ZooTeam Front-end Weekly | Issue 147

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  1. Epic update to make VSCODE seamless for browser debugging!

Epic update to make VSCODE seamless for browser debugging!

  1. JELLY | Beijing xi front end test automation

JDR Design, a subsidiary of JD Retail Group, focuses on the Design exploration and attempt of perfect shopping experience under boundless retail, and the balance between commercial value and user experience. Services include product, marketing, brand, new media experience and innovative design; At the same time, the large-scale output and empowerment of design ability will be completed inside and outside the organization, forming a unique commercial design system.

  1. The microservice architecture of Bytedance has evolved

Microservice architecture evolution

  1. Practice of Douyin music in cross-end performance and abnormal monitoring

Practice of Douyin music in cross-end performance and abnormal monitoring

  1. Introduction to WebGL concepts and basics

WebGL technology is designed to help us develop interactive 2D and 3D web effects in any compatible web browser without using plug-ins. We can think of it as a drawing technology to help us develop 3D web pages. This article will take you through WebGL in detail.

  1. WebContainers Overview: Run Node.js in your browser

WebContainers Overview: Run Node.js in your browser

  1. Component library document automatic generation tool

When we use a component library, the documentation page is the most direct window to get information. The documentation page generally contains the following information: description of the component, presentation of the component Demo sample, description and source code, parameter documentation of the component if the pure component sample debugging and presentation, I

  1. Million PV mall practice series – long list of front-end rendering optimization combat

In projects, we have more or less experienced long list rendering challenges, and this article will explain the solution to these scenarios in detail. The content is relatively easy to learn, doesn’t involve complicated logic, and the results are immediate. What are you waiting for? Check it out.

  1. Promise realization principle analysis · Language finch

Clicking directly on the a TAB that contains the image link is a preview effect.

  1. Git git

Git remote directory git remote directory

  1. Good foundation? Summary of 38 ES6-ES12 development tips, but to see how much you can get? ????

Hello everyone, I am Lin Sanxin, these days many brothers and sisters have asked me questions, I have seen a lot of their code. My feeling was that the code was still stuck in ES5, and I didn’t know much about a lot of things that I could easily implement with the new syntax, so I decided to write an article,

  1. More on vue.js 3.2’s optimization of responsive parts

Vue. Js 3.2 has been officially released. Do you know what the performance optimization of the responsive part is? This article will analyze the specific optimization from the source level, as well as the technical thinking behind these optimization.

  1. Do you know Performance Timeline Level 2?

Performance Timeline is a specification from the W3C Performance Group that defines an interface for developers to collect Performance metrics throughout the application lifecycle. Note that node.js also follows the Performance Timeline specification of the W3C and implements the Performance Hooks interface. P…