Yesterday Google released Flutter 1.12 for us on Flutter Interact. This is a stable update to the 1.9.x version after 6 hotfixes. This release resolves 4,571 bugs and incorporates 1,905 PR updates. It is also the fifth stable version of Flutter in a year.

The keywords of Flutter Interact are Platform, DartPad, Spuernova, AdobeXD, Hot UI and Layout Explorer.

First, more platforms

This time, Flutter Interact proposed a concept that allows developers to focus more on beautiful application development, from device-centric to app-centric. Flutter will help developers ignore the differences between Android, iOS, Web, PC and other platforms. As shown in the figure below, a set of code is used to debug 7 devices simultaneously.

Flutter has also started to live up to its promise. Web support has been released to the Beta branch and MacOS support has been released to the Master branch. Although the progress is not fast, but as a “white whoring party” said very happy to see progress.

To use Flutter Web and Flutter MacOS, open the configuration via the following command line: And execute the flutter create XXXX to create a project with Web and MacOS (you can also execute the flutter CREATE completion if you already have one). Also note that the local Flutter SDK needs to be in the Master branch to debug MacOS platform applications. The Beta branch can be used if you only test the Web.

Flutter config --enable-macos-desktop Flutter config --enable-web other platforms support flutter config --enable-linux-desktop flutter config --enable-windows-desktopCopy the code

The Linux and Windows platforms mentioned here have not yet been incorporated into the main project. Check out the configuration project at desktop-Shells: Flutter – desktop – embedding.

Debug flutter run-d chrome
flutter run -dBuild web build macOSCopy the code

Second, more development tools

1, DartPad

With this update, DartPad also supports online preview of Flutter writing. This means that developers can test their own Flutter code in real time without having idea. This is the online use case test of Flutter.

The official address of DartPad is and the domestic mirror address is

2, Spuernova

Spuernova is one of the highlights of the CURRENT Flutter Interact. It can generate the Flutter code by importing the designer’s Sketch file, which undoubtedly improves the productivity and imagination of Flutter. Although this method is not uncommon, The full usefulness is yet to be tested, but it also allows developers to focus more on business and operational logic.

Rest assured, this hole was not created by the Google Flutter team. It belongs to another commercial company.

Spuernova allows you to download supernova Studio from supernova. IO, after which you need to register user information (possibly science net), and you can see the screen shown below.

After the Sketch file is imported, the interface effect completed by the designer can be seen. At the same time, click the “” button to see the corresponding Flutter code on the right and the corresponding hierarchy design on the left. However, the code at this time still looks simple and cumbersome, and does not have interaction ability.

If further configuration, the user needs to configure the functions of the corresponding control, using the right pop-up box, such as List, Button, TextField and other components to Convert the original control, so that the control update has interactive ability, but also can configure layout properties and animation effects for the control.

Spuernova is not a completely public welfare project. Currently, only simple support for Flutter is free. Other support for Flutter is still available for a fee.

Similarly, AdobeXD has added support for Flutter to Adobe’s Creative Cloud. Users can export AdobeXD to Flutter with just one plug-in, and are currently on track to sign up for the Prior Experience program.

3, Hot UI

Hot UI is a preview function that can be used to preview and interact with the IDE image during the development of a Flutter widget in Android Studio, as shown below.

You can see the description in the official Hotui-Get-Started instructions: This feature is currently experimental. To enable, go to Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter Then check “Enable Hot UI” under “Experiments”. This feature is still in the experimental stage, but in Android Studio Settings, check the box at the bottom as shown in the image to enable it.

But as shown in the picture below, when opened, it will be found to be different from the official propaganda. The Screen Mirror that is currently previewing is coming soon.

The current Hot UI, as shown in the GIF below, only supports logic such as dynamic debugging and configuration of control properties, so let’s hope the official hole is filled.

4, Layout Explorer

Layout Explorer is another experimental Layout debugging mode designed to help developers more intuitively adapt to screens and debug issues in scenes like Overflowed Learning.

A new feature called Layout Explorer has been added to the Dart DevTools to visually present the application’s Layout information so that inspectors can work better. The Layout Explorer not only visually displays the Layout of widgets in a running application, but also allows you to change Layout options interactively.

To start the Layout Explorer, the Flutter SDK should also be in the Master branch. After the application is running, click DevTools to open the Flutter SDK in Chrome. Then click the right-most button to enter the Flutter debug mode.

As shown in the GIF below, when you select a control with Flex support, you will see a panel with Layout Explorer that dynamically adjusts the display logic and Layout of the control.

For example, if a control appears overtext-learning map, we can intuitively see the root of the problem and adjust them.

In addition, you can dynamically adjust the control’s flex and other related information in the Layout Explorer to preview changes in real time.

3. Improvement of Flutter SDK

Updates to the Flutter SDK have resolved 4,571 errors, incorporated 1,905 pr files, and included many new features.

  • First of all, Flutter 1.12 advises developers to migrate Android projects to AndroidX. The SDK is slimmer, adding support for google_fonts, etc.

  • The Android plugins APIs are simpler and more straightforward than ever before. FlutterPlugin and MethodCallHandler are split, while ActivityAware and ServiceAware are provided as independent support.

  • IOS 13 Dark mode, supporting darkTheme Settings, At the same time also increased as CupertinoContextMenu, CupertinoSlidingSegmentedControl, CupertinoAlertDialog, CupertinoDatePicker iOS style such as control support.

 new MaterialApp(
    title: ' ',
    navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
    theme: model.themeData,
    darkTheme: model.darkthemeData,
    locale: model.locale,
Copy the code
  • Further updates to the Add-to-App hybrid integration mode.

  • New incompatible breaking changes are added, such as: PageView enables RenderSliverFillViewport. AttachRootWidget in WidgetsBinding is replaced with scheduleAttachRootWidget and Allow gaps in The initial route and TextField’s minimum height from 40 to 48 require developers to pay attention to the modification. For more information, see release-Notes-1.12.13.

  • Increased MediaQuery. SystemGestureInsets gesture of support Android Q navigation; Added support for SliverIgnorePointer, SliverOpacity, SliverAnimatedList and other controls; PageRouteBuilder supports fullscreenDialog.

  • Release of Dart 2.7 with support for an extended approach.

extension ExtendsFun on String {
  int parseInt() {
    return int.parse(this);
  }  double parseDouble() {
    returndouble.parse(this); }}main() {
  int i = The '42'.parseInt();

Copy the code

For more complete release-notes see release-notes-1.12.13

Four, other

Flutter Interact also introduced beautiful open source projects such as Flutter D-Art and Gskinner. Flutter also announced that it will optimize its code development model in the future. It also needs to face the problems that are emerging now.

Flutter has certainly been hot over the past year, so the problems that have come to light with Flutter have increased exponentially, such as the recent development of Flutter, which was unable to display images after loading images while offline.

However, since it is an open source project, “white piaying” also have to rely more on their own, the above problem after finding, in the custom ImageProvider image loading failure, you can solve the problem by removing the PendingImage in the ImageCache. Because of the difference between Image encapsulation and DecorationImage, a secondary processing of the Image’s didUpdateWidget is required to solve the problem.

The purpose of open source is to communicate. No matter what framework it is, it is impossible to be perfect. We can try and criticize with a more open mind.

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