Notepad++ select line operation shortcut keys using skills

Use Notepad++ to write code, if there are some duplicate code to copy, also really not easy, and have to use the mouse, huge annoying… Is there an easy way to do it? Well, there is but it’s not very easy. The Home and End keys on the keyboard are used. Press the Home key to move the cursor to the beginning of a line, and press the End key to move the cursor to the End of a line. Hover your mouse cursor at the end of the line and press Shift + Home to select a line. Hover the mouse cursor at the beginning of the line and press Shift + End to select the line. Press Shift + PageUp to select everything in front of the cursor. Press Shift + PageDown to select everything behind the cursor in the class. Select everything, Ctrl + A.

To select a row, press the Home key, then Shift + End to select the row.

Notepad++ shortcut keys daqo Ctrl+C copy Ctrl+X cut Ctrl+V paste Ctrl+Z undo Ctrl+Y restore Ctrl+A select Ctrl+F find dialog start Ctrl+H find/replace dialog Ctrl+D Copy and paste as row

Ctrl+L Delete the current row Ctrl+T When the row is moved up row F3 Search for the next Shift+F3 Search for the previous Ctrl+Shift+F combination Search for Ctrl+F3 in the file Search (VOLATIl) Ctrl+Shift+F3 Next page Search Last page Ctrl+Shift+I Incremental Search Ctrl+S Save files Ctrl+Alt+S Save all files Ctrl+Shift+S Open files Ctrl+N Create new files Ctrl+F2 Switch bookmarks F2 Go to next bookmark Shift+F2 Go to previous bookmark CTRL+G Locate newline, Offset CTRL+ W Close current document Alt+Shift+Arrow move Arrow key or Alt+ left mouse click column select F5 Start run dialog CTRL+ Space input method toggle Alt+ Space program Click right Tab insert Indent Shift+Tab Remove indent Alt-Shift-arrow or Ctrl+ Mouse wheel button Zoom out Ctrl+ Keypad/ restore original size F11 Full screen mode Ctrl+Tab Next document Ctrl+Shift+Tab Ctrl+Shift+Up Current Line Up Ctrl-Shift-Down Current line Down Ctrl+Alt+F Collapse current layer Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F Expand current layer Alt+0 Collapse all Alt+Shift+0 Expand all Alt+(1 to 8) Fold levels (1 to 8) Alt+Shift+(1 to 8) Expand levels (1 to 8) Ctrl+BackSpace Delete the start word Ctrl+Delete Delete the end word Ctrl+Shift+BackSpace Delete to the line Ctrl+Shift+Delete Delete to the end of the line Ctrl+ U turn to lowercase Ctrl+Shift+U turn to uppercase Ctrl+B go to the matching bracket Ctrl+Shift+R Start Recording/Stop Recording macro Ctrl+Shift+P Play recorded macro Ctrl+ Q Comment/Uncomment Ctrl+Shift+Q Value stream Comment Ctrl+Shift+T Copy current line to clipboard Ctrl+P Print Alt+F4 Exit Ctrl+I split line Ctrl+J connect the lines Ctrl+Alt+R Read from the right Ctrl+Alt+L Read from the left Ctrl+H Open the Find/Replace dialog Ctrl+D copy the current line Ctrl+L delete the current line Ctrl+T switch F3 Find the next line Shift+F3 Find one Ctrl+Shift-F find one Ctrl+F2 in the file trigger bookmark F2 to the previous bookmark Shift+F2 to the next bookmark F5 Open the Run dialog Ctrl+Space open the CallTip list box Tab (Selection of several lines) Add Space Shift+Tab (Selection of several Lines) remove Space F11 Full screen Alt+0 Fold all Alt+Shift+0 expand all Ctrl+U to Lowercase Ctrl+Shift+U to uppercase Ctrl+Q Block comment/Erase comment

F1 on Help

Key additions or adjustments to cursor control keys:

Forward (Ctrl+F), Backward (Ctrl+B), Up (Ctrl+P), Down (Ctrl+N)

First line (Ctrl+A), last line (Ctrl+E)


Menu < Settings >-< Management Shortcuts >

Modify it in “Main Menu” and “Scintilla Commands”.

