As a programmer who can’t communicate, there is always a desire to kill himself.

Team communication

Team communication is the foundation of team collaboration. As programmers, we never work on our own (except in some cases), we need to communicate, communicate, collaborate, and even promote our singleness with humor.

Generally speaking, the purpose of workplace communication is as follows:

  • How can we make each other understand your purpose in the shortest time?
  • How to know each other’s goals through communication?
  • Make sure both sides are on the same page?
  • Conflict management when conflict arises.

However, due to various reasons, communication is difficult to reach an agreement.

Communication with product manager


Programmers and product managers are not opposites. In a good team, the product manager is the designer of requirements, while the programmer is the implementer of requirements. Only through communication can they reach a consensus of understanding, so as to ensure good design and correct doing.

Information flows from product managers to programmers, who strive to obtain complete and accurate information through constant feedback.

To be a qualified programmer, we must have the ability to listen:

  • Adequate ability to receive and understand information.
  • Timely and accurate feedback.

Listening is also an important skill in life, and a good listener usually has many friends.

Another person

Collaboration is never one-way, and programmers cannot be tool people in the process of working.

Information flows from programmers to product managers.

This information may be in the following situations:

  • Some requirements may not make sense to the programmer;
  • Some features may be difficult to implement in the programmer’s eyes;
  • From the programmer’s point of view, it takes more time (man-hours) to implement this feature;

Obviously, this part of information may contain negative energy, which is also one of the reasons for team confrontation and conflict.

In the workplace, a qualified talker should express expectations rather than emotions. In life, more people will express their emotions to their friends, with strong emotions.

Communication with other people

Identify the target

Everyone on the team has different responsibilities, and when we communicate, our first goal is to make sure we have the right person. In a startup team, it’s easy to get the wrong person.

For example, when testing, the tester does not know whether the requirements are met and asks the developer, but within the team, the product manager is the requirement maker.

Sure hope

The so-called expectation is also our appeal. Often, if our desires are hard to satisfy, then we reap negative energy. But the art of communication is to make the listener comfortable by means of words and techniques.

Don’t expect too much, or you will be disappointed.

To determine the way

There are many ways to communicate, and face-to-face communication is generally efficient, but sometimes it is easier to aggravate conflicts due to technical problems.

Everyone in the team is full of personality, personality, temperament and other personal factors, many colleagues will become friends in the future life, they are the most tacit partners in the team, can play an important role in the stability and harmony of the team.

If it is a friend, then the way of communication will change a lot.

However, we cannot guarantee that all team members can communicate normally, and there will always be conflicts. This is when the importance of communication becomes apparent.