comes to my career, I may not be the same as many of my friends. Every important stage of my career makes me vividly remember.

State-owned enterprises

Because of family education, parents are very traditional, they always give I infusion of thought is to find a stable job, then, in college, has been obsessed with reading, didn’t think too much, plus the university into the party, and then, his family all say you are a party member, to state-owned enterprises will not be hurt, so, also went on a state-owned enterprises, Due to do the work of similar network management, equipment repair equipment broke, do data backup in the evening, just start to feel still learn something, but, before long I was tired of this boring work every day, but I didn’t think this I really fastest growing period of experience, because I wasn’t content to the status quo opens the Einstein was in the state of the small post office: work in the day, night thinking.

Often listen to elders say: even if it is sweeping the floor, can learn a lot of things!

I think since they have been saying, it must have its reason, so, I began to think: sweeping the floor such a simple thing, what is worth learning? At that time, I think it may be their own thinking height is not enough, so, can not see the value, so, thinking of using philosophy and psychology to understand sweeping the floor this matter, is indeed a little harvest!

  • From the person’s own thinking why to do sweeping this matter?

    Why do we have to sweep the floor? For their own health, this fits maslow’s level of safety needs. Is Maslow’s 7 times demand model universal? That’s what I’m going to say!

  • How do you verify the universality of an experience?

    Think back to the stages we all go through from birth to adulthood:

    • Full of food and sleep: just born, will cry, because hungry, naughty tired, naturally want to sleep, this is our normal physiological needs.
    • Ignorance affects health: when I was a child, I do not know anything, curious about a lot of things, for example, with the mouth chewing looks delicious toys, found that toys can not eat, eat diarrhea, after a long memory, this kind of sub sub things can not eat, this is the safety needs.
    • Make friends: grow up in kindergarten, there are a lot of children around, some children play with other children, some alone, maybe I am the latter, do not like to communicate with others, : (. So the need to belong and love is not so strong for everyone.
    • Learning: the true phase of reading and learning to become the main measure of a person is good or bad, everyone came up with a lot of ways to improve academic performance, in order to get the teacher’s praise, after long time hard work, still can not improve grades, start from other sources, such as, games, so everyone has self-esteem need at this moment.
    • Consolidate cognition: When we are recognized by others in a certain aspect, we will unconsciously strengthen it and try to use these recognized experiences to solve more problems. For example, we learn mathematics in the same way as we learn English. If we cannot solve the problems, we will find the reasons, summarize and summarize, and gradually build our own knowledge system. This is the need for cognition.
    • The more you know, the more you don’t understand is: when we discovered what understand more and more, don’t understand more and more, found himself the original knowledge system is only applicable to certain areas, such as the computer knowledge and the solution to the problem, may only be applicable to the field of computer, cannot be used to solve the problem of feeling, can’t solve the problem of communication. So, we started to think about what kind of thinking patterns can we form to solve more fields of problems? Began to have knowledge/thinking aesthetic needs.
    • Perfect personality: when you truly understand a general thinking, can solve a variety of fields of problems, then, not far from self-realization and beyond, can truly achieve more self-worth.

    Physiological needs – > security – > needs of belonging and love – > self-esteem needs – > cognitive demand – > aesthetic demand – > self-fulfillment and beyond, this is what maslow’s demand level, which depends on the former, however, you will find on belonging and love, not everyone goes through, otherwise also won’t have children with autism. It shows that Maslow’s theory has some limitations.

    Through the explanation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, we find that to verify the correctness of a theory or knowledge, we must use more factual cases to verify the theory after we get it, so as to make it universal and credible! This is also the logic of my article, to ensure the rigor and correctness of theoretical knowledge!

  • So how does self-actualization work?

    When I talk about self-actualization in Maslow’s theory, I naturally ask myself the question above, how do I realize myself? Naturally I thought Steve Jobs, why was the iPhone made in the era of Nokia? We naturally feel the need before self-actualization, but what about the need after?

    So, in the case of the iPhone, we can see that demand can be stimulated. Joe made a comparison between the iPhone and Nokia phones at the press conference, making people deeply feel the difference between the two: the iPhone operation is simpler, silky, smooth, bigger screen! Since then, it has been out of control, and opened the era of touch screen.

    Look at the contrast between Alipay and bank transfer, cloud computing and stand-alone era, all reflect the contrast of people’s needs. So, in the process of self-actualization, comparison can make us want more!

Having said that, our purpose is to solve the requirements, so I quickly sorted out the way we usually think about solving the requirements:

  • Change: that is, we can have a look at similar products or solutions, if there is, can learn from the train of thought. For example, when thinking about mysql synchronization ES solution, can we learn from mysql’s own master-slave synchronization idea?

