This introduction

A product originally planned to enter the European and American markets unexpectedly received surprising data feedback in Southeast Asia, which laid an opportunity for Buzzbreak to dig deep into the Southeast Asian market; At the same time, Wang Sida’s transition from programmer to manager gave him more thoughts and gains about managing teams. In this programme, we look at how Chinese SMEs continue to grow and innovate from the perspective of Steve Wang, CEO of Buzzbreak.

This guest

Sida Wang, founder and CEO of Buzzbreak, senior Android developer, recommended to Xi ‘an Jiaotong University in informatics competition, bachelor from Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, master from Rice University, USA; I have working experience in Tencent, LinkedIn, Airbnb and other mobile Internet companies as well as rich experience in mobile overseas entrepreneurship.

Click here to listen to an interview with Buzzbreak CEO Steve Wong on how news aggregation products are taking off in Southeast Asia.

Content overview, to help you quickly locate the highlights!


To the novice learning mobile programming experience dry goods to share


The “ground push” story of the first product in Las Vegas


The products are aimed at the US market, and the rapid growth of the Philippine market is unexpected

Ticket is

Challenges of transitioning from Android Engineer to CEO


Review interesting Google I/O facts


Experience in Indonesian market operation


How Buzzbreak collects user feedback

The current related

Join BuzzBreak

If you want to join Buzzbreak and grow with our excellent outbound team, you can contact us at [email protected]

Google I/O

Google I/O (Innovation in the Open) is a global developer conference held by Google. During this time, developers around the world who are interested in Google technology will pay close attention to learn about the latest product launches and industry insights of Google experts. And practice learning. Google I/O 2021 kicked off online on May 19th. Here’s a look back at Google I/O 2021.


Bada is a smartphone platform developed by Samsung Electronics of South Korea. The underlying Linux core was released on November 10, 2009. It is composed of operating system kernel layer, device layer, service layer and framework layer, supporting device application, service application and Web and Flash application. Bada means “sea” in Korean. Bada’s design goal is to usher in an era where everyone can use a smartphone.

Show the album

△ Click the image to follow the “Google Play Developers “account to hear more

The second season of Google Play Chinese Podcast “Overseas Students’ Club” was officially launched. It is a podcast focusing on the mobile overseas market. Each episode invites developers, entrepreneurs and investors who are deeply involved in the overseas market to discuss the industry experience, share their entrepreneurial experience and understand the overseas market. It will be hosted by Jijia Huang (Google Platform and Eco Group Greater China Developer Marketing Director).

The program will bring you updates every Wednesday. You can search “Overseas Students Association” through Ximalaya FM and subscribe the program album to get the latest news. Follow the account “Google Play Developers “to listen to more Google Play podcasts, which will be delivered exclusively on Himalayan FM.