Traditional time API

The Date class

  1. The Date class has been in the standard library since Java was first introduced, but all of its methods have been deprecated since Java 1.1

  2. Use the sample

    // Get the current time, toString: Wed Jan 01 00:00:00 CST 2020
    Date date = new Date(); 
    // The corresponding timestamp, of type long
    long stamp = d.getTime(); 
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The Calendar class

  1. Java 1.1 recommends using the Calendar class to handle time

  2. Use the sample

    // Get Calendar instance, default current time
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    // Set the time of the Calendar object with setTime()
    calendar.setTime(new Date());
    // Get the corresponding Date object with getTime()
    Date date = calendar.getTime();
    // Set the time by year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Month starts from 0
    // Set (int field, int value
    calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
    // Use get(int field) to get the corresponding time field
    int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
    // Use the after and before methods to compare the order of Calendar objects and return a Boolean value
    Calendar oldCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
    boolean after = calendar.after(oldCalendar);
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Existing problems

  1. Time difficulty

    The direct conversion between ms value and date is tedious, and there are many steps to calculate the time difference by ms value

  2. Thread safety

    The SimpleDateFormat class is thread-unsafe, and globally sharing a Calendar object in the SimpleDateFormat class can be an exception in the case of multiple threads

    Because the Format method of the SimpleDateFormat class executes with an error time reported by a Calendar type member variable, the problem arises when the variable is shared by multiple threads

Java8 new time API

Time package common classes

  1. Instant class

    The Instant class models a single instantaneous point on the timeline and can be used to record event timestamps in the application. It can be used as an intermediate class to complete the conversion in the subsequent type conversion

  2. Duration class

    The Duration class represents seconds or nanosecond intervals and is suitable for dealing with shorter times that require greater precision

  3. Period which

    The Period class represents the year, month, or day of a Period of time

  4. LocalDate class

    LocalDate is an immutable date-time object that represents a date, usually regarded as year-month-day

  5. LocalTime class

    LocalTime is an immutable date-time object that represents a time, usually thought of as hour-second, with time represented as nanosecond precision

  6. LocalDateTime class

    The LocalDateTime class is an immutable datetime object that represents datetime and is usually treated as year-month-day-hour-minute-second

  7. ZonedDateTime class

    ZonedDateTime is an immutable representation of a datetime with a time zone. This class stores all date and time fields with an accuracy of nanosecond, and the time zone is the region offset, for handling fuzzy local date and time

A now method

  1. The now method creates an instance based on the current date or time

  2. Use the sample

    // Create an instance object of Instant using the now method
    Instant instantNow =;
    // Use the now method to create an instance object of LocalDate
    LocalDate localDateNow =;
    // Use the now method to create an instance object of LocalTime
    LocalTime localTimeNow =;
    // Create an instance object of LocalDateTime using the now method
    LocalDateTime localDateTimeNow =;
    // Create an instance of ZonedDateTime using the now method
    ZonedDateTime zonedDateTimeNow =;
    Zulu time (GMT/UTC)
    System.out.println("Instant:" + instantNow);
    // YY-MM-DD
    System.out.println("LocalDate:" + localDateNow);
    // Time: minute: second HH:mm:ss
    System.out.println("LocalTime:" + localTimeNow);
    // year - month - day T: minute: second
    System.out.println("LocalDateTime:" + localDateTimeNow);
    // year-month-day T hour: minute: second +08:00[Asia/Shanghai] indicates the time zone
    System.out.println("ZonedDateTime:" + zonedDateTimeNow);
    /* Instant: 2020-11-26T08:12:23.426z LocalDate: 2020-11-26T16:12:23.473 LocalDate: 2020-11-26T16:12:23.473 ZonedDateTime: the T16 2020-11-26: ". 473 + 08:00 Asia/Shanghai * /
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  3. Other classes in the time package can also use the NOW method to get more precise information

    • Year class (Year)

    • YearMonth class (year)

    • Class MonthDay (month and day)

Method of

  1. The of method generates a date/time object based on the given argument

  2. Use the sample

    // 8 August 2018
    LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(2018.8.8);
    // 8 minutes 8 seconds, the second is 0 or omitted toString is not displayed
    LocalTime localTime = LocalTime.of(8.8.8);
    // August 8, 2018, 8:08 minutes and 8 seconds
    LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2018.;
    System.out.println("localTime: " + localTime);
    System.out.println("localDate: " + localDate);
    System.out.println("localDateTime:" + localDateTime);
    /* localDate: 2018-08-08 localTime: 08:08:08 localDate: 2018-08-08T08:08:08 */
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ZoneId time class

  1. ZoneId Indicates the time zone

  2. ZoneId getAvailableZoneIds returns a set, contains about 600 time zones, such as Asia/Shanghai

  3. Zoneid. of returns the time zone object in a string representing the time zone

  4. ZonedDateTime Sets the time zone

    / / get LocalDateTime
    LocalDateTime localDate =;
    // LocalDateTime atZone returns ZonedDateTime object
    // Set the LocalDateTime object to Shanghai
    ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = localDate.atZone(ZoneId.of("Asia/Shanghai"));
    // Get the corresponding time zone in Tokyo
    ZonedDateTime tokyoDateTime = zonedDateTime.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("Asia/Tokyo"));
    / * the T16 2020-11-26:54:31. 692 + 08:00 Asia/Shanghai T17:2020-11-26 54:31. 692 + 09:00 Asia/Tokyo * /
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The Month enumeration class

