Recently I have been doing the practice of Socket interface testing, and I have been using Java or Groovy language to write functions and scripts. Since my colleague is learning Python, I helped organize a Python version of socket. IO interface test script.

The Java version reads as follows:

  • Socket interface development and testing
  • Text-based HTTP client in IntelliJ
  • Client encapsulation based on WebSocket
  • Client encapsulation based on socket. IO
  • Socket.IO interface multi-user testing practice

Python version does not provide the login function, because what is more, so let the students use a postman or Charles on | Fiddler tool such as after completion of the user login token.

To install the socket. IO package, run the following command: pip3 install python-socketio There are many online tutorials here.

The script content is as follows:

import socketio
import time

# wiki address:
def func(token="", uid=0, room=0) :
    sio = socketio.Client()
    event = 'my_event'

    def my_response(data) :
        # handle the message
        # sio.emit('my_event', {"cmd": "joinRoom", "roomId": 8888})

    def connect() :
        print("I'm connected!")

    def connect_error() :
        print("The connection failed!")

    def disconnect() :
        print("I'm disconnected!")

    url = '{uid}&loginType=3&token={token}&userType=1'
    # dev environment URL, port 38899
    # url = '{uid}&loginType=3&token={token}&userType=1'
    url = url.format(uid=uid, token=token)

    print('my sid is', sio.sid)
    You must register and join the room operation. Room is the activityID for publishing teaching activities
    sio.emit(event, {"cmd": "register"."userId": uid, "role": "T"."deviceVersion": "1.0"."s_sid": sio.sid, "token": token})
    sio.emit(event, {"cmd": "joinRoom"."roomId": room})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    func(token="519594cc8e3a4bd68679b2b613c20536", uid=61951375269, room=43548)

Copy the code

Level is limited, can only write a rough script, barely run, for reference only.

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