Hi, I’m Lex. I’m a bully. Lex 520 got an encrypted PDF from his ex-girlfriend, said he’d be surprised when he opened it. I cracked it in Python and found… 1, How to use Python to set a password for PDF. 2, How to use Python to decrypt encrypted PDF Collect collect!!

Here’s the thing

520 night, I’m having sex with my teammates

Suddenly, wechat’s profile picture of his ex-girlfriend jumped

Almost a year. Do you want to get back together?

It turned out to be an encrypted file called 520 Happy.pdf

Just say so if you want to get back together

Why do you have to have fun? Let me crack it

With my teammates screaming at me

I calmly and decisively quit the game

Out, my Python code…

Clear requirements

1. According to my understanding of my ex-girlfriend, the password is four pure digits. (You can customize the code generation function in the code to generate various combinations of passwords for cracking)

2, 520 happy. PDF ↓ ↓ ↓ Encrypted can not be opened

Install the PDF tool module

pip install PyPDF2

PS D:\> pip install PyPDF2 Looking in indexes: http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple Collecting PyPDF2 Downloading http://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/packages/b4/01/68fcc0d43daf4c6bdbc6b33cc3f77bda531c86b174cac56ef0ffdb96faab/PyPDF2-1.26.0 . Tar. Gz (77 kB) | █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ | 77 kB, 919 kB/s Using legacy 'setup. Py install' for PyPDF2, since package 'wheel' is not installed. Installing collected packages: PyPDF2 Running setup.py install for PyPDF2 ... Done Successfully installed pypdf2-1.26.0 PS D:\>Copy the code

How to add password to PDF?

To crack encrypted PDF files, you need to know how to encrypt PDF files. PDF can be encrypted through the PyPDF2 module.

The code is as follows:

Import PyPDF2 # encrypt PDF def encrypt(old_Path, new_Path): """ :param old_Path: path name of the file to be encrypted :param new_Path: "" with open(old_Path, 'rb') as pdfFile: PdfWriter = pypdf2.pdffilereader () # For pageNum in range(pdfreader.numPages): Pdfwriter.addpage (pdfReader.getPage(pageNum)) # Set password to 8888 PDfwriter.encrypt ('8888') with open(new_Path, 'wb') as resultPDF: pdfWriter. Write (resultPDF) print(' Encrypt successfully! ')Copy the code

How to crack encrypted PDF files

1. Method of generating four-digit pure digit cipher

You can specify the number of digits of the password as required. Only four digits are defined here

PWD = STR (I). Zfill (4) print(PWD)Copy the code

2. Crack the PDF function code

Referring to the pypdf2 module, we call pdfReader.decrypt(‘ password ‘) by repeatedly iterating over the generated password.

Password cracking functions are as follows:

Def decrypt(old_Path, new_Path): """ :param old_Path: specifies the path name of the file to be encrypted. "" with open(old_Path, 'rb') as pdfFile: PdfReader = pypdf2.pdffilereader (pdfFile) pdfWriter = pypdf2.pdffilewriter () # determine whether the file isEncrypted if pdfReader. IsEncrypted: PWD = STR (I).zfill(4) if pdfreader.decrypt (PWD): for pageNum in range(pdfReader.numPages): pdfWriter.addPage(pdfReader.getPage(pageNum)) with open(new_Path, 'wb') as resultFile: Pdfwriter. write(resultFile) print(' Successful! '+ PWD 'else: print(' wrong password! Else: print(' no encryption ~~~')Copy the code

Start to crack

Now that the code is ready, let’s start cracking it

The effect is as follows ↓ ↓ ↓

A few seconds later, the password was cracked.

Emmm. The password is 1314

The complete code

From OS import error import PyPDF2 # encrypt PDF def encrypt(old_Path, new_Path): """ :param old_Path: Path of the file to be encrypted :param new_Path: path of the encrypted file """ with open(old_Path, 'rb') as pdfFile: PdfWriter = pypdf2.pdffilereader () # For pageNum in range(pdfreader.numPages): Pdfwriter.addpage (pdfReader.getPage(pageNum)) # Set password to 8888 PDfwriter.encrypt ('8888') with open(new_Path, 'wb') as resultPDF: pdfWriter. Write (resultPDF) print(' Encrypt successfully! , ') def decrypt(old_Path): """ :param old_Path: path name of the file to be encrypted :param new_Path: "" with open(old_Path, 'rb') as pdfFile: PdfReader = pypdf2. PdfFileReader(pdfFile) # determine whether the file isEncrypted if pdfReader. IsEncrypted: # determine whether the password is correct for I in range(10000): PWD = STR (I).zfill(4).replace(',') print(PWD) try: PDfreader.decrypt (PWD) except: print(' decrypt ') else: Print (' Success! The password is: '+ PWD) break the else: print (" oh ~ no code) if __name__ = =' __main__ ': #encrypt('E:/520 happy.pdf ','E:/520 happy.pdf ') #encrypt('E:/520 happy.pdf ','E:/520 happy.pdf ') # Encrypt ('E:/520 happy.pdf ') #encrypt('E:/520 happy.pdf ')Copy the code

The story ends

The password was 1314

I’m a little overwhelmed

Can’t wait to open “520 happy.pdf”

Spluttered pa

Cheerful input cracked out of the password 1314

—The End—-

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