React series dry goods on this article, because of the word limit, so open the next, nuggets of magic, only write less than 2W words on the word limit, some previous article wrote nearly 30,000 words also did not mention the word limit, ridiculous…

1. React diffing algorithm

  • CreateElement (type,props,… The react.createElement function returns the virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is essentially a JS object that describes the state of the real UI or how the real DOM looks. Because the virtual DOM is essentially a state object that describes the UI, we can use the virtual DOM across platforms as long as we have a library like ReactDom to turn it into a real UI.

  • The flow from virtual Dom to real Dom:

    • 1. Insert a real Dom tree from JSX’s virtual Dom tree into the HTML document by reactdom.render
    • 2. When re-rendering, a new virtual Dom tree is reconstructed and diff comparison is made between the new tree and the old tree to find out the differences between the two trees
    • 3. Update all the differences to the real Dom at once to complete the view update.
  • Tree Edit Distance algorithm: A general solution for converting the minimum operand from one Tree to another with a time complexity of O(n^3).

  • The diff algorithm in React: React converts the virtual DOM into a real DOM tree. The process is called coordination, and the implementation of coordination is the DIFF algorithm. The reason why the tree edit distance algorithm is not used is that the time complexity of the tree edit distance algorithm is O(n^3). If React uses the tree edit distance algorithm to process a tree with 1000 elements, the calculation amount will be in the range of 1 billion, which is too expensive. The Diff algorithm implemented in React based on the following three policies or assumptions has a time complexity of O(n).

    • Strategy one: The DOM nodes in the UI operate very rarely across hierarchies and can be ignored. In React, there are few cross-tier operations on nodes D. If cross-tier operations occur, new nodes are created and deleted without comparison.
    • Strategy 2: Components of the same type generate the same type of tree structure, and tree components of different types generate different tree structures. That is, if the types of two nodes in the old and new trees are different, delete the old node and create a new one. The comparison operation is performed only when the types are the same.
    • Strategy 3: For a group of child nodes at the same level, you can use a unique ID to indicate which child nodes will remain stable in the old and new trees. In other words, we set the key property for a group of child nodes. React can iterate over nodes with the same key as the new node in the process of diff to reuse nodes. Node creation and deletion operations are reduced to some extent.

    React optimizes the tree Diff, Component Diff, and Element Diff algorithms based on the above three strategies as follows: Note that the diff operation is to find the difference between the old and new virtual DOM trees and record it, so all the actions involved in the following diff process (such as deleting old nodes, creating and inserting new nodes) are only records of the operations needed to update the real DOM (there is no actual DOM update operation). These operations will be aggregated into a patch pack after diff, and the real DOM will be updated at once based on the patch pack.

    • Tree diff optimization: The depth-first traversal method is adopted to compare trees by layers. Only nodes at the same level in the old and new trees (that is, all child nodes under the same parent node) are compared. In this way, all differences in the two trees can be found only after one traversal. For cross-hierarchy node operations, for example, there are children B and C under parent node A. If node B moves under node C and becomes A child of node C, diff will only delete node B and create A new node B under node C. So there is an operation across the hierarchy of nodes in the tree, and instead of moving the node, it is done by deleting the two operations that created the node.

    • Component Diff optimization:

      • 1. If two component types at the same level in the old and new tree are different, the old component will be judged as dirty. There is no need to compare the two components, and the new component will directly replace all nodes under the old component.

      • If two components are of the same type and the React life cycle function shouldComponentUpdate returns false, that is, the current component is not updated and no diff operation is required, that is, the component diff operation is saved.

      • If two components are of the same type and the React lifecycle function shouldComponentUpdate returns true, we need to compare the corresponding virtual DOM nodes of the two components in the old and new tree.

    • Element diff optimization: Differentiates operations on nodes in the same hierarchy with or without keys.

      • If no key exists, compare the nodes at the same level of the old and new trees. If the types are the same, continue to compare (compare the differences between the two props, and continue to compare the child nodes in depth first). If the types are different, delete the old nodes and create and insert new nodes. In this way, the efficiency is very low when the child node does not change but the position changes. The most efficient way is to directly move the child node to the corresponding position instead of deleting and creating the node. So the optimization strategy for this part of the optimization is to allow developers to differentiate between child nodes by adding keys, implying that nodes with keys will remain stable between the old and new DOM trees.
      • There is the key:
        • 1. Perform cyclic traversal for the neutron nodes of the new tree, and judge whether there are nodes with the same key in the set of sub-nodes of this level in the old tree by the unique key.
          • 1.1, if the key of the current new node does not exist in the old node set: then create the new node, and the node position will be the position of the node in the new node set.

          • 1.2. If the key of the current new node exists in the old node set:

            • 1.2.1. If the new node is of the same type as the old node, the old node can be reused to compare the old and new nodes
              •, if the same, nodes may be moved in the future
              • If they are different and there is no information in this respect, I personally think they should be compared and nodes may be moved at the same time.
            • 1.2.2. If the new node is of a different type from the old node, even though they have the same key, the old node should also be deleted, and the new node should be created and inserted into the position of the new node in the new set
        • 2. Finally, the old tree should be traversed to find out the nodes that exist in the old tree but do not exist in the new tree and delete these nodes.
      • How to move a child node with key:
        • To discuss this problem, let’s look at old_index, last_index, new_index in the figure below. Nodes are moved by these three values.

          • 1, as shown in the figure above, the old_index of B is the position of B in the old node, counting from 0, so the old_index of B is 1.

          • 2, continue B’s new_index is the position of B in the new node, as shown in figure 0. For old_index and new_index are obviously fixed constants.

