In reality, we will encounter such a situation, the data from the backend server is a one dimensional array, but we display when it’s classification (such as: classification by month to display list), and this time you need to put a one-dimensional array into a two dimensional array, convenient us to display the data. If you rewrite the method details of the transformation every time, you’ll waste a lot of time on repetitive code.

In order to save time, I spent half a day writing out the following utility class to facilitate data conversion to the required format, while sorting the data.

Here’s the code:

1. Compile a helper class for List, Set, Map conversions (CollectionUtils)

public class CollectionUtils {
    /** * List set **@param list
     * @param <T>
     * @return* /
    public static <T> Set<T> getSetByList(List<T> list) {
        Set<T> result = new HashSet<>(list);
        return result;

    /** * set to list **@param setArrs
     * @param <T>
     * @return* /
    public static <T> List<T> getListBySet(Set<T> setArrs) {
        ArrayList<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(setArrs);
        return result;

    /** * map to list, not sort **@param map
     * @param <K>
     * @param <V>
     * @return* /
    public static <K, V> List<V> getListByMap(Map<K, V> map) {
        return getListByMap(map, null);

    /** * map to list@param map
     * @param <K>
     * @param <V>
     * @return* /
    public static <K, V> List<V> getListByMap(Map<K, V> map, Comparator<V> comparator) {
        ArrayList<V> result = new ArrayList<V>();
        for (V value : map.values()) {
        if(comparator ! =null) {
            // Sort
            Collections.sort(result, comparator);
        return result;

    /** * the list is converted to a map. The key is Integer@param list
     * @param <V>
     * @return* /
    public static <V> Map<Integer, V> getMapByList(List<V> list) {
        return getMapByList(list, null);

    /** * list is converted to map. The key is Integer and the sort is **@param list
     * @param <V>
     * @return* /
    public static <V> Map<Integer, V> getMapByList(List<V> list, Comparator<V> comparator) {
        if(comparator ! =null) {
            // Sort
            Collections.sort(list, comparator);
        if(list ! =null && list.size() > 0) {
            Map<Integer, V> result = new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
                result.put(i, list.get(i));
            return result;
        return null; }}Copy the code

2. Write a static helper classes (AbsTwoDimensionalArrayUtils)

public abstract class AbsTwoDimensionalArrayUtils<K.V> {
    // ascending order (from small to large)
    public static final int ASC_TYPE = 0;
    // Descending order (from large to small)
    public static final int DESC_TYPE = 1;

    protected Class<K> kClass;

    public AbsTwoDimensionalArrayUtils(Class<K> kClass) {
        this.kClass = kClass;

    /** * get the sorted two-dimensional array **@param dataArrays
     * @return* /
    public List<List<V>> getTwoDimensionalArrayByList(List<V> dataArrays) {
        Map<K, List<V>> mapByList = getMapByList(dataArrays);
        List<List<V>> result = null;
        // Sort the group order
        Comparator<Map.Entry<K, List<V>>> keyComparator = getKeyListComparator();
        if(keyComparator ! =null) {
            result = new ArrayList<>();
            List<Map.Entry<K, List<V>>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<K, List<V>>>(mapByList.entrySet());
            Collections.sort(list, keyComparator);
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
            System.out.println("end time " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        } else {
            // Direct conversion
            result = CollectionUtils.getListByMap(mapByList);
        return result;

    /** * get HashMap **@param dataArrays
     * @return* /
    public Map<K, List<V>> getMapByList(List<V> dataArrays) {
        System.out.println("start time " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        HashMap<K, List<V>> result = new HashMap<K, List<V>>();
        if(dataArrays ! =null && dataArrays.size() > 0) {
            K key;
            for (int i = 0; i < dataArrays.size(); i++) {
                V v = dataArrays.get(i);
                key = getKey(v);
                List<V> value;
                if (result.containsKey(key)) {
                    // If you already have one, take it out
                    value = result.get(key);
                } else {
                    value = newArrayList<>(); value.add(v); } result.put(key, value); }}// Sort the data in each group
        Comparator<V> valuecomparator = getValueListComparator();
        if(valuecomparator ! =null) {
            List<V> mapListValue;
            for (Map.Entry<K, List<V>> entry : result.entrySet()) {
                mapListValue = entry.getValue();
                if(mapListValue ! =null && mapListValue.size() > 0) {
                    Collections.sort(mapListValue, valuecomparator);
        System.out.println("end time " + System.currentTimeMillis());
        return result;

    /** * use V to group **@param v
     * @return* /
    public abstract K getKey(V v);

    /** * write the sort of key *@return* /
    public abstract Comparator<Map.Entry<K, List<V>>> getKeyListComparator();

    /** * write a collation for value **@return* /
    public abstract Comparator<V> getValueListComparator(a);
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3. Write a static help class whose key is int and String