Modify old shortcut keys to avoid conflicts:

New – > Ctrl + Alt + N

Position matching brackets ->Ctrl+Alt+B

Search – > Ctrl + Alt + F

Select All -> Ctrl+Alt+A

Alt + H to hide

Ctrl+Tab toggles between multiple open Windows

Ctrl+Shift+Q block comment

Ctrl+K line comment (cancel Ctrl+Shift+K)

File New file Ctrl+N Open file Ctrl+O Save file Ctrl+S Save as Ctrl+Alt+S Save all Ctrl+Shift+S Close the current file Ctrl+W Print the file Ctrl+P Exit Alt+F4

Edit Undo Ctrl+Z Restore Ctrl+Y Cut Ctrl+X Copy Ctrl+C Delete Del All Select Ctrl+A column edit Alt+C

Indent Tab Remove indent Shift+Tab to uppercase Ctrl+Shift+U to lowercase Ctrl+U

Copy current line Ctrl+D Delete current line Ctrl+L Split line Ctrl+I Merge line Ctrl+J Move current line Up Ctrl+Shift+Up Move current line Down Ctrl+Shift+Down

Add/Remove Single Line comment Ctrl+Q Set line comment Ctrl+K Cancel line comment Ctrl+Shift+K Block comment Ctrl+Shift+Q

The function completes Ctrl+Space automatically

Search find Ctrl+F Search the file Ctrl+Shift+F find the next F3 Find the previous Shift+F3 Select and find the next Ctrl+F3 line Position Ctrl+G Position match parenthesis Ctrl+B Set/Unbookmark Ctrl+F2 Next bookmark F2 on a bookmark Shift+F2

View Full screen F11 Note mode F12 Collapse all Layers Alt+0 Expand all layers Alt+Shift+0 Collapse current layer Ctrl+Alt+F Expand Current layer Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F Hide lines Alt+H Activate F8 from view

Compare the file opened by the text comparison tool with Alt+D. Compare the file closed with Ctrl+Alt+D. Compare the file saved last time with Alt+S. Compare the file saved on the SVN with Alt+B The first difference Ctrl+Shift+Page Up and the last difference Ctrl+Shift+Page Down

Function List is one of the many cool features of Notepad++. But the latest version requires additional steps to set up the Function List correctly. I’ll show you how to install Function List and how to set it up.

First, the Function List is not in the notepad + + own Plugin List, nor in the Plugin Manager Available in the List = = | | |. To install Function List, you also need to go to Plugin_Central, and the latest version I downloaded is

Copy functionlist. DLL to <notepad++ install dir>/plugins. Put FunctionListRules. XML, Gmod Lua. BMP and c + +. The FLB is copied to the < notepad + + install dir > / plugins/config, here the installation part is completed.

Now you need to open Notepad++ to set the Function List. Parsing ->Function List->Language Parsing Rules. Then, select C/C++ from the language List and check the “Bitmap List” checkbox. Navigate to the plugins/config directory and select C++. FLB, and you’re done.

Notepad++ mounts Python and GCC

Python: Run -> Run… Python26 pythonw.exe “$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)” and then suggest clicking on the save shortcut GCC to mount Run -> Run… Exe “$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)” -o “$(NAME_PART).exe” The plugins -> NppExec -> Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) can place the generated exe in the source directory.

Recently in the use of Notepad++, found is indeed a very good tool, specific features, see the following introduction to know.



Notepad++ is designed to replace the default Notepad on Windows and is much more powerful than notepad.

Notepad++ version: ANSI and Unicode

Notepad++ has two versions, one ANSI and one UNICODE.

For most people who use Notepad++ as an enhanced version of Notepad, there is no difference between the ANSI and UNICODE versions for general use.

(2) Notepad++ supports rich plug-ins

Notepad++ support plug-ins, add corresponding plug-ins to support different functions. In addition to the usual plugins, there are also some fun plugins, such as speech, which reads text.

(3) overview of Notepad++ features

Notepad++ belongs to lightweight text editing class software, than some other professional text editing tools, such as UltraEdit to start faster, occupy fewer resources, but from the use of functions and other aspects, no less than those professional tools, and Windows default Notepad although more “lightweight”, But there are too few features. Notepad++, or another tool notepad2, is used instead of notapad, as well as UltraEdit, which is too complex and bulky.


Notepad, Notepad 2, Notepad ++, ultraEdit

According to my personal experience with some text class editing tools, notepad2 is relatively faster than notepad++ to start, take up less resources, but relatively, the function is less, so, many commonly used convenient functions, or can not use. UltraEdit although the ultraEdit features, but too much resource consumption, too troublesome to use, the key or charge, and notepad++ is free. The general summary is as follows:

Notepad: It comes with Windows, takes up the least amount of resources, starts the fastest, but is too weak to be useful. It’s free.

Notepad2: take up a bit more resources, start up quickly, but the function, not notepad++ more, not ultraEdit more. It’s free.

Notepad++ : take up a bit more resources, start to pause, but the function is very powerful, especially support plug-in mode, making the expansion is very good, support a lot of other advanced functions, but also very convenient to use. It’s free.

