Want to in-depth study Android, view the source code is essential, so how to view the source code?

The first way is online

Use online sitesandroidxref.com/View source code

As shown above, there are different versions to choose from. Select the version you want to see, click in to view.

The second way is to use Source Insight + Source code for local viewing

1. Tool installation and configuration

I have put the download address on the web disk to share as follows. The Android version is 8.0. If you need to download other versions, please find them by yourself

Source Insight4 links: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Jy5CvZ-a7t-06IrZqIK4pQ extraction code: 24 p0 Android 8.0 links: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12ZWJ08ODSOKFRXNonkGqqg extracted code: yq1tCopy the code

Download the following files, then unzip the two folders (Source Insight file unzip twice)

The Sorce Insight folder is as follows

Then follow the steps below

  1. First install sourceinsight4087-setup.exe
  2. Replace the sourceinsight4.exe installed in the installation directory with the downloaded sourceinsight4.exe
  3. Start SourceInsight and import the downloaded si4.pediy.lic

Where import si4.pediy.lic is installed and replaced successfully, open the application and the following popup window will appear, then select the red box and click NEXT

If the following is displayed, success is proved

2, source code import view

Next, we import the source code. Choose Project -> New Project, fill in the name, select the source path, as shown in the picture below, and click OK. The next step is to directly default

Select Base on the left and Add Tree on the right. When finished, click Close to Close the window

Click File -> Open to Open the source project

Class search on the right, method and variable search on the left, source code display area in the middle

There are also some shortcut keys, such as Ctrl+ left to jump to the method, Ctrl+G to jump to the specified line, Ctrl+F to search for the content, sometimes we will meet the method can not jump, then we need to click Project, Select Synchronize Files for global association

Then you can enjoy to read the source code, come on! SAO years!