01) TypeScript

1.1 Development Environment

Official website to download

Node.js (nodejs.org)

Create a project

Initialize the first TypeScript project with a new “first-ts-project” folder

A package.json file will automatically appear in the “first-ts-project” folder

Then execute the following command to install the latest stable version of typescript

Create tsconfig. Json

Method 1: use the VScode editor

  • Create an index.ts file and open it with VScode

  • Click the TypeScript version number at the bottom of VScode

  • Click “Create TsConfG” in the pop-up box that pops up

An option prompts you to create tsconfig.js

Click Create, and it’s automatically created

After creating tsconfig.json, if you want to add a parameter to vscode, just type “” to be prompted, and hover over the parameter to be prompted

TS Playground

Method 2: Create using the command lineCreating tsconfig.json in this way includes all the compiler parameters and their descriptions

1.2 Preliminary Knowledge

TypeScript’s relationship to JavaScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript

TypeScript provides all JavaScript features. And adds TypeScript’s type system on top of it

This type system is designed to be optional. This means that all legitimate JavaScript code is legitimate TypeScript code.

TS compilation process

Let’s compare the C++ compilation process to the TS compilation process

As you can see from the figure, js files are generated regardless of whether the TS file has errors. If the TS file has an error, the JS file will also report an error at runtime.

The type system

Structure type system

Structure System (Structural Type System) : by Type of practical structure to determine whether two types is equal or compatible (TypeScript, Haskell, Ocaml, Go)

Example: Create a of type Foo and assign it directly to b of type Bar;

This is fine because they have the same structure in their classes

Nominal type system

Nominal Type System: Determining whether two types are equal or not based on the Type name (Nominal Type System)

The same example would not work in a notional type system because they have different type names.

Type annotations

Types and sets

A collection for each type

Empty set never = {}

Null = {Null} Undefined = {Undefined} Literal Type(Literal Type,”a”,1,true)

Finite set Boolean = {true, false}

Infinite set String = {‘a’, ‘b’… } Symbol = { Symbol(…) . } BigInt = {… , -1n, 0n, 1n, … } Number = {-lnfinity,-(2^53 – 1),… , 0, + 2 ^ 53-1, Infinity} and NaN

The complete

Type crossing and merging

Type the alias

In JS, variables can be declared using let, const, and var

In TS, you can use type to declare aliases for types

let ID = 9527; Const PI = 3.14; var myPI = PI; Int ID = string; int ID = string; int ID = string; type User = { id:ID; name:string; } Duplicate codeCopy the code

But type has the same scope as let

Declaration in the same domain returns an error

But declaration in different fields will not report an error

The type broadens rather than Narrows

4) Type broadening (Type KP)

When you assign a literal to a let or var variable, TS does not use the literal type as the type of the variable. It broadens from literal types to correspondingly broader types.

Type Narrowing

In some cases, TS can be more specific about the type of the variable, in which case it Narrows the type.

TS tries to strike a balance between type certainty and flexibility

TS provides a number of methods to help narrow types to improve type determinism:

Null Check, as const, Instanceof, Typeof, attribute checking, Tagged Union, User type guarding, code flow analysis

When declaring a variable using let var, TS assumes that the variable will change in the future, so it extrapolates the type to a relatively broad type

When declaring a variable using const, TS knows that constants are invariant and extrapolates the type to the narrowest literal type

Value space and type space

The type space is created by the TS compiler, TSC, and contains various types. TSC instantiates various types based on code.

The value space is created after JSEngine and contains various runtime values.

The syntax of TS introduces values to both Spaces.

Type and interface introduce related types into the type space

Const let var introduces related variables or constants into the value space

Enum Class Namespace imports types for the type space and values for the value space

If a namespace contains only type declarations, no JS code is generated and no variables are introduced

How do you tell which space the symbol is in?

  1. Symbols that disappear after translation -> type space

  2. Symbols as type annotations, aliases -> type space

    type T= typeof Person; const p:Person

  3. Symbol -> type space after type assertion

    target as/is HTMLElement

  4. Const let var symbol -> value space

  5. Class enum Symbol -> Value space + type space of namespace

There are also operators that exist in both Spaces but express completely different meanings.


