
When cssModule is enabled on Vue, you can use this API to fetch the className processed by vue-loader.

- HelloWorld.vue
// template
<div :class="$style.hello">text</div>

// script
export default {
  setup() {
    const $style = useCssModule()
    console.log($style.hello); // "HelloWorld_hello_1ae9G"}}// style
<style module>
  .hello {
    color: red;
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Vue CSS Modules document reference

The source code parsing
Gets the type.__cssmodules.$style object under the current component instance.
Tip: __cssModules are injected by vue-loader
function useCssModule(name = '$style') { if (! __GLOBAL__) { const instance = getCurrentInstance()! const modules = instance.type.__cssModules const mod = modules[name] if (! mod) { return EMPTY_OBJ } return mod } else { return EMPTY_OBJ } }Copy the code
Simple encapsulation example

   import { useCssModule, ref, watchEffect } from 'vue'
function useClassnames(namesGetter) {
  const $styles = useCssModule()

  const classnames = ref([])
  watchEffect(function() {
    classnames.value = getClassnames()
  function getClassnames() {
    const names = namesGetter()
    if (Array.isArray(names)) {
      return names.filter(i => !!i).map(it => $styles[it])

    } else {
      const result = []
      for (const key in names) {
        names[key] && classNames.push($styles[key])
      return result
  return classnames

// 使用
const rootStyle = useClassnames(() => ({
  hello: true,
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Add CSS variables to the style of the root EL of the Vue component.

/ / usage

// template
<div class="text-color">1</div>

// script

function useTheme() {
  const theme = reactive({
    textColor: '#b53f6b'
  const getTheme = (useProxy) = > {
    const { active } = useProxy
    return active ? theme : {}

export default {
  setup() {
    const active = ref(true)
    return { active }

// style
.text-color {
  color: var(--textColor);
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UseCssVars implementation source code


Gets the context, the second argument to the setup method in the current component

function useHeaderSlot() {
   const { slots } = useContext()
   return slots && slots.header

export default {
  setup() {
      const headerSlot = useHeaderSlot()
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The Compositon API no longer exists this. So getting the method that the plug-in adds to the global is a hassle. But it can be retrieved from the proxy object of the component instance.

// main.js
const app = createApp(App) = 'bar'

// useRenderContext,js
function useRenderContext(){
  const i = getCurrentInstance()!
  return i.proxy
setup() {
  const { foo } = useRenderContext()
  foo // bar
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