Akik Look at that coder

Public account: Look at that code farmer

Yitaro Matsuura once said in his book the 100 Basics, “People and goods that are not interesting will lose their appeal. We call it charm, to be endearing and unique while being ‘serious about doing something’.”

In our life, there are many such phenomena.

What flavor of ice cream would you like?

Will do.

Where do you want to go?

Either way. Whatever you want.

How does this leetcode work?

Just look at the answer.

Maybe you’re used to this conversation.

Our lives are filled with ease and comfort,

Lack of innovation in things, innovation in theories,

Innovation in the world.

Unique thinking, unique personality,

Unique innovation is particularly important.

Because you are you and others are others,

Not afraid to speak your mind, to go your own way,

Exude your uniqueness.

Little by little

And that uniqueness becomes a kind of personal charm,

So you can get in the middle of this noisy world,

Find your Lake Baikal.

Of course there’s something unique about you

Be on the right track!

You might think that code farmers, programmers,

The first realization is,

Hair less,

Institute of technology, male,



A lot of programmers,

I was writing about my wonderful life,

Write the most beautiful paean to the world in code.

One man plants a tree, another man sits in the shade,

We, too, have been on the road…

Use this uniqueness to create our own path,

I believe that our road will be wider and further.

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