Expressions following typeof can only be variables, not types

In the value space, Typeof returns a string representation of the JavaScript type corresponding to the following expression:


In type space, Typeof returns the TypeScript type corresponding to the identifier

[] Index access operator

In the value space, val[field] or val.field returns the value of the property corresponding to val

In Type space, Type[T] returns the TS Type corresponding to T

This keyword

In the value space, the this pointer is more complicated

In type space, this can be used as the return value of a class method to implement chained calls

& | operator

Represents bitwise and and bitwise or in value space

Represents the intersection and union of types in type space


Used to declare constants in the value space

Used in type space with as, that is, “as const” constant assertion, narrowing the type

Look at the following example

No as const is inferred to be of type number

Here is the result of adding as const


Used in value space to define subclasses

Class A externds B{} Copies the codeCopy the code

Used in type space for type constraints or interface inheritance

T externds number interface A Externds B Replication codeCopy the code


Used in value space for loops and to determine if an attribute exists

The declaration of the key used to map the type in the type space

[K in T] Copy codeCopy the code

1.3 Basic Knowledge

The type hierarchy in TS

A value of a lower type can be assigned to a variable or constant of an upper type

Variables/constants of type unknown can point to any type of value

There is no variable of type never (never is an empty set)

Top and Bottom types in different languages

Type on


1. Any is special. It is both top type and bottom type

That is, variables/constants of type any can be assigned to variables or constants of any type

However, the any type is insecure and has no language service, so it should be avoided as much as possible

2. Any is contagious. It makes the place it touches unsafe.

So TS introduced the type-safe unknown as the Top Type in 3.0

3. Any hides bugs

4. Any hides code design details: the design of data types is lost

So, try to avoid using any

Turn on strict mode in tsconfig


Unknown must be annotated. TS does not derive any value to unknown

The unknown type can only be equal or unequal

Only when the type is narrowed can the corresponding operation or function call be made

If the type cannot be predicted, do not use any, use unknown and narrow the type before using


Boolean types have only two elements: true/false

Let, var variables will be widened to Boolean types

Const constants correspond to literal types

It is worth noting that the combination of true and false is pushed back to Boolean


Number includes integer, floating point, + -infinity, NaN (not a number)


Number range [- (2 ^ 53-1), 2 ^ 53-1)

To use BigInt, you need to set the compilation options to be larger than ES2020

Bigint is a new type that can represent integers of any size

The bigint literal is a number followed by a lowercase n

Bigint supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, remainder, and powers

But bigint cannot be mixed with number and requires an explicit conversion



Variables declared by let and var are derived to type symbol

The unique symbol must be of const type

Const constants are derived into unique symbols

They can also be explicitly annotated as unique symbols

The unique symbol is not a type but a group of types. For example, unique symbol B1 and unique Symbol b1x are two types

The first argument to Symbol is a description, not the Symbol name or ID.

Symbol.for internally maintains a dictionary that returns a new Symbol if it has not been created before, or an already created Symbol if it has.


Use keyof to get the key on the object type

You can use object. key to obtain the key of an Object


When an array is created, if the type is not specified, the TS automatically determines the type

Arrays are annotated in two ways

  1. T[]
  2. Array interface generic


A tuple is a subtype of an array. A tuple is an array in which the element type at each index bit is determined.

Because tuples are created the same way as arrays, tuples must be explicitly annotated.


Enumeration itself is a mapping

Enumerations that are not explicitly assigned are automatically incremented from 0

Enumeration to integers has bidirectional mapping

There is no reverse mapping for enumerations of explicitly assigned strings

Merging of enumerations

Enumerations can be split into multiple fields and can be merged with a namespace of the same name

Constant enumeration

Constant enumerations do not create variables in value space

So references to constant enumerations are replaced with corresponding values

However, it can be controlled by the compiler option preserveConstEnum


Undefined = {undefiend} in JS, it should mean that the defiend is Undefined, but in fact, it is declared and no value is assigned

Null = {Null} indicates that the value is declared, Null or Null

Void in TS: function has no explicit return value

The function cannot return

In JS, void is a unary operator:

It executes the following expression,

Then return undefined unconditionally

Before ES1.3, undefined was not directly accessible!

Only void(0) is available. ES1.3 adds undefined to the Global Object.

02. TypeScript advanced

Type of operation


Keyof (index type query operator) was introduced in TS2.1.

It gets the type union for all known, public keys on the type

Indexes can be number, string, symbol, but symbol is not yet supported and will be after TS4.4

This means that keyof can only query interface keys or keys similar to class

For ordinary strings, there is no need to use keyof for the number type

There are keys and values in the interface

Key exists type, can be string, number, symbol (symbol will be supported after TS4.4)

Values have types, which can be all types


Interface and type aliases can be thought of as two syntaxes of the same concept

The difference between interface and type aliases

  1. Type aliases are more general and can contain type expressions (type union, type crossing, conditional type) on the right side, but only some kind of structure ({… })
  2. When extending between interfaces (extends), TS checks the relationship. However, TS will try its best to avoid errors in type union
  3. Multiple interface declarations with the same name in the same scope are merged, but multiple type aliases report an error

Class class

Class is a new feature introduced in ES2015

So this is just how do you describe a class using an interface

Use interface to describe a class

  1. Describes the types of attributes in a class

  2. Describes a function in a class

    • Parameter type
    • Return value type

03. Senior TypeScript

Type of operation

Mapping type

A mapping type is a way of creating object types

Template literal types

Conditions in the

Common Tool Types