This article focuses on AOP proxies in Spring, covering the basic concepts of AOP, as well as the terminology associated with AOP in Spring, implementing AOP configuration through both XML configuration and annotation configuration.

Understanding about proxy: with all the methods of the proxied object, at the same time to the proxied object method extension (enhancement), the proxy object can achieve more functions.

AOP stands for Aspect Oriented Programming

Main function: to isolate each part of the business logic, so as to reduce the coupling degree of each part of the business logic and improve the reusability of the program. Simply speaking, it is to extract the duplicate code in the program, use dynamic proxy technology where it needs to be executed, and enhance the existing method without modifying the source code.

Main advantages: reduce repeated code, improve development efficiency and easy maintenance

1. Dynamic proxy

Features: bytecode is created and loaded as you go

What it does: Enhances methods without modifying source code


  Dynamic proxy based on interface Subclass-based dynamic proxy
Involved in the class Proxy Enhancer
The provider The JDK official Third-party library Cglib
How do I create a proxy object Using a ProxynewProxyInstancemethods Use the Enhancer classcreatemethods
Requirements for creating proxy objects The proxied class implements at least one interface and cannot use it if it does not The proxied object cannot be the final class

1.1 Dynamic proxy based on interface

Parameters to the newProxyInstance method:

  • ClassLoader: a ClassLoader. Used to load the proxy object bytecode, using the same classloader as the propped class.

    Proxy object.getClass ().getClassLoader()

  • Class[] : byte code array. Used to make the proxied object have the same method as the proxied object.

    Written: Proxy object.getClass ().getinterfaces ()

  • InvocationHandler: Code for enhancement. Write to code that has been enhanced by proxy methods. The implementation class of the interface is usually written, but not required, in an anonymous inner class. The implementation class of the interface is usually written by whoever uses it.

  • The invoke method in the InvocationHandler parameter passes through any interface method that executes the proxied object. Method parameters and their meanings:

    • Proxy: reference to the proxy object
    • Method: indicates the method currently executed
    • Args: Parameters required to execute the current method
    • Return value: Has the same return value as the proxied class

Code examples:

public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final ProducerImpl producer = new ProducerImpl();

        producer.saleProduct(1000f);// Sell the product, get 1000.0
        System.out.println("After enhancing the method...");
        Producer proxyProduct = (Producer) Proxy.newProxyInstance(producer.getClass().getClassLoader(),
                new InvocationHandler() {

                    /** * Any interface method that executes the propisted-object passes through the method * parameter meaning *@paramProxy Reference of the proxy object *@paramMethod Current execution method *@paramArgs Parameters * required to execute the current method@returnHas the same return value * as the proxied object@throws Throwable
                    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                        // Provide enhanced code
                        Object returnValue = null;
                        // 1. Obtain the execution parameters of the method
                        Float money = (Float) args[0];

                        // 2. Determine whether the current method is a sales method
                        if ("saleProduct".equals(method.getName())){
                            returnValue = method.invoke(producer, money * 0.8 f);
                        returnreturnValue; }}); proxyProduct.saleProduct(1000f);// Sell the product, get 800.0}}Copy the code

1.2 Dynamic proxy based on subclasses

Create method parameters:

  • Class: bytecode. Bytecode used to specify the proxied object.
  • Callback: to provide enhanced code similar to dynamic interface-based proxiesinvokeMethods. Generally write the subinterface implementation class of the interfaceMethodInterceptor
  • createIn the parametersMethodInterceptorMethod parameters:
    • o: a reference to the proxy object
    • method: Method currently executed
    • objects: Parameters required by the current execution method
    • methodProxy: Proxy object for the currently executing method

