This Blog post documents the implementation of a rounded ImageView
Let me give you an idea
- Getting configuration Properties
- Judgment cutting mode
- draw
So let’s get started
Getting configuration Properties
We now define the relevant attributes in Attrs
<declare-styleable >
<attr />
<attr />
<attr />
<attr />
<attr />
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The above attributes define the overall rounded corners and four individual rounded corners, respectively
Then obtain the relevant properties for setting.
/ / retrieve attributes TypedArray TypedArray = mContext. ObtainStyledAttributes (attrs, R.s tyleable. RoundImageView); radius = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.styleable.RoundImageView_radius, defaultRadius); leftTopRadius = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.styleable.RoundImageView_leftTopRadius, defaultRadius); rightTopRadius = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.styleable.RoundImageView_rightTopRadius, defaultRadius); leftBottomRadius = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.styleable.RoundImageView_leftBottomRadius, defaultRadius); rightBottomRadius = typedArray.getDimensionPixelOffset(R.styleable.RoundImageView_rightBottomRadius, defaultRadius); if (radius ! = 0) { if (leftTopRadius == 0) { leftTopRadius = radius; } if (rightTopRadius == 0) { rightTopRadius = radius; } if (leftBottomRadius == 0) { leftBottomRadius = radius; } if (rightBottomRadius == 0) { rightBottomRadius = radius; } } typedArray.recycle();Copy the code
Judgment cutting mode
After obtaining the fillet setting, we need to compare the image width and height to the fillet value. Crop the image when it is larger than the rounded corner value
Int maxLeft = math. Max (leftTopRadius, leftBottomRadius); int maxLeft = math. Max (leftTopRadius, leftBottomRadius); int maxRight = Math.max(rightTopRadius, rightBottomRadius); int minWidth = maxLeft + maxRight; Int maxTop = math. Max (leftTopRadius, rightTopRadius); int maxBottom = Math.max(leftBottomRadius, rightBottomRadius); int minHeight = maxTop + maxBottom; if (width > minWidth && height > minHeight) { Path path = new Path(); Path. moveTo(leftTopRadius, 0); // Four corners: upper right, lower right, lower left, upper left. path.lineTo(width - rightTopRadius, 0); path.quadTo(width, 0, width, rightTopRadius); path.lineTo(width, height - rightBottomRadius); path.quadTo(width, height, width - rightBottomRadius, height); path.lineTo(leftBottomRadius, height); path.quadTo(0, height, 0, height - leftBottomRadius); path.lineTo(0, leftTopRadius); path.quadTo(0, 0, leftTopRadius, 0); canvas.clipPath(path); } super.onDraw(canvas);Copy the code
Finally call super.ondraw (canvas) to draw.
When we use it, we can use it like calling system controls
app:rightTopRadius="10dp" />
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Finally, attach the full code address:
GItHub AndroidCustomView-RoundImageView