Common basic methods of software testing can be used to design test cases: equivalence class division, boundary value analysis, error speculation, causality diagram, logical coverage and so on. Depending on the nature of the software, different methods are adopted. How to flexibly use various basic methods to design complete test cases, and finally realize the exposure of hidden defects, all rely on the rich experience of test designers and careful design.

Test case documentation should have a document template that conforms to internal specification requirements. The test case documents will be subject to the constraints of the test case management software. The test cases of a software product or software development project generally form a test case document in units of the software modules or subsystems of the product, but it is not absolute.

The test case document consists of an introduction and test cases. In the introduction section, the purpose of the test, the scope of the test, the definition of terms, reference documents, overview, etc. The test case section lists each test case one by one. Each specific test case will include the following details: version number, module name, use case number, use case name, use case level, expected conditions, validation steps, expected results (including criteria), test results, test time, tester, etc.

During extended data test execution, care should be taken to keep test cases up to date. Often in the process of test execution, it was found that some test cases were omitted, so it should be timely supplemented; It is often found that some test cases cannot be operated at all in the specific execution process, and this part of the use cases should be deleted. It is also found that several redundant test cases can be replaced by a certain test case, so the redundant test cases are deleted. In summary, it is a good practice to update test cases during test execution. Do not attempt to uniformly update test cases after test execution, as this will often leave out many test cases that should have been updated.