What is a node. Js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment based on Chrome V8 engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model.

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Related tools


Node Version Manager


Node Package Manager

Some packages installed globally can run in any path, but once installed in a certain path, they will not be found in that directory because gulp defaults to global.

This can be accessed directly using the bin in the nodemodule

Or write it in a script

The script will first look in the global directory, not in the current directory to find

Package type

Built-in module: PATH

Third party module: Loash

Custom packages:

The script

One ampersand is parallel, and two are serial

The script accesses package information internally

There’s another way to do it


NPM source management tool


Defining a module exposes a module references a module and calls a module

Exports is the equivalent of a reference to modules.export

Exports recopies the equivalent of cutting off references to modules.export

The node tools