1 Baidu is actually quite strong in technology

Baidu’s reputation in the past two years is not very good, but we still can’t ignore that Baidu’s technology is quite strong and it is in the first camp in China’s Internet.

The industry is often popular words: Tencent’s products, Ali’s operations, Baidu’s technology, we can see the recognition of Baidu technology in the industry.

And Baidu always likes to bet heavily on technology, even in some areas can be more than ten years in advance, such as Baidu AI, Baidu driverless.

In the past few quarters, Baidu’s R&D spending has actually exceeded 15 percent in a row, which is comfortably in the first camp among Chinese Internet companies.

Baidu also has many heavyweight products in the open source field, such as ECharts, Tangram, UMeditor, ApolloAuto, Paddlepaddle and so on.

Of course, the front is just paving the way, in order not to appear the article is relatively thin, I want to introduce the technical background of Baidu, anyway, we know that Baidu technology is not so bad as we think.

(By the way, this article is not just a meal. It’s a good recommendation.)

The main character of this article…

                                            2 Search for programmers

There’s a myth in the programmer industry that 99% of programmers don’t know how to write code without a search engine.

I personally feel that this may be true, and without search engines, at least for me, development efficiency would be greatly reduced.

But the usual use of the search engine is really, a long story. Use Baidu, advertising more than to die, the key is not accurate; It’s not very convenient to use Google.

Other search options don’t feel that powerful. Will anyone create a search engine specifically for programmers?

One day suddenly, I discover Baidu did this matter, still measure version inside at present.

Address is: kaifa.baidu.com/, the home page looks quite simple…

Is a mule is a horse out to walk, this search engine is good after all, or have to try.

                                          3 Pull it out

I tried to type Java into the search box and saw what came up, something like this:

Take the top out in isolation:

There are three filters that can be used to filter search results for different technical communities, different programming languages, and different operating systems.

On the right is an introduction to Java, and further down is a recommendation for open source Java projects on Github. Search results are content from blog park, CSDN, nuggets.

It can be seen that the principle of the search engine is relatively simple, that is, when the search is limited to some scope, only in technology-related websites to retrieve content.

This can make the search results more accurate, but in fact, some will be missed, such as Zhihu, Jianshu, personal technology blog, etc., almost no capture content.

Best of all: no ads at all!

                                           4 The final recommendations

Generally speaking, the current function is relatively simple, only the content is aggregated retrieval, but after all, it is still in the beta stage.

If you just want to search for specific technical content, you can actually try this search engine, at least a little better than using Baidu directly.

Finally, I recommend another site: tooool.org, a one-stop navigation site for programmers.

At the beginning of this site, the search engine aggregation, you can switch between the different search engines to use.

The site also has a lot of other cool features. Can say so, programmer work, entertainment content, in this website basically a station to fix.