A. when the key is Int, can use AbsIntTwoDimensionalArrayUtils array operations.

public abstract class AbsIntTwoDimensionalArrayUtils<V> extends AbsTwoDimensionalArrayUtils<Integer.V> {
    protected Class<V> vClass;
    protected Field field;
    protected Method method;

    protected Field sortField;
    protected Method sortMethod;

    public AbsIntTwoDimensionalArrayUtils(Class vClass) {
        this.vClass = vClass;

        String mapName = getMapKeyName();
        String sortName = getSortName();
        // Get the category field
        try {
            field = vClass.getField(mapName);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        // Get the sort field
        try {
            sortField = vClass.getField(sortName);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        // Get the value of the classified field
        try {
            String firstLetter = mapName.substring(0.1).toUpperCase();
            String getter = "get" + firstLetter + mapName.substring(1);
            method = vClass.getMethod(getter, new Class[]{});
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // Get the value of the sorted field
        try {
            String firstLetterSort = sortName.substring(0.1).toUpperCase();
            String getter = "get" + firstLetterSort + sortName.substring(1);
            sortMethod = vClass.getMethod(getter, new Class[]{});
        } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}@Override
    public Integer getKey(V v) {
        if (field == null) {
            // The field is not public
            try {
                return (Integer) method.invoke(v, new Integer[]{});
            } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }}else {
            try {
                return field.getInt(v);
            } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return 0;

    public Comparator<Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>>> getKeyListComparator() {
        return new Comparator<Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>>>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>> o1, Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>> o2) {
                if (getMapKeySortType() == ASC_TYPE) {
                    return ascMapKey(o1, o2);
                } else {
                    returndescMapkey(o1, o2); }}}; }/** * Sort by map key in descending order **@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private Integer descMapkey(Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>> o1, Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>> o2) {
        try {
            if (o1.getKey() > o2.getKey()) {
                return -1;
            if (o1.getKey() < o2.getKey()) {
                return 1; }}catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

    /** * Sort the map by ascending key **@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private Integer ascMapKey(Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>> o1, Map.Entry<Integer, List<V>> o2) {
        try {
            if (o1.getKey() < o2.getKey()) {
                return -1;
            if (o1.getKey() > o2.getKey()) {
                return 1; }}catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

    public Comparator<V> getValueListComparator(a) {
        return new Comparator<V>() {
            public int compare(V o1, V o2) {
                if (getSortType() == ASC_TYPE) {
                    return sortAsc(o1, o2);
                } else {
                    returnsortDesc(o1, o2); }}}; }/** * sort each child object ** in descending order@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private int sortDesc(V o1, V o2) {
        if (sortField == null) {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    return ((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o2, new Integer[]{})).compareTo((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o1, new Integer[]{}));
                } else {
                    return ((String) sortMethod.invoke(o2, new String[]{})).compareTo((String) sortMethod.invoke(o1, newString[]{})); }}catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}else {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) > sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return -1;
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) < sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return 1; }}else {
                    return((String) sortField.get(o2)).compareTo((String) sortField.get(o1)); }}catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return 0;

    /** * sort each child object in ascending order **@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private int sortAsc(V o1, V o2) {
        if (sortField == null) {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    return ((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o1, new Integer[]{})).compareTo((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o2, new Integer[]{}));
                } else {
                    return ((String) sortMethod.invoke(o1, new String[]{})).compareTo((String) sortMethod.invoke(o2, newString[]{})); }}catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}else {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) > sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return 1;
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) < sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return -1; }}else {
                    return((String) sortField.get(o1)).compareTo((String) sortField.get(o2)); }}catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return 0;

    /** * gets the sort field name of the object **@return* /
    public abstract String getSortName(a);

    /** * Get the map key field name **@return* /
    public abstract String getMapKeyName(a);

    /** * Gets how each object is sorted (ascending/descending) **@return* /
    public abstract int getSortType(a);

    /** * How to sort the map keys (ascending/descending) **@return* /
    public abstract int getMapKeySortType(a);

    /** * Is the sort field ** of type int@return* /
    public abstract boolean isIntSortFiled(a);
Copy the code

B. when the key is a String, use AbsStringTwoDimensionalArrayUtils array operations.

public abstract class AbsStringTwoDimensionalArrayUtils<V> extends AbsTwoDimensionalArrayUtils<String.V> {
    protected Class<V> vClass;
    protected Field field;
    protected Method method;

    protected Field sortField;
    protected Method sortMethod;

    public AbsStringTwoDimensionalArrayUtils(Class vClass) {
        this.vClass = vClass;