UltraEdit: Powerful, but the installation file is large, takes up a lot of resources, starts slowly, and is charged.


For notePad, Notepad 2, Notepad ++, ultraEdit, no doubt Notepad ++ is the best choice.


[notepad++ plugin]

Method 1: you can manually download the notepad++ plugin from the official website:…

Method 2. Let the Notepad plugin manager download and install automatically

Click: Plugins -> Plugin Manager-> Show Plugin Manager-> Avaliable to display the list of Plugins currently available, select the plug-in you want, and then click Install below to automatically download and Install the corresponding plug-in, very convenient

Say personal use experience and use result below:

Notepad++ is the latest version of notepad.

To check your current version of Notepad++, click on the toolbar. -> About Notepad++. The dialog box displays Notepad++ v5.8.6 (ANSI), where (ANSI) indicates the current ANSI version.


Some of the features worth mentioning are:

1. Support syntax highlighting and color customization

The key is the plethora of languages supported, including python and XML, in addition to the usual C/C ++, Java, and PHP.

And for XML, you can easily expand or shrink by clicking on a keyword. This feature, it turns out, is called code folding.


Makefiles are also supported, which makes it easy to view makefiles.

Even Tex/LaTex syntax highlighting, which is not often used by the average person, is supported and powerful.


For the syntax highlighting color, you can also customize it by clicking:

Settings -> Style Configurator

You can configure different colors according to your needs.



[Customize files with suffixes other than the default suffix to a certain type of file to achieve syntax highlighting]

And for different types of file suffixes, in addition to the default file suffixes, set the custom file suffixes, such as the one I encountered, for ordinary makefiles, the default suffix is.mak, and here my is also a Makefile, so you can set it like this:

Settings -> Style Configurator -> Drop down in Language to find the Makefile, select Makefile, and the bottom left corner will appear:

Default ext. And user ext. The Default extension is a suffix. For.mak, in the box corresponding to user ext.,


The mk file is a makefile, and the syntax is highlighted.

Notepad++ does not automatically recognize mk files, and does not have syntax highlighting, but you can also manually select it:

Language -> M -> Makefile to do the same thing, just bother setting it up manually each time.


2. Add hex Editor plugin to support hexadecimal editing

Notepad++ supports the hex-editor plugin to support hexadecimal viewing and editing.

Hex Editor: Hex Editor

To find out if your own notepad++ method is ANSI or UNICODE, use the above method.

HexEditor: HexEditor: HexEditor: HexEditor: HexEditor: HexEditor: HexEditor: HexEditor Place it in the npp.5.8.6.bin\ ANSI \plugins folder of NotePad++.

Currently, you can also download and install the plugin directly through the software through the plug-in manager described above.

Then restart notepad++ to see the hex-editor plug-in in your Plugins.

It is worth mentioning that the latest version (5.8.7) also supports the addition of a shortcut icon to the toolbar. In the case of the HexEditor, this icon is a capital H, which can be clicked to enable hexadecimal viewing, and clicked again to restore normal mode.

3. Support column mode editing

So once YOU hold Alt, you’re in column mode, and then if you take a column, and you right click on it, and you say Delete, you can delete those columns, and then you drop Alt and you leave Alt and you go back to normal mode. Notepad++ is very useful, and more and more feel that the ox X, what features are supported…

In column operation mode, insert something into the entire column like this:

Edit -> Column Editor (Alt C)

Then write the contents of the Text to insert or Number to insert box, notepad++ will automatically insert the contents of the entire column for you

4. Select a word or keyword, notepad++ will automatically highlight the selected keyword, for file viewing, very convenient.

If you open multiple files, the corresponding Tab will be displayed. By default, you cannot close the file by double-clicking Tab, as some other tools do, but you can set it:

Settings-> Preference ->General -> Tab Bar

Double Click to close document, then double-click the corresponding file TAB to close the file.

Similarly, there is an option: Show close button on each TAB. When selected, a close button appears on each TAB, which is also easy to use.

6. Display Line Number: Settings-> Preference ->General -> Editing-> Select Display Line Number

7. Whether to print line number: Settings-> Preference ->General -> Printing-> whether to select the Printing Line Number. It is very convenient for users to set up according to their needs.

8. Backup files after editing: similar to Ultra Editor,.bak files are generated by default after editing a file. Notepad++ also supports this function, but is disabled by default. If you want, go to Settings-> Preference ->General -> Backup/ auto-completion -> Default is None, as well as Simple and verbose Backup, which can be set to your needs.

9. Automatic completion: Settings-> Preference ->General -> Backup/ auto-completion. Automatic completion: Auto-completion is disabled by default.

