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Question: How do I empty StringBuilder?

I use StringBuilder in loops, and every X iteration I want to empty it and start with an empty StringBuilder, but I don’t see anything that looks like. NET stringBuilder. CLEAR method. Delete () in the document looks overly complicated

So what’s the best way to clean up StringBuilder in Java?

Answer a

There are basically two options

  1. setLength(0)resetStringBuilder
  2. Create a new one in each iterationStringBuilder.

Both have advantages and disadvantages, depending on how you use them

If you know the expected capacity of a StringBuilder in advance, creating a new StringBuilder each time should be as fast as setting a new length. It will also help with garbage collection, as each StringBuiler has a relatively short lifetime, which the GC is optimized for.

It may be faster to reuse the same StringBuilder if you don’t know the capacity. Each time an append exceeds capacity, a new array must be allocated and the previous contents copied to the new array. By reusing the StringBuilder, it will reach the desired capacity after a few iterations, and there will be no array copying after that.

Answer two

I think many of the answers here may be missing a high-quality method included in StringBuilder: delete(int start, int end).

Now suppose you have a variable called StringBuilder Table and you want to modify it dynamically in your program (one requirement I’m working on now does this).

StringBuilder table = new StringBuilder();
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If you want to use a StringBuilder object in a loop method, clean up the StringBuilder for next use

table.delete(int start, int end). 
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Start and end are the index of the characters you want to delete. What if you don’t know the length and want to delete everything?

table.delete(0, table.length());
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StringBuilder can take up a lot of overhead when changing frequently and can cause thread-safety issues. If your interface is user-facing, use A StringBuffer that functions like StringBuilder

class MyLogger {
    StringBuilder strBldr = new StringBuilder(256);

    public void logMsg( String stuff, SomeLogWriterClass log ) {

        // zero out strBldr's internal index count, not every
        // index in strBldr's internal buffer

        // ... append status level

        // ... append ' ' followed by timestamp
        // assuming getTimestamp() returns a String
        strBldr.append(' ').append(getTimestamp());

        // ... append ':' followed by user message

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