  • Turnaround: Can you see that you already have a solution for a particular part of your requirement, and can you turn the problem into a requirement that targets that solution? For example, I want to implement distributed data synchronization function, in the load balancing aspect has a lot of LB algorithms: roundrobin, parameter modulus, etc., so, we design concurrent synchronization this link, can borrow these algorithms will be synchronized data scattered.

  • Logical derivation: I won’t go into this one, but using syllogisms to derive solutions is also the most time-consuming.

In the above three ways of thinking, the efficiency decreases from top to bottom, so you can try one by one from top to bottom.

Therefore, my experience in this state-owned enterprise has led me to summarize four points:

  1. A large part of our needs can be derived from Masroad’s hierarchy of needs.
  2. To verify whether a theory or knowledge is correct, we must use more factual cases to verify the theory, so that it becomes general and credible.
  3. Contrast allows us to produce more needs, which is the source of self-drive, generating needs -> solving needs -> generating needs -> solving needs.
  4. To solve the needs of the three ideas: change, turn the tide, logical derivation.


I met

When I was working in a state-owned enterprise, I met Yahoo by chance when I was discussing technical issues on Digg abroad. Then I went to work as the R&D Leader of Google (now he is working in AirBnb). He has many ideas and a team, so I had the following conversation on Skype:

Hi, I feel u understand more technologies! But so many questions u said too simple!

K (OK), please say your question

Why zookeeper use so many queues?

U know Zk’s Senario? we use zk to coordinate more res(resource) in yahoo. we have 1 million reqeust to process in our nodes. so throughput must.

Small white me: deep in thought…

Did you notice that he used some words that were not abbreviated in the conversation? This is still a small number. After we worked together, there were more words THAT I could not understand: K (OK /know), g(good), h(hi)… !!!! I am falling apart!!

For a long time afterwards, we exchanged ideas with each other through Skype. At that time, he started his own part-time business in Yahoo. He just saw that Facebook in the United States was slowly starting to build, and he also wanted to do social networking in China. how do u think about social network p(platform)? Together? So I joined a team of 10 people at the time, including finance, technology, product (technical part-time), operations (technical part-time).


Do social

Soon we used the popular Discuz at that time and adapted a social networking website Hoogr based on it. I was responsible for the news module of the website, so I made a crawler to crawl the news of Sina and Sohu. After the launch of the website, Yahoo brother pulled everyone in a variety of BBS forum Posting promotion, what 55BBS and similar forums, 2 months time, suddenly registered users reached 50W, at that time, every day to observe Alexa ranking, access curve is like this:

The team was very excited and we were adding more features. The idea at Yahoo was to build a single platform that included search, social, news, and forums. Yes, users grew fast in the short term, but social networks burn money, and soon we ran out of money.

Do act as purchasing agency

So, I started to think about self-sufficiency, do e-commerce, at that time, copy Groupon, selling luxury goods, say copy, is actually used as their own e-commerce platform, page style copy Groupon. Results with confidence, and to all kinds of BBS promotion, the result is not ideal, our platform for Chinese, so, want to pass the Chinese in America act as purchasing agency model, will bring luxury back home, however, seems to be the wrong time in domestic theory promotion, like everyone’s interest is not high, in the end, didn’t do it, team members started to leave, but, At that time, I was still a little white, to be honest, did not have much capital, so I did not leave, finally, only me and another developer, but the technology has a lot of growth, so Yahoo brother and I discuss to join the partnership, work together, I foolishly agreed. Start hiring. Rebuild the tech team. Then I recruited 2 fresh graduates to maintain the website.

Do weibo

While maintaining the daigou platform, I also participated in the development of a microblogging product similar to Twitter, but Yahoo brothers said it was for Yahoo. I guess At that time, Twitter didn’t have 🔥, so Yahoo was afraid that they wouldn’t be able to do it, so they figured out a way to let us do it for them, and when the product was launched, it worked pretty well, and Yahoo integrated our product into their platform as a Feed on their home page. I wonder if this is a success for me? !

But in the end, TO make a living, I didn’t stick with it and left the team after 2 years. PS: Because after partnership, I don’t take salary…

Zookeeper was taken over by Yahoo and he was in charge of zK’s technical team. But it was very interesting, he left Yahoo and went to Google, but he returned to Yahoo not long after, he told me that Google was too tired, it is not 20% free time as the online legend, ha ha ha, he returned to Yahoo as a Leader, he can make himself do more side business, he is also a person who likes to do things, ha ha ha! PS: They are recommended to tsinghua university, after studying in MIT, become MIT master! He introduced his wife to Yahoo, but now, when we talk, he says he went to AirBnb


After the failure of entrepreneurship, I went to two second-tier Internet companies and one first-tier Internet company. Until now, I feel that I may have become a poor expert due to my personality. Ha ha ha.