  1. Month Month enumeration

    // Use the Month enumeration to get the Month
    LocalDateTime localDate = LocalDateTime.of(2018, Month.AUGUST, 8.8.8);
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    Note that old Calendar months start at 0 and LocalDate/LocalDateTime months start at 1

  2. The Month of method

    Month month = Month.of(12);
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  1. LocalDate plus method

    • LocalDate plusDay(Long days) Specifies the number of days added
    • LocalDate plusWeeks(long weeks) Adds the number of weeks
    • LocallDate plusMonths(Long months) Indicates the months added
    • LocalDate plusYears(Long years) Adds the number of years
  2. The plus method of LocalTime

    • LocalTime plusNanos(Long Nanos) added nanoseconds
    • LocalTime plusSeconds(long seconds) Adds seconds
    • LocalTime plusMinutes(Long minutes) Add minutes
    • LocalTime plusHours(Long hours) Adds hours
  3. plus(TemporalAmount amoutToadd)

    TemporalAmount is an interface, and Period is its implementation class, representing a Period of time

    LocalDateTime localDateTime =;
    // 1 year, 2 months and 3 days
    Period p = Period.of(1.2.3);
    // Add p to localDateTime
    LocalDateTime dateTimeAfterPlus =;
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  4. plus(long amountToadd, TemporalUnit unit)

    TemporalUnit is an interface, and ChronoUnit is its implementation class, encapsulating many time periods

    LocalDateTime localDateTime =;// Add 1 day localDateTime1 = localDatetime. plus(1, chronounit.days); // Add 2 HOURS localDateTime2 = localDatetime. plus(2, chronounit.hours);
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With the method

  1. The with method allows you to modify a time item directly

    • LocalDateTime withNano(int I) Changes to nanoseconds
    • LocalDateTime withSecond(int I) Change seconds
    • LocalDateTime withMinute(int I) Changes the branch
    • LocalDateTime withHour(int I) Change hour
    • LocalDateTime withDayOfMonth(int I) Change day
    • LocalDateTime withMonth(int I) Change month
    • LocalDateTime withYear(int I) Change year
  2. with(TemporalField field, long newValue)

    TemporalField is an interface and ChronoField is its implementation class, providing an enumeration of many date fields

    LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2018.;LocalDateTime localDateTimeModified = LocalDateTime. withMonth(10); LocalDateTime localDateTimeModified = localDatetime. with(chronofield.month_of_year, 10);
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  3. with(TemporalAdjuster adjuster)

    TemporalAdjuster is a functional interface that allows you to customize the TemporalAdjuster implementation class for desired modifications

    TemporalAdjusters encapsulates many methods that return to the realization of TemporalAdjuster

    The Next and Previous methods of TemporalAdjusters, combined with the DayOfWeek enumeration class, enable easy access to the next week or the day of the week

    LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.of(2018.;/ / to the first day of the month LocalDateTime localDateTime1 = LocalDateTime. With (TemporalAdjusters. FirstDayOfMonth ()); / / to the first day of next month LocalDateTime localDateTime2 = LocalDateTime. With (TemporalAdjusters. FirstDayOfNextMonth ()); // Customize TemporalAdjuster, LocalDateTime3 = LocalDateTime. with(new TemporalAdjuster() {@override public Temporal adjustInto(Temporal temporal) { return temporal.with(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, temporal.range(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH).getMaximum() -1 ); }}); // Next and previous methods work with the DayOfWeek enumeration class, for example: Next FRIDAY LocalDateTime localDateTime4 = LocalDateTime. with(TemporalAdjusters. Next (dayofweek.Friday));
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The query method

  1. LocalDate and LocalTime have a query method to query dates

  2. R Query (TemporalQuery Query) is a generic method that returns data of the type of the passed generic class

  3. TemporalQuery is a generic interface that overrides its queryFrom(TemporalAccessor temporal) method to return data in passing time

    LocalDate localDate = LocalDate.of(2018.8.8);Boolean isAfterLabour = localdate.query (new TemporalQuery
             () {@override public Boolean queryFrom(TemporalAccessor temporal) { LocalDate today = LocalDate.from(temporal); LocalDate labour = LocalDate.of(today.getYear(), 5 ,1); return today.isAfter(labour); }});
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The parse and format

  1. The parse method is a static method of LocalDate and LocalDateTime that converts a string to a time or date object

  2. Format is an instance method of LocalDate and LocalDateTime, used to format strings

  3. The DateTimeFormatter class encapsulates the commonly used format as a static variable, or you can customize the format using the ofPattern method

    Parse ("2018-08-08"); // localdate. parse("2018-08-08"); // localdate. parse("2018-08-08"); / / LocalDate. Parse the specified format LocalDate parsedDate2 = LocalDate. Parse (" 2018/11/1 ", DateTimeFormatter ofPattern (" yyyy/M/d ")); LocalDateTime LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime. Of,8,8,8,8,8 (2018); 2018-08-08String s1 = localDateTime.format(datetimeformatter.iso_date); 2018-08-08String s1 = localDateTime. // 2018-08-08T08:08:08String s2 = localDateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME); / / DateTimeFormatter ofPattern custom format - > 2018.08.08 String s3 = localDateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.MM.dd"));
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