Code examples:

public class Client {

    final Producer producer = new Producer();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final Producer producer = new Producer();

        producer.saleProduct(1000f);// Sell goods, get 1000.0
        System.out.println("After enhancing the method...");
        Producer cglibProducer = (Producer) Enhancer.create(producer.getClass(), new MethodInterceptor() {
            /** * Any method that executes any processed object passes through this method *@paramO References to proxy objects *@paramMethod Current execution method *@paramObjects Specifies the parameters * required to execute the current method@paramMethodProxy The proxy object * that currently executes the method@return
             * @throws Throwable
            public Object intercept(Object o, Method method, Object[] objects, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
                // Provide enhancements
                Object returnValue = null;

                // 1. Obtain the execution parameters of the current method
                Float money = (Float) objects[0];
                // 2. Determine if the current method is a sales move
                if ("saleProduct".equals(method.getName())){
                    returnValue = method.invoke(producer, money * 0.8 f);
                returnreturnValue; }}); cglibProducer.saleProduct(1000f);// Sell goods, get 800.0}}Copy the code

1.3 Dynamic Proxy Summary

Dynamic proxies are commonly used in the following ways:

  • Get propped object (propped object’s bytecode, propped object’s classloader, etc.)
  • Methods in the proxied class are enhanced in the methods provided by the proxy class

2. AOP in Spring

AOP in Spring implements dynamic proxies by configuration

2.1 Related terms in Spring:

Joinpoint Indicates the point that is intercepted. In Spring these points refer to methods, because Spring only supports join points of method types. You can think of it as all the methods in the business layer.

Pointcut pointcuts are the definitions that need to be used to intercept JoinPoints. You can think of it as an enhanced method.

Advice Advice/enhancement refers to what needs to be done after intercepting Joinpoint. Notification types: pre-notification, post-notification, exception notification, final notification, surround notification.

  • Pre-notification: notification prior to execution of a business layer method;
  • Post-notification: notification after execution of the business layer method;
  • Exception notification:catchNotice in;
  • Final notice: infinallyNotice in;
  • Surround notification: wholeinvokeMethod execution is circular notification;

Introduction can dynamically add methods or fields to a class at run time without modifying the class code.

Target Target object: the Target object of the agent.

Weaving refers to the process of applying enhancements to target objects to create proxy objects. Spring is dynamically proxy weaving, whereas AspectJ uses compile-time weaving and class-load weaving.

When a class is woven into AOP to enhance it, a result Proxy class is produced.

An Aspect Aspect is a combination of pointcuts and notifications (introductions).

2.2 in the spring AOP

Development stage:

Write core business code (mainline development, familiar with business code to develop)

Extract the common code and make it into notifications. (Final stage of development)

The relationship between pointcuts and advice, known as facets, is declared in the configuration file.

Operation phase:

The Spring framework monitors the method execution of pointcuts. Once the pointcut method is monitored to run, use the proxy mechanism to dynamically create the proxy object of the target object, the notification category, and weave the corresponding function of the notification into the corresponding position of the proxy object, completing the complete code logic run.

AOP in Spring decides which dynamic proxy approach to adopt based on whether the target implements the interface

3. Xml-based AOP configuration

3.1 The notification class shall be managed by IoC container

Register the notification class with Spring’s IoC container

<bean id="" class="">
	<property name="" ref=""></property>

Copy the code

3.2 the use of<aop:config>Tag for AOP configuration

Used to declare an AOP configuration

	<! -- The configuration code is written here -->

Copy the code

3.3 the use of<aop:aspect>The configuration section

Used to configure facets


① ID attribute: provides a unique identifier for the section

The ref attribute specifies the Id of the notification bean.

