• This is the fourth day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge.

1. Three actions for sliding events

  • The interface name:TouchEventListener
  • The sliding event is divided into three actions: hold down, move and lift.
PRIMARY_POINT_DOWN: Press not loose. POINT_MOVE: move. PRIMARY_POINT_UP: lift.Copy the code
  • Method return value:
trueContinue to perform the following operations.falseIndicates that subsequent operations will not continue.Copy the code
  • Involves the following three actions, according to the user press position and the panasonic position, you can identify the user is up, down, left, or right slide.

  • For example, you can tell if the user is swiping right.

  • For example, you can tell if the user is sliding down.

2. Implementation case: Press, move or release to modify the content of the text

  • Because you have to slide across the screen, give the outermost layoutDirectionalLayoutSet the slide event, add aid
  • Press, move, or lift to modify the content of the text
  • New project: ListenerApplication4
  • Code implementation


  • Take the default generated Text Text content, based on thisDirectionalLayoutThe layout andTextComponents separately addid



Copy the code


  • It is written using the current class as the implementation of the class interface
package com.xdr630.listenerapplication.slice;

import com.xdr630.listenerapplication.ResourceTable;
import ohos.aafwk.ability.AbilitySlice;
import ohos.aafwk.content.Intent;
import ohos.agp.components.Component;
import ohos.agp.components.DirectionalLayout;
import ohos.agp.components.Text;
import ohos.multimodalinput.event.TouchEvent;

public class MainAbilitySlice extends AbilitySlice implements Component.TouchEventListener {

    Text text1 = null;

    public void onStart(Intent intent) {

        //1. Find the entire layout object first
        DirectionalLayout dl = (DirectionalLayout) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_dl);
        text1 = (Text) findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_text1);

        //2. Add a sliding event to the layout
        // The onTouchEvent method of this class is called as we slide through the layout
        // The onTouchEvent method in this class is constantly called by the code during the move/release process

    public void onActive(a) {

    public void onForeground(Intent intent) {

    public boolean onTouchEvent(Component component, TouchEvent touchEvent) {
        // Parameter 1: Component represents a sliding component (layout is also a component, so you can also use component to represent layout objects)
        // This represents the DirectionalLayout layout object, which covers the entire screen
        // Parameter 2: touchEvent represents the action object (press, slide, lift)

        // Get the current finger to operate the screen (press, slide, lift)
        int action = touchEvent.getAction();
        // 1: press down
        // 2: release operation
        // 3. Indicates a slide/move operation

        if (action == TouchEvent.PRIMARY_POINT_DOWN){
            // Just write the code that needs to run when pressed
        }else if (action == TouchEvent.POINT_MOVE){
            // Move or slide
        }else if (action == TouchEvent.PRIMARY_POINT_UP){
            // Release or lift
            text1.setText("Let go");
        return true; }}Copy the code
  • Run:

  • Press:

  • Mobile:

  • Loosen the:

3. Press, slide, or release

  • You can seeOne, two, threeThe numbers represent separatelyPRIMARY_POINT_DOWN (press), PRIMARY_POINT_UP (release), POINT_MOVE (move).Therefore, the parameters of the above code can also be directly replaced by numbers, but for more intuitive expression, it is recommended to use parameters, at a glance.
  • For example, use numbers
	if (action == 1) {// Just write the code that needs to run when pressed
	}else if (action == 3) {// Move or slide
	}else if (action == 2) {// Release or lift
	    text1.setText("Let go");
Copy the code

4. Verify the press, move, release process, and the code will repeatedly call the onTouchEvent method in this class

  • Based on the above code, define a member variable counterint count = 0

  • The onTouchEvent method is called once, so it’s added once

  • thecountAfter each operation

  • When pressed, that’s the first call,countShould be1

  • When moving with the mouse constantly moving, it will constantly callonTouchEventMethod,countWill be increasing

  • It’s also called once when it’s released,countAdd to the previous values1

  • Therefore, after verification:

The onTouchEvent method in this class is repeatedly called by the code as it presses, moves, and releases.