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SQL column

Summary of SQL basic knowledge

SQL advanced knowledge summary

IN the role of

IN can specify multiple values IN WHERE itself, and is a shorthand for multiple OR conditions.

IN grammar

SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name 

WHERE column_name [NOT] IN (value1, value2, …) ;


SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name 


The first syntax is to manually enter multiple values that you need to filter directly IN parentheses.

The second syntax takes the result of the subquery in parentheses as the value to which you filter the data.

The sample data

We take customers as the demonstration data, which is as follows:

Customers table

IN the instance of the

We want to query “Beijing”, “Shanghai”, “Guangzhou” from customers:

SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE ` city ` IN ('Beijing'.'Shanghai'.'guangzhou')
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The result is: \

We can also use OR to do this. The following statement does the same thing:

SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE ` city ` ='Beijing'
OR ` city `='Shanghai'
OR ` city `='guangzhou'
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However, using the OR code can seem tedious, so if you encounter multiple values for the same field, it is recommended to use IN to write. \

Instance of NOT IN

If there is equality, there will be inequality, and so will IN, which can be combined with NOT to indicate functions that do NOT exist.

We want to query customers’ city not “Beijing”, “Shanghai” or “Guangzhou” from the table customers:

SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE ` city ` NOT IN ('Beijing'.'Shanghai'.'guangzhou')
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The result is: \

Notice that the city column does NOT contain “Beijing”, “Shanghai” or “Guangzhou” IN our query results, which is exactly the data we need to find, and this is the function of NOT IN.

IN sub-query instance

As in the next supplier Table, an example is as follows:

To find customers in the same city as the supplier, we could write:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE city IN (SELECT city FROM Suppliers);Copy the code

The result is: \

The IN is followed by a subquery, which we’ll talk about later. The function of the sub-query here is to query the city information in the list of suppliers. We can see the information of “Shanghai”, “Nanjing” and “Xi ‘an”.

At this time, IN filters the customer information IN the customers table through the information of the three cities. As long as the cities in the Customers table are among the three cities, this is the data we need.

Here you can think of IN as taking the data IN both tables and getting it out.

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