Java has always been needed

In November 2020, Java fell to the third place in Tiobe’s list of programming languages, which made many people say that Java doesn’t have to be this way.

First of all, the Tiobe list of programming languages only represents the popularity of programming languages, and it does not say whether a programming language is good or bad, and Java is still in the top three.

Second, Java was questioned back in 2009, arguing that there was already a surplus of Java software engineers. Now, 12 years later, the Java programming language market is still not saturated, and businesses are adding more than 100,000 jobs a week.

In addition, Java for a while it is difficult to be replaced, because the Java occupy 91% of server programming language, autopilot, city of wisdom, and new retail, finance, IOT Internet of things, cloud computing, chip technology, big data, such as biological science and technology, economic data at the forefront of industry cannot leave the Java, almost have the Internet, will have the form of Java. Java engineers have a wide range of careers.

Java, good pay

Enterprises are always short of excellent programmers, and generally require intermediate programmers with 2-3 years of work experience, while many people can hardly stick to a position for 3 years. In addition, the rapid updating and iteration of current technology and products leads to the phenomenon of unsaturated programmers meeting the requirements of large enterprises.

According to the 254,501 samples collected by Jobfriends in the past year, the average monthly salary of Java in China is 13,720 yuan. Among the 14,741 samples collected from First-tier cities in Beijing, the average monthly salary of Java is as high as 19K.

Enterprise demand, Java market considerable.

If you want to choose Java or want to change your career, don’t hesitate any more. When you hesitate, you will miss many opportunities. Make up your mind and you will be done!

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