When I dream, I’m a top hacker saving the world. I knew it was just a dream, but my heart, saving and changing the world, was too restless to rest. Then enjoy games and movies!

How many days did you get off for Spring Festival? Next HelloGitHub recommends programmer games and movies and TV works, sure to let you have a boring holiday.

What are you going to study during the vacation? Low-key, I put a link to a collection of “free” books and monthly magazines at the end of this article, please check.

A special holiday package for programmers, good collection of this article, the Spring Festival is not lonely. Body start: three non, on the game!

A, games,

Even if the holiday at home! Even addicted to the game! The art of eating or don’t want to lose? So here are a few programmer’s games, you can certainly find their favorite one.

1.1 abnormal

Platform: PC, iOS, Android, currently available on Steam and TapTap (18 RMB)

In the game you will play the role of quality inspector 159 you need to write programs for the little robots to help them defeat the enemy, through the program to control them to defeat powerful enemies. The game is a sequential pass-through process, which needs to analyze the pass-through strategy and program to realize the strategy. In the later stage of the game, it also needs to program a variety of robots to complete more complex cooperative operations. The game uses modular visual programming, which allows robots to be programmed without writing a single line of code.

Game features:

  • Simple programming: Graphical programming, hands on the line (program logic is another issue)
  • Rich walkthroughs: there are complete walkthroughs in official and major game forums.
  • Open: playable player-designed levels (curse) and do-it-yourself levels to share with other players (curse)

1.2 shenzhen IO

Platform: PC, currently available on Steam (48 RMB)

MCU programming simulator games. You will play the role of a new embedded engineer, using various components from different manufacturers such as LCD screens, microcontrollers, memory, connecting components and writing assembly code to complete tasks assigned to you by your boss.

Game features:

  • Hardcore: It’s hard when you see the assembly
  • The real embedded development experience: it involves wiring original parts, writing assembly code and a 47-page development manual built into the game
  • Really Learn programming: Embedded development and assembly, regardless of whether or not you’ve learned it, will be a hands-on experience in this game

1.3 while True: learn ()

Platform: PC, currently available on Steam (43 RMB)

A brain-burning puzzle/puzzle game about machine learning, neural networks, big data and artificial intelligence. By dragging and connecting modules in the game, it simulates real machine learning algorithms, from the most basic classifier to a recurrent neural network. From the game, you can intuitively see how various machine learning algorithms work, and better understand the algorithm. The game also offers entries for various specialized terms, so interested students can learn more by reading further, and get into machine learning without having to write a line of code.

Game features:

  • The gradual progression in difficulty reflects the evolution of machine learning in the real world
  • The whole process is short, not addicted and not time-consuming
  • Cats are cute

1.4 HackNet

Platform: PC, currently available on Steam (37 RMB)

A terminal based hacker simulator. You will track down the hacker Bit’s death step by step throughout the game, using the HackNet system Bit left behind to solve the mystery. After completing the tutorial, you’ll be able to hack into every server using basic commands to get new leads and new hacking tools.

Game features:

  • Emulating terminal interface and hacking process: The super emulating Linux terminal and cool animations are perfect for fishing. Each order needs to be hit by hand, the countdown in the process is to create a real hacker like nervous excitement.
  • High degree of freedom: There is more than one way to solve the problem, from discovering the truth step by step by following the emails left by the Bit, to exploring the network of servers in the game, and even hacking into the game’s email server to see everyone’s email.
  • Lots of Easter eggs: Every server has a file that contains someone’s junk jokes, and Easter eggs are triggered when you reply to certain emails (e.g.

1.5 Screeps

Platform: PC, currently available on Steam (45 RMB)

Screeps means to program (scripting) your creeps. Screeps is an MMORTS (massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game). Designed primarily for people with a programming background, Screeps, unlike other RTS games, allows your creeps to run automatically, as long as you type the code for them. And unlike other Mmos, you don’t have to spend hours and hours playing, you just have to take time off to see if everything is going well.

Game features:

  • Very hardcore, very casual. All crawler operations are realized by JavaScript programming. The better your code is, the stronger your combat capability in the game will be. You need to constantly reconstruct your code in order to cope with different situations in the game (of course, this is also fun).
  • In addition to being able to use the IDE that comes with your game, you can write programs in any IDE you’re familiar with, such as VS Code, which you use for your daily work, which is pretty handy
  • The document is rich in tutorials, and has been Chinese. Open source server, can build their own private server and friends to play together

There are plenty of other non-programmer games worth playing during Spring Festival, such as the two domestic games that recently topped Steam sales: Dyson Ball and Ghost Valley eight Wasteland. Cyberpunk 2077, Watchdog, and other online games are not to mention. Limited to space will not expand on, what are you ready to play and like the game welcome to share with you.

