The preface

For those of you who have already installed Python on your computer, let’s take a look at installing the Python editor. I personally recommend Sublime Text3 as it is a quick and easy tool for beginners to use and comes with a wide range of built-in plugins. (For editPlus, VScode and other tools, check out the installation tutorials on Baidu.)

Installation steps

Scan the image “official account” on wechat and reply “Get Sublime Editor” to obtain the compressed file of the editor. After decompression, you can see the following files:

There is no installation required to use my editor, just click “sublime_text.exe” to open the Sublime Text3 editor directly

Configure the Sublime Text3 editor compilation system

Click tools → Build system → New build system

The configuration is as follows:

Simply enter CMD: in the path of your Python installation. If you have another version of Python installed, change “Encoding” to your version number.

When the configuration is complete, save it and rename it to “python3”, and you will see an additional build system file in the directory.

Test whether the configuration is successful

In the directory of your build system, create a new Python file

Then pull to “Sublime Text3” for editing

After editing, go to Tools → Build System → Python3

After setting up the build system, press CTRL + B to run the program

Ok, so the Sublime Text3 editor has been successfully installed.