<aop:aspect id="" ref="">
    <! -- Set notification type here -->
Copy the code
  • < AOP :before> : Used to configure pre-notification

  • < AOP :after-return> : Used to configure post-notification

  • < AOP :after-throwing> : Used to configure exception notification

  • < AOP :after> : Used to configure final advice

  • < AOP: around> : Used to configure surround advice

    ① Method attribute: used to specify which method in the Logger class is the pre-notification

    ② The pointcut attribute: used to specify pointcut expressions, meaning which methods in the business layer are enhanced

    ③ The pointcut-ref attribute: specifies the ID of the pointcut expression

3.4 the use of<aop:pointcut>Configuring pointcut expressions

Used to configure pointcut expressions that specify which methods are enhanced for those classes


① ID attribute: A unique identifier used to specify a pointcut

② Expression attribute: used to configure pointcut expression

<aop:pointcut id="" expression="execution()"/>
Copy the code

Code examples:

<! -- Configure service object -->
<bean id="accountService" class="cn.bruce.service.impl.AccountServiceImpl"></bean>
<bean id="testService" class="cn.bruce.service.impl.TestServiceImpl"></bean>

<! -- Configure Logger class -->
<bean id="logger" class="cn.bruce.utils.Logger"></bean>

<! Configure AOP -->
    <! -- Configuration section -->
    <aop:aspect id="logAdvice" ref="logger">
        <! Configure the notification type and associate notification methods with pointcut methods.
        <aop:before method="printLog" pointcut="execution(* cn.bruce.service.impl.*.*(..) )"></aop:before>
        <aop:after method="printLog" pointcut="execution(* cn.. impl.Test*.*(cn.bruce.domain.Account))"></aop:after>
Copy the code

4. Pointcut expressions

Execution of an expression

Expression: Access modifiers return value package name. Class name. Method name (parameter list)

Standard written: public void cn. Bruce. Service. Impl. AccountServiceImpl. SaveAccount ()

  • Access modifiers can be omitted (access permissions cannot be written *) to indicate that any type of access is matched, but Spring now only supports public permissions;

    void cn.bruce.service.impl.AccountServiceImpl.saveAccount()

  • The return value can use wildcard characters to indicate any return value.

    * cn.bruce.service.impl.AccountServiceImpl.saveAccount()

  • Package name can use wildcard characters, indicating any package, there are several levels of the package should be written several *;

    * *.*.*.*.AccountServiceImpl.saveAccount()

  • Package names can be used as.. Represents the current package and its subpackages

    * cn.. AccountServiceImpl.saveAccount()

  • Both class and method names can be replaced with wildcards

    * *.. *. * ()

** Argument list: ** Write data type directly

  • Basic data types write names directly, such as:int long double boolean
  • Write full class names to reference data types, such as:cn.bruce.domain.Accout
  • You can use wildcards*Represents any type, but must have arguments
  • You can use wildcards*To hold a space, as:* *.. *.*(*, int)
  • You can use.Indicates that the parameter can be of any type* *.. *. * (..)

Full wildcard written: * *.. *. * (..)

The usual way to write pointcut expressions in development is as follows: * cn. Bruce.service.impl.*.*(..)

5. Common notification types

Pre-notification < AOP :before> : executed before the pointcut method executes

Post-notification < AOP: after-RETURNING > : executed after pointcut method execution. Only one post-notification and exception notification can ever be executed

Exception notification < AOP: after-Throwing > : executed after the pointcut method execution produces an exception. Only one exception notification and one post-notification can ever be executed

The final notification < AOP: After > : will execute after the pointcut method whether or not it executes normally

Aop :around> : is a way that the Spring framework gives us to manually control in our code when enhancements are executed.

Code examples:

<! Configure AOP -->
    <! The id attribute is the unique identifier of the expression, and the expression attribute is used to specify the content of the expression. This tag can be written inside the AOP :aspect tag and can only be used on the current aspect.
    <aop:pointcut id="loggerPointCut" expression="execution(* cn.. impl.Account*.*(..) )"/>

    <! -- Configuration section -->
    <aop:aspect id="logAdvice" ref="logger">
        <! -- Pre-notification: execute before pointcut method execution -->
        <aop:before method="beforePrintLog" pointcut-ref="loggerPointCut"></aop:before>

        <! Post-advice: executes after the pointcut method executes. Only one post-notification and exception notification can ever be executed -->
        <aop:after-returning method="afterReturningPrintLog" pointcut-ref="loggerPointCut"></aop:after-returning>

