Typescript installation

 npm install -g typescrip
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Parse the TS file

 tsc hello.ts //(file name)
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Basic types of

Basic types:

boolean number string void undefined symbol null

To convert JS to a static language, you can specify variable types

// Declare variable A with type number
let a: number;
a = "hello";  // This line of code will report an error
let b: string;
b = 123;
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Ts will report an error, but it will still compile.

Let a: number = 123;

If variable declarations and assignments are type checked

Type declarations can be used for variables and return values

function sum(a:number,b:number){
  return a + b;
sum(123.'123'); // Type error
sum(123.456.789); // There should be 2 parameters, but 3 parameters are passed
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Applied to the return value:

function sum(a: number, b: number) :number {
  return a + "b";  // The type string cannot be assigned to number
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The meaning of | or, in the range of a few

let c:boolean | string;
c = 'hello';
c = true;
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Any: indicates any type. After a variable is set to any, type detection of TS is disabled. That is, after a variable is set to any, it can be assigned to any type

If you do not specify a type, the TS parser automatically determines that the type of the variable is any (implicit any)

Unknown: Indicates the unknown type

let a :unknown;
a = 10;
a = true;
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Unknown types should be used as unknown as possible. Variables of unknown types cannot be copied directly to other variables

Type assertion: Can be used to tell the parser the actual type of a variable

let e: unknown;

let s: string;
e = "hello";
s = <string>e; // An error is reported without type assertion
s = e as string;// This method also works
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Void /never specifies the return value type in the function

function fn() :boolean {
  return true;
//void is used to indicate that no value is returned
function fn() :void {
  return 123; / / an error
// indicates that the result is never returned
function fn() :never { / / an error
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let b: { name: string };
b = {}; / / an error
b ={name:123}; / / an error
b = {name:'123'}
// Add? This parameter is optional
let b: { name: string; age? : number };// Specify attributes only
//[propName:string]:any indicates any attribute of any type
let c: { name: string,[propName:string]:any };
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Restrict the parameters and return values of a function


(Parameter: type, parameter: type…) => Return value type

let d: (a: number, b: number) = > number;
d = function (n1, n2) {
  return n1 + n2;
d('123'.1232); / / an error
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Array: two declaration modes

let e:string[];
e = ['1'.1] // An error is reported. Only strings can be entered
let f:Array<string>
f = ['12'.12]// An error is reported. Only strings can be entered
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Tuple: an array of fixed length

Enum: enumeration

enum Gender {

let i: { name: string; gender: Gender };
i = {
  name: "Pig Eight Quit".gender: Gender.male
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Type the alias

type myType = 1|2|3|4;
let m:myType;
m=6 / / an error
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