        String mapName = getMapKeyName();
        String sortName = getSortName();
        // Get the category field
        try {
            field = vClass.getField(mapName);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        // Get the sort field
        try {
            sortField = vClass.getField(sortName);
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        // Get the value of the classified field
        try {
            String firstLetter = mapName.substring(0.1).toUpperCase();
            String getter = "get" + firstLetter + mapName.substring(1);
            method = vClass.getMethod(getter, new Class[]{});
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // Get the value of the sorted field
        try {
            String firstLetterSort = sortName.substring(0.1).toUpperCase();
            String getter = "get" + firstLetterSort + sortName.substring(1);
            sortMethod = vClass.getMethod(getter, new Class[]{});
        } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}@Override
    public String getKey(V v) {
        if (field == null) {
            // The field is not public
            try {
                return (String) method.invoke(v, new String[]{});
            } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }}else {
            try {
                return (String) field.get(v);
            } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return "";

    public Comparator<Map.Entry<String, List<V>>> getKeyListComparator() {
        return new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, List<V>>>() {
            public int compare(Map.Entry<String, List<V>> o1, Map.Entry<String, List<V>> o2) {
                if (getMapKeySortType() == ASC_TYPE) {
                    return ascMapKey(o1, o2);
                } else {
                    returndescMapkey(o1, o2); }}}; }/** * Sort by map key in descending order **@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private Integer descMapkey(Map.Entry<String, List<V>> o1, Map.Entry<String, List<V>> o2) {
        try {
            return o2.getKey().compareTo(o1.getKey());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

    /** * Sort the map by ascending key **@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private Integer ascMapKey(Map.Entry<String, List<V>> o1, Map.Entry<String, List<V>> o2) {
        try {
            return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey());
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return 0;

    public Comparator<V> getValueListComparator(a) {
        return new Comparator<V>() {
            public int compare(V o1, V o2) {
                if (getSortType() == ASC_TYPE) {
                    return sortAsc(o1, o2);
                } else {
                    returnsortDesc(o1, o2); }}}; }/** * sort each child object ** in descending order@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private int sortDesc(V o1, V o2) {
        if (sortField == null) {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    return ((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o2, new Integer[]{})).compareTo((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o1, new Integer[]{}));
                } else {
                    return ((String) sortMethod.invoke(o2, new String[]{})).compareTo((String) sortMethod.invoke(o1, newString[]{})); }}catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}else {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) > sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return -1;
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) < sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return 1; }}else {
                    return((String) sortField.get(o2)).compareTo((String) sortField.get(o1)); }}catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return 0;

    /** * sort each child object in ascending order **@param o1
     * @param o2
     * @return* /
    private int sortAsc(V o1, V o2) {
        if (sortField == null) {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    return ((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o1, new Integer[]{})).compareTo((Integer) sortMethod.invoke(o2, new Integer[]{}));
                } else {
                    return ((String) sortMethod.invoke(o1, new String[]{})).compareTo((String) sortMethod.invoke(o2, newString[]{})); }}catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            } catch(InvocationTargetException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}else {
            try {
                if (isIntSortFiled()) {
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) > sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return 1;
                    if (sortField.getInt(o1) < sortField.getInt(o2)) {
                        return -1; }}else {
                    return((String) sortField.get(o1)).compareTo((String) sortField.get(o2)); }}catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }}return 0;

    /** * gets the sort field name of the object **@return* /
    public abstract String getSortName(a);

    /** * Get the map key field name **@return* /
    public abstract String getMapKeyName(a);

    /** * Gets how each object is sorted (ascending/descending) **@return* /
    public abstract int getSortType(a);

    /** * How to sort the map keys (ascending/descending) **@return* /
    public abstract int getMapKeySortType(a);

    /** * Is the sort field ** of type int@return* /
    public abstract boolean isIntSortFiled(a);
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Here’s how to use it:

1. According to the actual data type, to define the helper classes, if the key is Int, inherit AbsIntTwoDimensionalArrayUtils; If the key is a String, will inherit AbsStringTwoDimensionalArrayUtils.

The following example uses an int:

public class TwoDimensionalArrayDemoUtils
        extends AbsIntTwoDimensionalArrayUtils<User> {

    public TwoDimensionalArrayDemoUtils(a) {

    public String getSortName(a) {
        return "name";
    public int getSortType(a) {
        return ASC_TYPE;

    public int getMapKeySortType(a) {
        return ASC_TYPE;

    public String getMapKeyName(a) {
        return "age";

    public boolean isIntSortFiled(a) {
        return false; }}Copy the code

2. The data type User is as follows:

public class User {
    public int id;
    private int age;
    public String name = "";

    public User(int id, int age, String name) { = id;
        this.age = age; = name;

    public int getAge(a) {
        return age;

    public int getId(a) {
        return id;

    public String getName(a) {
        returnname; }}Copy the code

3. Call method

    TwoDimensionalIntArrayDemoUtils hashMapUtils = new TwoDimensionalIntArrayDemoUtils();
	// Get a two-dimensional array
	List<List<User>> lists = hashMapUtils.getTwoDimensionalArrayByList(users);
	/ / get a HashMap
	Map<Integer, List<User>> mapByList = hashMapUtils.getMapByList(users);
Copy the code

By doing this, we can convert a one-dimensional array into a two-dimensional array or a Map and sort the data. This way, we don’t have to rewrite the transformation method at development time, just pass in the data and return the result we want.