Column to review

Create a new article

Open the command line in the root directory of the website and create a new article using the following command:

hexo new <title>
Copy the code

Using this command, Hexo creates a new post in the /source/_posts directory:

The next step in this article is to write the article using MarkDown syntax.


If you open the article created by Hexo, you can see the following paragraph at the beginning of the article:

This use – the inclusion of what is called front-matter – is used to render the MD document for Hexo. In addition to these three, there are a number of configuration items you can add yourself:

Configuration items meaning
title Web article title
date Article creation on schedule
comments Whether the article comment function is enabled
tags The article label
categories The article classification
keywords Article keywords

Here’s a diagram to illustrate how to use it:

MarkDown content

Hexo supports most of the MD syntax. If you’re not familiar with MD syntax, check out this tutorial:

Here I write some simple things to use as tests:

\ 'py print("Hello") \' Picture test:! []( This is an unordered list test for ## secondary headings: -ha-ha-he-ho-ho ## tertiary headings #### tertiary headingsCopy the code

Generate the article

After the article is written, first remove the old data:

hexo clean
Copy the code

This command clears the previously generated page, the public folder in the root directory of the site:

Then use the following command to generate a new page:

hexo g
Copy the code

This command will render all the MD files in the source folder to generate HTML pages and store them in the public folder:

Note: Each time you modify the article, execute these two commands to clean up the old data, and then regenerate the page.

Preview the article

After regenerating the page, we can start the server locally and preview the article to see if we are satisfied:

hexo s
Copy the code

Ok, that’s all for today’s tutorial, go and try it

For more exciting articles and resources, please pay attention to my wechat official number: “McUlover666”.