Use element to Upload component Upload

1. HTML section

<el-form ref="ruleForm_1" :model="ruleForm_1" :rules="rules" label-width="120px" class="ruleForm_1">
    <el-form-item label="Image" prop="attachments">
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1.1. Attribute analysis

This parameter is mandatory. Action: Upload address Data: On-success: an on-success event, which can be placed here to handle interface parameters before-upload: an on-remove event, which can be corrected here on-remove: an on-remove event limit, which can be uploaded on-exceed: Accept: Filters files in the corresponding format. For example, if you upload pictures, only folders and image files will be displayed in the window

  • Of course, there are other commonly used attributes that are not used (more on the EL website). Such as:

Show-file-list: specifies whether to display a list of uploaded files. Boolean headers: Specifies the headers of the upload request. If a token is required, list-type is used. The type of the file list. The default value is text, and the optional values are text/picture/picture-card. The following figure

  • Default value: text

  • picture

  • picture-card

2. Js part

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            actionUrl: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API + '/file/upload'.// Upload the component action address
            fileList: [].// For data binding
            ruleForm_1: { // For data requests
                attachments: []}}},methods: {
      // Delete the uploaded image
      handleRemove(file, fileList) {
          const index = this.fileList.findIndex(item= > item.uid === file.uid)
          this.fileList = fileList
          this.ruleForm_1.attachments.splice(index, 1)},// Upload success event (for data request)
      handleSuccess(res, file, fileList) { // Upload succeeded
     // A hook for images that exceed the limit
     handleExceed(files, fileList) {
         this.$message.warning('Upload a maximum of 1 picture')},// Upload the image before the event, verification
     handleBeforeUpload(file) {
         const imgReg = /\.(jpg|png|jpeg)$/
         const isLt1M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2
         if(! imgReg.test( {this.$message.error('Upload images in JPG/PNG/JPEG format only! ')}if(! isLt1M) {this.$message.error('Upload image file size cannot exceed 2MB! ')}return imgReg.test( && isLt1M
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