However, I think you may be interested in the level standards of a large factory like Ali and how to achieve them. I will share my understanding briefly. If not, please feel free to correct:

rank model How to do
P6 Ability to work independently on one or two complete projects. Ability to identify and solve complex problems In my work, I use the way of thinking to solve the needs summarized above to cultivate the ability of independent thinking and problem solving
P7 Can be responsible for all systems of a complete business domain independently, make the overall technology planning of the responsible domain, lead a small team to complete the technology evolution, and can lead the technology to overcome difficulties, stand up at the critical moment, solve problems, and have an impact on the business domain The above thinking mode of generating requirements -> solving requirements -> generating requirements -> solving requirements is used in an abstract business domain, and the differences between related business domain models are compared to drive requirements and achieve goals
P8 Be able to independently take charge of multiple cross-domain systems, make the overall technical planning of the responsible system, lead the team to complete the technical evolution, train excellent talents, and influence the decision-making of the department I want to go up a dimension. The thinking mode I summarized above should be applied to the project. At this time, the above thinking mode of generating requirements -> solving requirements -> generating requirements -> solving requirements should be applied to the abstract cross-domain experience to compare the differences of relevant cross-domain models, drive the requirements and achieve the goals
P9 Be responsible for the overall project planning of cross-team and cross-department independently, and have great technical and business impact on the company In another dimension, the above thinking mode of generating demand -> solving demand -> generating demand -> solving demand is used in the abstract overall business model (full link), and the difference of the relevant overall business model is compared to drive the demand and achieve the goal
P10 This comes to the industry level requirements, you can look at some of the major open source product leaders In another dimension, the above thinking mode of generating demand -> solving demand -> generating demand -> solving demand is applied to the abstract industry experience, and the differences between different industries are compared to drive the demand and achieve the goal
The interview

As a technical interviewer, I have met more than 100 students, many of whom are really excellent. Here, I would like to give you three suggestions:

  1. It is not recommended to use the eight-part essay or mind mapping method to learn knowledge and skills, because it emphasizes the result rather than the process and the reason, just ask the interviewer can back you into a corner, because the interview is about the process

  2. Practice more. Even if there is no practical opportunity for large projects, you can also create opportunities with existing project simulation to let yourself experience the role and value of technology

  3. Interviewers will often ask you a vague or general question. In fact, it is not that they are stupid, but that they want to test your ability to make vague questions clear. It can be trained and cultivated by referring to the thinking pattern I summarized above

Try starting a business again

When I was working for a second-tier Internet company after failing to start my own business, I wrote a BP(business plan) and got a financing interview from Innovation Works. I was very happy at that time.

However, in the end, because they wanted me to go to Beijing, my team was in Shanghai, so I gave up, very pity!

Last year, I tried to start my own business again, and got another chance to raise money:

This is not a common pet project, but I don’t know whether I am too old to take risks. On the premise that the other side is willing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, I am confused again, because the investor said that he must invest full time, and I don’t have the courage to quit to start a business. , very regretful!

Be thankful and reap

However, in May this year, I was listed as the columnist of the Nuggets. I really appreciate the recognition of the Nuggets, which is why I believe the Nuggets will do better. Let’s work together, let ourselves grow, let our friends grow!


Feelings of things, because there are a lot of unbearable experience, but also once the prodigal son, so, I do not want to detail, I will simply list it.

  • Goddess of high school: the school flower of high school, may be the first love, what also do not understand, talk about the back, everyone feels not strong, natural break up

  • Small round: the girl is reading a book in the library, I also am shy people, therefore, is seen after 3 times in a library laid hands on him, but she’s really nice, always think about help 💰 in our province, it’s really good, so talk for three years, is the longest relationship, I just finally because of objective reasons, separated, PS: She was hit by a bike once. When I went to the hospital to see her, I met her parents. As you may guess, the parents strongly opposed it

  • Rich second generation girls: Family condition is good, so, with her together of the time, basic it is she spend more, traveling is a five-star hotel, also bought me a lot of things, however, may be spoiled, and more fun, once I was sick at home for illness, she came to see me, I am a little better, took me out to play, result I angry said she, then, it will be split, Harm…

  • Behind a few don’t say to lie, more uncomfortable…

So, really good envy some happy love XDM! 😍 😍 😍


Finally, I would like to give you two suggestions:

  • Career: can put the article focus on the state-owned enterprise that, really is very important harvest, but, my harvest is not only these, if there is a year-end summary, I share with you!

  • On feeling: pull up younger sister to need to begin of take by surprise, let her produce to your curiosity, then give each other to think of space, slowly each other will accept you of!

If you have any questions, you can leave a message in the comment area, and I will reply in detail ~

Also hope that my article is of great help to you, sink down, more practice internal work, let oneself grow fast ~~~

The nuggets years | 2021 theme activities I grow half of the campaign is under way on the road…