10. Select a text and call Google search:

run -> google search

In addition to Google search, similarly, after selecting a word, call another program or function, such as calling wiki directly to look up the word/word:

run -> wikipedia search

Or open the current folder directly from notepad++ :

run -> open containing folder

Open Windows CMD from notepad++ and already in the current folder:

run -> open current dir cmd

Attach the file directly, then open Outlook on Windows and send the email

run -> send via Outlook

And so on, are very useful functions.

11. Temporarily hide some rows

If you feel the need to hide some lines while viewing the file, you can select those lines and then display them normally.

View -> Hide Lines

Can. Then the left TAB column will display the corresponding logo, click to unhide.

12 support mouse wheel control zoom

Notepad++ not only supports the shortcut Ctrl+ Num+/Num- to control the zoom, but also supports Ctrl+ mouse wheel to control the current display of the zoom, very convenient.

13. Full screen display

View -> Toogle Full Screen Mode F11 or Post it F12, can achieve Full Screen display, is also very convenient.

14. Integrated lightweight resource manager

After installing the plugin (which seems to have been installed by default) LightExplorer:

Plugins – > Light Explorer – > Light Explorer, you can on the left side open a resource manager, lightweight method open to open the file, is very convenient.

15. Export to other types of files -> implement color code paste

After adding the corresponding NppExport plug-in, it can be exported to different formats, such as HTML and RTF:

Plugins -> NppExport -> Export to RTF or Export to HTML

HTML is plain HTML, RTF can be interpreted as a concise version of Word, so BOTH HTML and RTF support color code/characters, so this feature can do what we need to export highlighted, colored, colored code to Word or other documents. This function is very practical. At least I personally think it is very easy to use, such as open some C code, export into HTML, and then open HTML copy content pasted into Word, is the color of the code. Of course, you can also export to RTF, and it will be compatible with Word itself. On Windows, it will be opened in Word by default, eliminating the need to copy and paste from HTML.

Even more convenient features are provided by NppExport:

Plugins -> NppExport -> Copy HTML to clipboard or Copy RTF to clipboard

That is, you can simply select the content, copy it to the clipboard, and then paste it into other Word files. It’s so easy to support color code.

16. Code folding

This includes C/C++ code, which can be folded and expanded as a whole by a single function, and other types, such as XML, which can be folded and expanded as a whole by the content contained in the keyword, etc.

17. In explorer, right-click on the file to open it with notepad++

This function is similar to UltraEdit, add right click support in resource manager, right click on a file, will appear “Edit With Notepad++”, you can directly use Notepad++ to open the file, I think this function is very practical.

18.Ctrl+Tab toggles between multiple open Windows


19. Support setting whether to display column boundaries (right line)

Settings -> Preferences -> Edit -> Column boundaries, you can set whether or not column boundaries are displayed, and you can also customize the size of the “border width”, which defaults to 100.

(Note: 80 is commonly used in Linux.)

There are also two column boundary display modes supported:

One is a vertical line from top to bottom:


The other way is to add a certain background color to the content that exceeds the column boundary:


20. You can add or uncomment code in batches

Select a piece of code and go to Edit -> Comment/Uncomment -> Add/Remove single line comments to batch add or remove comments for each selected line.

This feature, for those who often write code, is very useful.



More other features of notepad++ for those interested to explore on their own.

All in all, in my opinion, Notepad++ is a very useful, lightweight, but functional enough, text/code editing tool, here, thank you very much to those developers, thank you for bringing us this useful tool.


123 1. You can remove Blank lines in the file by selecting all text, TextFX– >Edit– >Delete Blank lines
12345 2. Organize XML text format this function is super good, often encounter hundreds of KB of XML text is a line, you can use it to quickly organize a line of text into a standard XML file. Select all text TextFX– >HTML Tidy– >Tidy: Reindent XML
123 3. Automatically add Line Numbers directly to the front of your text lines: Select all text TextFX– >Tools– >Insert Line Numbers

4. Can be used to view the hexadecimal format

5. FTP plugin, not bad

6. There seems to be an Explorer plugin, haven’t used much

7. Its list of functions is also pretty good, often used, at least when looking at Java source programs

External commands can be customized. I sometimes use it to compile Java source programs. Press F6 and there is a customization window.

Here’s my javac command: jc5.bat $(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)

Below is my command to run Java

rj5.bat $(NAME_PART)

I just need to set jc5.bat and rj5.bat in a directory on the outside PATH to use them.

For example, here I add d:/shell to the PATH environment variable, which can contain as many batch scripts as you like.

Jc5. bat content is as follows:


Echo off setLocal set JAGUAR_JDK15=d: shareDJdk1.5.0_01


“% JAVA_HOME % injavac” – g % * endlocal