Flutter writes to the background system and runs on Windows

1. As usual, draw the picture first

2. How do I configure the Windows development environment

1. Upgrade SDK to the latest: Flutter Upgrade

2. Configure Windows development: flutter config –enable-windows-desktop

3. Install VisualStudio and select the c++ development version

3. Development summary and pits

1. Using getX framework, feel very convenient to use

2. Delete unnecessary expand. An error occurs on Windows, but the Web server works properly

3. Screen adaptation can use the plugin desktop_window

4. Package the installer with mSIX 2.1.1.

A normal release package that runs on your own computer but is installed as a hyperDLL on other computers

1. Flutter build Windows 2. Flutter pub run msix:createCopy the code

This plugin packages the MSIX file and uses Advanced Installer to generate the EXE

5. The Windows and Web terminals have the same code

4. Project structure