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Project background
Recently, I helped the platform group to conduct UI automatic test. After several investigations, I selected Ali’s MacACA as the technology stack, and carried out the development of UI automatic test based on the macACa-Nodejs-Boilerplate template with reference to sample-NodeJS
Because UI automatic testing needs to use CSS selector, in order to find the convenience, to do automatic testing in the project to set the anchor point, I use name=”” attribute as the anchor point of automatic testing
Research process and problems
View report Results
Goal: After macACA compiles successfully and outputs the report, open the corresponding browser to view it
- Install the open library
yarn add open
Copy the code
- Write the open.js utility class
const open = require('open');
const path = require('path');
// Opens the image in the default image viewer
(async() = > {// Specify app arguments
await open(path.join(__dirname, '.. '.'reports'.'index.html'), {app: 'chrome'}); }) ();Copy the code
- Called in package.json file
"scripts": {
"doctor": "macaca doctor"."start": "npm run test:chrome & yarn test:report".// Note that the & must be used or not called after the test fails
"test:chrome": "cross-env browser=chrome npm run test:desktop-browser"."test:desktop-browser": "macaca run --reporter macaca-reporter --verbose -d ./test/index.js"."test:report": "node ./utils/open.js"
Copy the code
Customize screenshots to screenshots folder
Write custom methods in wx-extend.js
wd.addPromiseChainMethod('customSaveScreenshot'.function(context) {
const filepath = path.join(__dirname, '.. '.'screenshots'.`${_.uuid()}.png`);
const reportspath = path.join(__dirname, '.. '.'reports');
return this
.then(() = > {
appendToContext(context, `${path.relative(reportspath, filepath)}`);
Copy the code
Steps that invoke the same logic
It’s really looking at the use of Promise
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const array = [];
// Call promise.reduce to implement chained sequential calls
// The reduce method is traversed from the second data, so null must be added before array
return driver
.then(() = > Promise.reduce([null. array],(total, graph, index) = > {
returnDriver.elementbycss (selector).click().sleep(1000)}})));Copy the code
Simulate a file upload operation
Antd framework was used in the project, and several approaches were tried here
The domEvent method is called to simulate the change operation
.domEvent('change', {
data: {
files: [{file: 'foo.jpg'}}}]);Copy the code
It is not successful in ANTD because it probably needs to call the upload component method to work
The sendKeys method also failed to assign directly to the Input control for the same reason
Use autoit software to edit script and simulate upload operation
First, download the Autoit software from the official website. After installation, open the upload window and open the Autoit software. Find out the file name and the CORRESPONDING ID of the two controls, as shown below
Open the editor and add the following code
ControlFocus("[Class:#32770]".""."Edit1") // Initiate a focus event on the file name WinWait("[Class:#32770]"."".10) // Wait for 10 ms ControlSetText("[Class:#32770]".""."Edit1",$CmdLine[1]) // Assign a value to the file name, where $CmdLine[1] represents the first argument to the call command Sleep(2000) ControlClick("[Class:#32770]".""."Button1") // Click the open button Copy the code
Compile the above code to generate upload.exe
Write custom methods in wx-extend.js
require('shelljs/global'); wd.addPromiseChainMethod('uploadFile'.function(filePath) { constUploadPath = path.resolve(__dirname, upload.exe); uploadPath = path.resolve(__dirname, upload.exe);constVoicePath = path.resolve(__dirname, directory where files are uploaded); exec(`${uploadPath} ${path.join(voicePath, filePath)}`); }); Copy the code
Happy call method, upload successfully
Driver. UploadFileCopy the code