This article is mainly to share with you the latest 2021 (integration is jinsanyin4 and the last two months) first-tier large factory Java foundation to senior architect full stack interview questions summary (including answers).

This small volume covers the following broad sections:

  1. Java basics, advancements, strings, collections, and more

  2. Java concurrent programming

  3. The JVM interview questions

  4. Data structures and algorithms

  5. Network protocol interview questions

  6. The database

  7. Frame relevant interview questions

  8. Micro service

  9. Middleware correlation

  10. Linux

In the database part, there are MySQL, Redis and MongoDB. Framework part: Spring, MyBatis, SpringBoot has been commonly used annotations, micro services in the SpringCloud. Messaging-middleware modules include: Dubbo interview questions, Nginx, Zookeeper, MQ, KafKa, ElasticSearch.

The following is a screenshot of part of the interview question content, because there are too many interview questions, a total of 480 pages, the text has been more than 24W, all of the screenshots are too difficult to come out, so we can only screenshot part of the complete PDF version can like this article click here with screenshots for free! I’m not going to show you the basics. We’ll start with Java concurrent programming

Java concurrent programming

The JVM article

Data structures and algorithms

Network Protocol

Database article

MySQL section +SQL Performance optimization strategy

Redis part

Directing a part

The framework paper

Spring Framework section

MyBatis framework section

SpringBoot framework section

Micro service article

Message middleware

The content is too much, here is a screenshot of MQ for you, the rest will not be screenshots.

The full PDF version can be obtained for free by clicking here after liking this article!