Want to online a small training project on Tencent cloud server, but it is always difficult to upload from the local development environment to the cloud deployment environment. The following tools can be used to reduce difficulties:

  • git

    • Personally set up git server

    This isn’t easy, and it’s not worth it to have a one-user Git server, but if you want to set up Git to learn by yourself, you can try it

    Details: www.liaoxuefeng.com/wiki/896043…

    • github/gitee

    This is a perfect choice when you are Posting leaflet documents. But when your project contains images or other files that are under pressure to upload, uploading to a public hosting site may not be successful. Domestic Gitee may be better, but it only allows 20 files to be uploaded per day. Specific steps: local (gitshell installation or Web HTTP upload) -> server using Git download.

    Details: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

  • ftp

    • FTP is one of the best solutions for uploading files. FTP is faster than Git in file transfer and easier to set up FTP. Vsftpd (Very secure FTP Daemon) is a common tool for building FTP on the server. And upload using Filezilla, relatively common.

    1:cloud.tencent.com/document/pr… 2: cloud.tencent.com/document/pr…

  • docker

    • Security container, large companies high utilization rate, if large projects can use, a lot of content, powerful, mainly the code environment safe transfer, can be safely transplanted from other places and safe operation.

    Details: juejin. Cn/post / 684490…

  • Baidu cloud

    • Graphical operation peak, upload and download speed is not slow, large file upload stable god.

    Specific steps: package local files -> upload baidu Cloud -> Copy sharing link -> open the browser -> Copy download link -> open the server system -> enter wget -c -o [file name] [copy download address] -> Download completion details: it will be written later.