What is the relationship between Linux and Ubuntu? Is there a difference? For those of you who don’t know Linux, you might say “I use the Linux operating system.” In fact, the word Linux itself refers to the Linux kernel. The general Linux system is actually based on the Linux kernel operating system. Ubuntu is one of the operating systems with Linux as the kernel.

What are the parts of the Linux kernel operating system? It generally consists of four major parts: kernel, shell, file system, and application. The kernel, shell, and file system together form the basic operating system structure, making it easy for users to run applications, manage files, and use the entire system.

1. Linux applications

A good operating system provides a set of easy-to-use applications, such as a text editor, office suite, Internet tools, databases, etc.

2. Linux file system

A file system is a way of organizing files on storage devices, such as disks. For example, EXT2, EXT3, FAT, FAT32, and VFAT.

3. Linux Shell

Shell is the user interface of the operating system. It provides an interface for users to interact with the kernel. It is a command interpreter. It receives the user’s input and sends it into the kernel to execute.

4. The Linux kernel

The kernel is the core of an operating system. An operating system needs to perform tasks such as requesting memory resources, performing computations, connecting to the network, and so on. The Linux kernel handles all of these requests, just like the human brain.

The Linux kernel has five modular functions: process management, memory management, file system management, device control and network management.

4.1 Process Management:

The Linux kernel is responsible for process creation and destruction, communication between processes, and input and output of processes. Furthermore, process management controls the use of one or more CPU resources on the Soc by multiple processes

4.2 Memory Management

The memory resource usage strategy is particularly important for the performance of an operating system. The kernel establishes a virtual address space for each process on limited memory resources. The different functional parts of the kernel interact with the memory management subsystem through a set of function calls, making communication efficient and simple.

4.3 File System Management

In Linux, almost anything can be viewed as a file (everything is a file). The kernel makes extensive use of structures such as KObject to organize a bunch of unstructured hardware into a multi-level data system. In addition, Linux supports multiple file system types. Such as corruption,

4.4 Device Control

Almost any operating system ultimately runs on a physical platform. The kernel contains driver code that accesses hardware devices on the platform.

4.5 Network Functions

Most network operations are not associated with a specific process because the transmission of packets is an asynchronous event. The kernel collects, identifies, and distributes packets before applications access them.

So ****Ubuntu as an operating system, what features?

At present, Ubuntu reveres “free open source and personalized”, has a very user-friendly and beautiful interface, powerful software source support, mainstream drivers can be found in the installation package; In addition, because Ubuntu is based on Debian series, there is DPKG suite, which can be installed online, has a perfect package management mechanism, good compatibility, a lot of applications, you can download a lot of personalized gadgets, personalized experience is very good; Arguably Ubuntu is the best PC operating system among Linux distributions.

In addition, there are Redhat and centos operating systems based on the Linux kernel. Redhat is the mainstream server-level version of Linux. Provide a variety of professional technical support, provide large technology and product solutions. It has the only global Linux professional technical certification body. At present, many state-owned enterprises and large and medium-sized enterprises in the large server will be the first choice red Hat. Centos is basically the same as redhat. The advantage is that it is completely free, but the disadvantage is that it does not provide any technical support. Some standard server systems of small and medium-sized enterprises are often used.

Whether it’s Ubuntu or Redhat, or even centos. It’s all Linux at its core. Therefore, whether it is a large enterprise or a small enterprise, want to engage in operation and maintenance related work. The most basic is to have a good grasp of Linux technology.

Disclaimer: Part of this article from the network, for reference only.

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