Vue3 source code structure, v3.1.1 as an example, directory structure is as follows:
├─ Packages ├─ Scripts ├─ test- DTS // TypeScript Declaration file ├─.eslintrc.js // EsLint Configuration file ├─.gitignore // Git File ├─.prettierrc // Formatting configuration file ├─ api-Extractor. json // TypeScript API Extraction and analysis tool ├─ // ├── LICENSE ├── package.json ├─ ├─ rollup.config.js // Rollup ├─ tsconfig.json // TypeScript ├─ yarn.lockCopy the code
The packages folder is Vue3’s source directory. The detailed directory structure is as follows:
├─ compiler-core // ├─ Compiler-SFC // Vue Single file component (.vue) Implementation ├─ Compiler-SSR // Compiler Server Rendering ├── Compiler-SFC // Vue single file component (.vue) Implementation ├─ compiler-SSR // Compiler Server Rendering ├── ├─ Run-time Core ├─ Run-time Dom ├─ Run-time Test ├─ Server-renderer ├─ Size - Check ├─ Template-Explorer ├─ Vue - Compat ├─ Global.d.ts // Global TS declarationCopy the code
There are five core modules in Packages:
- compiler-core
- compiler-dom
- runtime-core
- runtime-dom
- reactivity
Compiler: The time when written source code is compiled into an executable file runtime: the process of opening and running a program until it is closed after being compiled
Vue3 source code architecture