        <! Exception notification: executed after the pointcut method execution produces an exception. Exception notification and post-notification can only ever be executed one -->
        <aop:after-throwing method="afterThrowingPrintLog" pointcut-ref="loggerPointCut"></aop:after-throwing>

        <! Final notification: it will execute after the pointcut method whether or not it executes properly -->
        <aop:after method="afterPrintLog" pointcut-ref="loggerPointCut"></aop:after>

        <! Circular notification: The Spring framework gives us a way to manually control when enhancements are executed in code. -->
        <aop:around method="aroundPrintLog" pointcut-ref="loggerPointCut"></aop:around>

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6. Annotation based AOP configuration

Configuration steps:

① Import Maven coordinates

        <version>5.2.8. RELEASE</version>


Copy the code

(2) Write spring configuration classes, enable package scanning and annotation support

@ComponentScan("cn.bruce") // Enable packet scanning and configure packets to be scanned
@EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true) // Enable annotation driver
public class SpringConfiguration {}Copy the code

③ The business layer entity class is managed by the IoC container

public class TestServiceImpl implements TestService {

    public void testOfVoid(a) {
        System.out.println("testOfVoid is running......");

    public void testOfInt(int i) {
        System.out.println("testOfInt is running...... number is" + i);

    public void testOfInteger(Integer i) {
// i = 1/0;
        System.out.println("testOfInteger is running...... number is" + i);


    public void testOfAccount(Account account) {
        int i = 1/0;
        System.out.println("testOfInt is running...... number is"+ account); }}Copy the code

④ Write the aspect class, declare it as the aspect class and set the pointcut and notification type

@Aspect // indicates that this class is a facet class
public class Logger {

    @Pointcut("execution(* cn.. impl.*.*(..) )" // Specify the pointcut expression
    private void pointcut(a){}

    /** ** */
    @Before("execution(* cn.. impl.*.*(int))")
    public  void beforePrintLog(a){
        System.out.println("Pre notifying the beforePrintLog method in the Logger class to start logging...");

    /** ** after notification */
    @AfterReturning("execution(* cn.. impl.*.*(Integer))")
    public  void afterReturningPrintLog(a){
        System.out.println("Post notifying the Logger class that the afterReturningPrintLog method is logging...");
    /** * Exception notification */
    public  void afterThrowingPrintLog(a){
        System.out.println("Exception notifying the afterThrowingPrintLog method in the Logger class to start logging...");

    /** * Final notification */
    @After("execution(* cn.. impl.*.*())")
    public  void afterPrintLog(a){
        System.out.println("Finally notifying the afterPrintLog method in the Logger class to start logging...");

    /** * wrap around notification */
    @Around("execution(* cn.. impl.*.*(cn.bruce.domain.Account))")
    public Object aroundPringLog(ProceedingJoinPoint pjp){
        Object rtValue = null;
            // Get the parameters required to execute the method
            Object[] args = pjp.getArgs();

            System.out.println(The aroundPringLog method in the Logger class starts logging... The front");

            // Explicitly invoke business layer methods (pointcut methods)
            rtValue = pjp.proceed(args);

            System.out.println(The aroundPringLog method in the Logger class starts logging... Rear");

            return rtValue;
        }catch (Throwable t){
            System.out.println(The aroundPringLog method in the Logger class starts logging... Abnormal");
            throw new RuntimeException(t);
        }finally {
            System.out.println(The aroundPringLog method in the Logger class starts logging... In the end. ""); }}}Copy the code

⑤ Write test classes for testing

public class TestAOP {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApplicationContext ac = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(SpringConfiguration.class);
        TestService testService = (TestService) ac.getBean("testService");
        System.out.println("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -");
        System.out.println("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -");
        System.out.println("-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -");

        Account account = (Account) ac.getBean("account");
        account.setAge(112); testService.testOfAccount(account); }}Copy the code

There is still a lot of content to be added about this part of the annotations, and a pit will be opened later to continue writing