An open source project today: App-IDES is a list of projects that will help you improve your programming skills, depending on the level of the developer. This open source project helps you:

  • Improve your programming skills
  • To help you try new technologies
  • Increase your project experience

The small projects mentioned in this list are easy to complete and easy to expand. More than a simple list, each project is described in sufficient detail, with clear descriptive goals and a list of user stories that should be implemented, to make it easy to develop from scratch.

Recommend different projects based on your current level:

Getting started: Developers are in the early stages of technical learning, suitable for the development of some small user-facing programs, such as: calculator, TODO, tomato alarm clock, weather application and some small Demo.

For example, the Tomato alarm clock Demo for beginners will provide you with some user stories and learning materials.

Several sample projects are also presented:

Beginner: Developers are in the learning experience stage, can call API to build some applications, this time may be more UI/UX requirements.

Advanced: Have all of the above and are learning more advanced skills, such as building a dynamic back-end application, such as a chat application, movie information website.

For example, this project provides a movie information application, which not only provides the basic functions, but also has an open movie API, which you can open your own application based on.