Second, film and television

The game is fun, but it can’t be played flat. It is better to stay in bed and watch TV dramas and movies. Dried fish, in movies and TV shows!

2.1 [Film] Who AM I: There is no absolutely safe system


The film began to hack the audience’s mind from the beginning, talent is the biggest loophole, so what did the hacker in the film do? From the beginning, he was hacking the loophole of the woman in charge of network security, and the final result was successful. The whole process was how to cheat, how to bypass her “firewall”, how to take advantage of her kindness, how to take advantage of her lack of children and a series of operations, and finally finished hacking into the system. No matter what the system is, as long as you can get “access”, the system will ultimately fail, and that’s what the director is trying to say. (@ iuo! u! Do you like it?

2.2 [Film] Social networks

Video source: Tencent Video

The film tells the story of zuckerberg, a talented Harvard University programmer who founded the now-famous Facebook, and you can’t miss zuckerberg’s (somewhat apocrphal) rise. One of my favorite movies, the one that the programmer has printed on his business card: “I’m the CEO Bitch” is so cool, it always makes me want to fight!

2.3 [Episode] Silicon Valley

Video source: Tencent Video

HBO produces programmer god drama, can be said to be programmers must watch TV. Based on a revolutionary technology, the four protagonists start their own businesses and fight against big factories to become unicorns. In this process happened a lot of things between tears and smiles, daily black factory, programmers just understand humor and memes, jokes frequently. Silicon Valley doesn’t have these four characters. These four characters are a lot like you, the tech mogul around you: inarticulate, elegant… In addition, you can also Get some programmer memes, such as: HTML = how to make (~~Bi~~~~) love

2.4 [Episode] Mr. Robot

Source: not available yet, find your own resources

It tells the story of Elliot Alderson, a Network security engineer in New York who suffers from severe social phobia and depression and often talks to himself. But at night, he transforms into a hacker who secretly solves problems and protects those around him. One day, Elliot meets a mysterious anarchist named Mr. Robot.

Than “silicon valley”, “hackers” the show slightly depressed, a lot of people who have seen the show will come to a conclusion: it is a story of “alone against the world”, the editor spent a lot of space to describe the “lonely” : the hero of the quiet and seclusion, love only in the computer and code, like everyone around us: silence daily affairs. At the end of the first season, Mr Robot said that advertising and network media have shaped people’s values, and it is also his voice that he is deeply immersed in obtaining and filtering information on various platforms.

2.5 [Variety] Let it burn! Genius programmer

Source: IQiyi, B station

“Burn! Is sponsored by ant Security Laboratory, the prize is 1 million network security attack and defense + AI joint competition.

Although it is a variety, but also relatively close to the programmers of a program, the middle process is very exciting. (Recommended by @linuzb)

As the first programmer reality show in China, the background of the contestants should not be underestimated, for example: Doctor of biology crossover to the top hacker, high school won “AI World Cup champion” Kaggle Grand Master and so on, the Spring Festival home is not as close to eat melon to see the security gods fight [eat melon].

Three, books,

I’m sure you have a plan to study during your vacation, but I’m afraid that after watching the above games and film collection, there won’t be much time left for studying. 🤔 So below, Egg recommends only one non-technical book.

3.1 The Cathedral and The Bazaar

Amazon has an electronic version

First of all, the author of this book is the spokesperson and preacher of the open source movement and hacker culture. He expounds the origin of open source, the benefits of open source model and some development directions and models of well-known open source projects based on his own experience in the construction and contribution of the open source community and his own summary and thinking.

Buildings in the world can be divided into two kinds: one is the bazaar, open every day, from nothing to existence, from small to large; Then there are cathedrals, which take generations and decades to build and use.

When you build a new building, you can use the model of a market, or you can use the model of a cathedral. Generally speaking, the market is characterized by open construction, low cost, short cycle and mediocre quality; Cathedral is characterized by closed construction, high cost, long cycle and excellent quality.

Would it be possible to build a cathedral in the same way as a market?

It is recommended for anyone who loves open source or is already committed to it.

3.2 HelloGitHub monthly album

HelloGitHub is a monthly publication that shares interesting, entry-level open source projects. Updated on 28th every month, serialized for more than 4 years, thank you for your company and love all the time. Click here to read

Dear brothers and sisters, remember to visit me on HelloGitHub when you come back from the Spring Festival holiday

HelloGitHub members, happy New Year to you all!