Introduction of the APP

The system for asking for leave and writing weekly reports used by the company has always been a web version. We also thought about creating a mobile version before, but for some reasons, it was not put into action. LeanCloud just recently released the Flutter SDK and decided to develop this APP with Flutter.

The main reason why Flutter was chosen was that a single code can be used on both iOS and Android platforms, so that all colleagues can enjoy the convenience of the APP.

All the back-end data of APP is stored in LeanCloud, so there is no need to worry about the development and maintenance of back-end system, and it is easy to implement.

APP Effect Preview

App Store download link, or App Store search LeanCN download.

Development environment setup

See the Documentation for Flutter installation and environment setup. The editor can be Android Studio, Visual Studio Code, or Emacs, depending on personal preference and development habits.

After the Flutter development environment is configured, create the LeanCloud application.

  • Log in to the LeanCloud console and create a new app.

  • On the Console, choose Applications > Settings > Domain Name Binding to bind the API to access the domain name. You can skip this step if you don’t have a domain name. LeanCloud also offers free domain names for short periods of time. Or sign up for LeanCloud International, which does not require a domain name.

On the Console > Application > Settings > Application Keys page, record the AppID, AppKey, and server address. The server address is the REST API server address. If no domain name is bound, a free shared domain name can be obtained at the same location on the console.

Third party libraries used

In pubspec.yaml, add LeanCloud Flutter SDK: leancloud_storage to the dependency list:

"> < span style =" font-size: 14px; line-height: 20px; ^1.0.8 Flutter_localIzations: SDK: FLuttertoast: ^4.0.1 shared_preferences: ^0.5.7+3 flutter_markdown: ^0.4.2Copy the code

Description of other third-party plug-ins:

Date_format: Date-related formatting plug-in for leave pages

Flutter_localizations: Chinese display for setting time selector

Fluttertoast: Similar to the Toast widget in Android

Shared_preferences: Local data store

Flutter_markdown: Weekly report contents can be displayed in markdown format

APP initialization Settings

To initialize the SDK

Execute the following code to connect to the application created in LeanCloud. Import the following packages:

import 'package:leancloud_storage/leancloud.dart';
Copy the code

Initial configuration code:

Future initLeanCloud() async {
      'AppID'.'AppKey',//AppID and AppKey go to console Settings > Apply Keys page to obtain server:''QueryCache: new LCQueryCache()); }Copy the code

Design data structure

Go to the LeanCloud Console > Storage > Structured Data to create the required Class and add related fields, such as Leave, to specify the name, duration, reason, and start date of Leave.

If a Class does not exist when the client saves data, the system automatically generates a corresponding Class.

Login and registration module

LeanCloud provides the LCUser class to facilitate user management, which corresponds to the _User table in the console. The user name + password is selected for registration and login. To register a user, you simply need to execute the following code to add user data to the _User table:

LCUser user = LCUser();
user.username = 'Tom';
user.password = 'cat! @ # 123 ';
await user.signUp();
Copy the code

The user login only needs to pass in the username and password:

LCUser user = await LCUser.login('Tom'.'cat! @ # 123 ');
Copy the code

If you want to get the current logged-in user in your application, you can use:

LCUser currentUser = await LCUser.getCurrent();
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LCUser also supports registration with a mobile phone number and verification code. For more login and registration methods, see LeanCloud user documentation.

The realization of leave module

The leave part includes three parts: “submit a leave record”, “query my historical leave record” and “query colleagues who ask for leave today”.

Submit a leave record

It is also easy to save a piece of data to the LeanCloud background. A piece of data can be regarded as an LCObject object, and a value is directly assigned to the LCObject object. After the save succeeds, you can see a new row of data in the Leave table.

LCObject Leave = LCObject('Leave');
leave['startTime'] = startTime; // Start time (AM/PM) leave['endTime'] = endTime; (AM/PM) LCUser user = await lcuser.getCurrent (); leave['username'] = user.username; // Leave ['startDate'] = startDate; // Start date leave['type'] = leaveType; // Type of leave, such as sick leave, annual leave or maternity leave'duration'] = duration; // Leave ['note'] = note; // Leave ['endDate'] = endDate; // Leave end date await; // Save to LeanCloudCopy the code

Check my history of leave

Query data using LCQuery, query.find() returns the List that meets the criteria:

LCUser user = await LCUser.getCurrent(); LCQuery<LCObject> query = LCQuery('Leave');
query.whereEqualTo('username', user.username); Query. OrderByDescending ('createdAt'); List<LCObject> leaves = await query.find();Copy the code

Check colleagues who are off today

LCQuery<LCObject> query = LCQuery('Leave'); / / find a DateTime. Now () between the leave start date and end date of data query. WhereGreaterThanOrEqualTo ('endDate',;
List<LCObject> leaves = await query.find();
Copy the code

Weekly report module implementation

The weekly report module is divided into two parts: save a weekly report and query the historical weekly report. The markdown format is supported, so when submitting the weekly report, you can set the default weekly report format. The text surrounded by three single quotation marks can be displayed as the original text:

String text = ' '' ### This week * done1 * done2 ### Next week * todo1 * todo2 '' ';
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Save the weekly

Create a Pointer field to the _User table with the name user and assign the current user to user when saving the data. (The Leave table can also create a Pointer field to record the employee who asks for Leave.)

LCUser user = await LCUser.getCurrent(); LCObject obj = LCObject('WeeklyPub');
obj['content'] = text; // the user field is of type pointer to the _User table obj['user'] = user;
LCObject object = await;
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If you want to query a weekly report with employee information, you can use include to query the weekly report and employee data (_User table) in one query:

LCQuery<LCObject> query = LCQuery('WeeklyPub'); // Query results also contain user information query.include('user');
    'createdAt', DateTime.parse('2020-06-01 00:00:00Z'));
List<LCObject> weekly = await query.find();
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Contact list

The contact list can be obtained by querying the _User table, but there is a problem.

For security purposes, the _User table of LeanCloud’s newly created applications has find privileges disabled by default. Users can query only their own data in the _User table, but cannot query data of other users.

The solution might be to create a separate table to hold this data and open the find query privileges on that table. Or you can encapsulate the methods of user queries in the cloud engine without having to grant find privileges to the _User table.

The method adopted by this APP is to set up the cloud function to query the user table in combination with the cloud engine to ensure data security.

  • Step 1 ReferenceWrite cloud functions onlineThe document,LeanCloud Console > Cloud Engine > Deployment > Online EditingTAB to create cloud functions. For example, my cloud function name isqueryUsers:
AV.Cloud.define('queryUsers', async function (request) {
  if (request.currentUser) {
    const userQuery = new AV.Query('_User');
    return await userQuery.find();
  } else {
    throw new AV.Cloud.Error('User not logged in'); }})Copy the code
  • Then click the Deploy button to deploy to production.

After deployment, cloud functions can be called directly on the mobile terminal. The cloud functions can be called in the Flutter code as follows:

Map<String, dynamic> userMap = await'queryUsers'); List<dynamic> users = userMap['result'];
Copy the code

APP Project Address

See Github-FlutterleaveDemo for the complete code of the APP project.

Reference documentation

  1. LeanCloud – Data Storage Development Guide · Flutter

  2. Flutter document