My second brother, hello, I am a junior college student. Python is taught to us as the main language in the school, but I have also learned that Python has a high threshold, so I am learning Java by myself. But NOW I am not sure whether I should devote myself to learning Java, and the courses in the school are becoming more and more heavy. And learning Java requires a lot of effort, I was confused. I hope the second brother can give me some advice. Second brother to see the words also hope busy take a little time. Thank you!

This was a question asked by a reader on wechat, and I replied, “Python is very popular. Just learn Python.” However, when I watched a video of Brother Yang on B website, I felt regretful and felt that my advice was irresponsible.

As soon as I realized my problem, I quickly sent readers a “step forward” message to apologize. In addition, I recall that some readers asked me similar questions before, but my answers were not rigorous enough, so I plan to write an article to reflect on it.

There are five main directions for Python applications:

  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • The data analysis
  • The crawler
  • Web development
  • Automated testing

Well founded, so I totally agree with Brother Goat.

Artificial Intelligence and machine learning

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are big Python applications, but the degree requirements are so high that I couldn’t even get a job. It was brutal.

After browsing through the recruitment websites, I found that there are not many positions in this field, but the salary is quite good, ranging from 15K to 30K. However, the job Posting simply said, “All of our fellow programmers graduated from 211/985 schools.” That alone would have turned me down. It’s hard to apply for a position in “artificial intelligence and machine learning”. I’m sorry, but I’m not an excellent student.

Considering that my readership has spread to junior high school students, I have to seriously say, “If you like learning, do it and don’t waste your youth when you should be learning.” Oh, my god, that’s kind of like setting yourself up for a bad example.

When I was in primary school, I was always the first, because the enrollment of the school was only 30 or 40 students the size of our village. Wait until the middle school, has been to maintain the top four, because the school enrollment range on our township so big, a total of three or four hundred students. When I went to senior high school, I kept the top ten in my school, but there was no advantage in the whole county.

It is really beyond heaven, there are people outside, most people are ordinary, ordinary, so this aspect of the job competition is really difficult.

02. Data analysis

The average small company, like the one I worked for, doesn’t need data analysis at all, because the focus is on the product, and how to make the product attract users is the key. If the number of users is small, the data is useless.

That means there will be fewer jobs for data analytics engineers, as there are only a handful of companies with big data. But to be honest, the salary is very good and the prospects are good. If the learning ability is strong, hard indicators pass, you can try.

The usual reason for high wages is that demand outstrips supply, that is, there are more jobs but less talent. But the reality is that there are fewer jobs for data analysis and fewer qualified people. Data analysts who are just repeating SQL, Excel and other basic tools in the company can easily be replaced by automated tools and hit the heart again.

If Python is taught as a major language in colleges and universities, I’m sure it’s not in either direction (artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analysis). The first reason is the problem of academic qualifications. The second reason is that teachers may not be able to teach well, let alone whether students can learn.

03, crawler

As for crawlers, I have to mention a sentence in the comments section of Brother Goat’s video, which I think is worth thinking about, whether it’s a joke or not.

One of my classmates was taken away as a reptile, but luckily he was either the main culprit or registered.

Crawler is a very hot topic in recent years, even I have bought a crawler introduction book, ready to learn, but Java can write more and more material, this plan has not been successful.

What is a reptile? For those of you who are not programmers, I asked the encyclopedia, and it said, “A crawler, also known as a web spider, is a program or script that automatically crawls information from the Internet according to certain rules.”

In a pay-for-knowledge environment, the crawler is a bit of a problem. As for me, I want my articles to be published only on the platform I want them to be published on. If other platforms take my articles and put them on their own platform without my authorization, I feel that my intellectual property rights have been destroyed.

The article is fine, I’m willing to publish it, but it’s even worse if it involves some private information being crawled, right?

Now a lot of platforms are doing reverse crawling, and do better and better, which is a bit of a “devil is higher than one foot”, so it is not easy to engineer crawlers.

04. Web development

I haven’t heard much about large Internet companies that use Python for Web development. Yang said douban used to use Python and now doesn’t use it either.

Anyway, if you compare Java to Python, it’s clear that the advantages of Web development are huge. In terms of technical framework, performance, and application size, all things being equal, Java engineers are definitely in demand.

Python has been touted by many as a great advantage in Web development, with high efficiency and speed. Well, I actually think it’s because Python syntax is simple and easy to teach – that’s probably the main reason. Will SOCIETY beat me up for saying that?

How about this? I recommend a website to my friends:…

Learn Django, a popular and fully functional server-side web framework written in Python, produced by MDN and, most importantly, free.

Automated testing

To be fair, Python testing automation is very widely used. Considering the scripting quality of the framework, the simplicity of test cases, and the possible technical weaknesses of running modules, I recommend five Python testing frameworks.

1) Robot Framework, mainly used for test-driven development and acceptance.

2) Pytest is open source and easy to learn.

3) PyUnit, a Python class automation testing framework for unit testing, inspired by Junit.

4) Behave, which allows the team to perform A BDD test.

5) Lettuce, focusing on common tasks with behavioral driven development characteristics.

6, the last

The above views are my personal subjective given, not necessarily correct ha, just for reference.

If you choose artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analysis, I think you will have a bright future. You can make money, pay well and it is irreplaceable. You will definitely lose if you do not learn Python.

If there are readers with mediocre degrees who just want to make a living as a programmer, THEN I think Python should be learned as a second language, not as a master language. A few licensed crawlers, automated tests, that’s fine with me. And Python itself is a very good language, otherwise how can we do artificial intelligence, mass data analysis, right?

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I am the Silent King 2, a programmer with good looks but mediocre talent. Attention can improve learning efficiency, don’t forget three even ah, like, collect, message, I don’t pick, hee hee.