Taro template

Install dependencies

$ yarn
$ cnpm install
npm install
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The directory structure

│ ├─ Config # ├─ SRC │ ├─ API # ├─ Assets # Local │ ├─ Temporary │ ├─ Icon # Static Icon │ │ ├ ─ ─ tabBar # tabBarIcon │ │ └ ─ ─ parser # applet rich text resolution plug-in │ ├ ─ ─ components # business common component │ ├ ─ ─ pages page # business entrance │ ├ ─ ─ PagesA # A │ ├─ pagesB # B │ ├─ pagesC # C │ ├─ pagesD # D │ ├─ Service # ├─ base │ ├─ ├─ ├─ ├─ class # ├─ ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # ├─ class # │ │ ├ ─ ─ common. # SCSS global general style │ │ └ ─ ─ the variables. The SCSS # custom theme │ ├ ─ ─ utils # tool library │ │ ├ ─ ─ index. The ts # tool methods │ │ └ ─ ─ pay. Ts # │ ├─ ├─ app.config.ts # ├─ app.tsx # App ├─ app.scSS # ├─ download.jsonCopy the code


Taro document Taro Ui materials market https://taro-ext.jd.com https://taro-ui.jd.com https://taro-docs.jd.com/taro/docs/README applet rich text parser https://jin-yufeng.gitee.io/mp-html/#/overview/quickstartCopy the code


  • Original intention of creation – for more convenient and fast development

  • Development template based on Taro applets

  • Currently compatible with wechat, other small programs can also, but need to modify the use

  • Technology stack: Taro(version 3.0 + (author Taro version 3.2.13)) + hooks + MOBx

  • Built-in Mobx, TaroUI, powerful small program rich text parser author make version slightly older a little bit no special features recommended use of the latest

  • Using mobx

    1. Create an example test.ts file under/SRC /store
    import { observable } from 'mobx'
        const testStore = observable({
            counter: 0.counterStore() {
            increment() {
            decrement() {
            incrementAsync() {
                setTimeout(() = > {
                }, 1000)}})export default testStore
    Copy the code
    1. Import files in app.tsx
        import testStore from './store/test'
        const store = {
    Copy the code
    1. Use in pages
        import { observer, inject } from 'mobx-react'
        const Index: React.FC = (props:any) = > {
            // mobx
            const { testStore } = props.store
            return (
                    <Button onClick={() = > testStore.increment() }>+</Button>
                    <Button onClick={() = > testStore.decrement() }>-</Button>
                    <Button onClick={() = > testStore.incrementAsync() }>Add Async</Button>
                    <Text>{ testStore.counter }</Text>
                </>)}export default inject('store')(observer(Index))
    Copy the code
  • For an example of parsing rich text content, see index.tsx.

    1. Copy the code package (dist/ Platform) of the corresponding platform in the source code to assets directory, and customize the name of the parser used here

    2. Add to the JSON file where you want to use the page

            "usingComponents": {
                "parser": ".. /.. /assets/parser/parser"}}Copy the code
    1. In the need to use the pagetsxAdd to file
        // Define tags to block syntax errors
        declare global {
            namespace JSX {
                interface IntrinsicElements {
                    parser: any
        // Set the tag style in the rich text plug-in
        const tagStyle = {
            p: 'font-size:20px; color: red; '
        const Index: React.FC = (props:any) = > {
            // mobx
            const { testStore } = props.store
            // Rich text content
            const [isHtml,setIsHtml] = useState<any>('

    tag p tag p tag p tag p tag

    < SPAN > SPAN tag
    div tag
    ) return ( <> <parser html={ isHtml } tagStyle={ tagStyle} / > </>)}export default Index Copy the code
  • Growth is the power of life, come on new generation of migrant workers!

  • Template source code address