          • For last_index, which is a variable and has an initial value of 0, the value can change between the new node and the new node, so the value of last_index is assigned to math.max(currentNode.old_index,last_index) every time the new node is compared to the new node.

        • The specific movement modes of a node with a key are as follows

          • 1, the key of the new node also exists in the old node: When mountIndex<lastIndex, the node in the real DOM needs to be moved to new_index of the new node. If mountIndex>=lastIndex, Then the node does not move in the real DOM.

          • The key of the new node does not exist in the old node: the real DOM node of the new node is placed at the current last_index position

          • 3. If the node exists in the old node but does not exist in the new node, delete the node in the real DOM directly.

      • The specific movement resolution is as follows: 1. The new and old nodes have the same key node, but their positions are different
        • B{new_index:0,old_index:1} (last_index >last_index) {new_index:0,old_index:1} Max (old_index,last_index) (current last_index: 1);

        • A{new_index:1,old_index:0} (last_index = 1,old_index:0); Max (old_index,last_index) (current last_index: 1);

        • D{new_index:2,old_index:3} (last_index >last_index) {new_index:2,old_index:3} (last_index >last_index); Max (old_index,last_index) (current last_index: 3);

        • C{new_index:3,old_index:2} (last_index

        • Step 5: No node in the new node needs to diff with the old node. At this point, the old node set is traversed to determine whether there is any node in the old node set but not in the new node set. After traversing, the diff is completed in order to find nodes meeting the condition.

      • 2. The new node has E node that does not exist in the old node, and the old node has D node that does not exist in the new node
        • B{new_index:0,old_index:1} (last_index >last_index) {new_index:0,old_index:1} Max (old_index,last_index) (current last_index: 1);

        • Select last_index (new_index:1,old_index:null) from last_index (new_index:1,old_index:null). Select last_index (new_index:1,old_index:null) from last_index (new_index:1).

        • C{new_index:2,old_index:2} (last_index ===last_index) {new_index:2,old_index:2} (last_index ===last_index) Max (old_index,last_index); now last_index: 2.

        • A{new_index:3,old_index:0} (last_index = 2,old_index

        • Step 5: No node in the new node needs to diff with the old node. At this point, the old node set is traversed to determine whether there is any node that exists in the old node set but does not exist in the new node set. It is found that node D meets this condition, and node D is deleted.

      • About with key nodes mobile operations, we also have to note, as the chart, D move to the first node from the last position, according to our mobile operations, will result in front of the D all the nodes will move back to a position, so we in the development process to avoid similar to the last node move to the first operation, React performance will be affected to some extent.
      • Why not use an array index as a key: It is not impossible to use array indexes when keys are used, but it is inefficient in some cases. For example, when we insert or delete data in an array, the indexes of all data behind the deleted data will change. When diff is performed on this part of data, although the old nodes corresponding to keys can be found, However, the content of the new node corresponding to the key has changed and needs to be updated. But we’re actually just inserting and deleting data, and the data behind that data is still there, but the key has changed. So instead of using an array index as the key, we recommend using a stable field as the key.
    • Patch method in React: When we’ve finished diff and collected all the differences between the old and new virtual DOM trees, we need to update those differences to the real DOM. Because we use deep priority traversal in the process of traversing the old and new trees to collect differences, and the differences are added in an orderly manner when collecting differences. There will be fields like index representing the position of each difference in the tree, so we traversal the difference package and the real DOM tree. Each real DOM tree node matches the corresponding index position of the difference package according to its own position to observe whether there is any difference. If there is any difference, the real DOM node will be updated according to the corresponding difference; if there is no difference, the current node will be skipped and the comparison of the next node will continue. Therefore, we can complete the update operation of the real DOM through tree traversal.

2. React-hook basic handwriting implementation and use

This article focuses on the handwritten implementation of hooks, including useState, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useCallback, useMemo, useContext, useRef.

  • React-hook: A hook allows us to use functions in our function components that previously weren’t supported by other function components, such as state.

  • Advantages of using hook function components (contrast class components) :

    • Class components typically reuse logic using renderProps or higher-order components, but this behavior can complicate components, such as nested components in higher-order components, whereas hooks can reuse logic without modifying components.
    • Many irrelevant side effects of the class component logic may be concentrated in the same life cycle, resulting in component bloat, and in the hook function component we can separate these logic, form a single function of the logic, the code is more clear, at the same time for logic abstraction is very convenient.
    • Class components need to use the class and determine this; components that use hook functions do not have this hassle
  • The react – hooks implementation:

    • UseState (single state processing supported): useState handles data management within a function component, similar to the state of a class component. UseState () returns the latest and updated state methods setState, similar to what this.state and this.setstate do in class components.Note: React ensures that the setState identifier is stable and does not change during re-rendering. That is, each time the function component is re-rendered, the function component is re-executed, and useState is re-executed. However, the setState function returned is the same as the setState function before re-rendering. State is subject to change (if you update state). This is why setState is used in useEffect and useCallback, but it is safe to omit setState from the dependency list.
      import React from 'react';
      import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
      // 1, declare stateInfo to save state and setState
      let stateInfo = {
          state: undefined.// state Save location
          stateUsed: false.// State is used to indicate whether the state is being used for the first time, passing in the default value for the first use of state, and using the already used state value for subsequent re-rendering of useState
          setState: null.// setState function save position
      // 2, implement useState
      function useState(initState) {
          // 2.1, initialize state, if state has been used, take the previously used state, otherwise use the initial state passed in
          / / use the following such a judgment rather than stateInfo. State = stateInfo. The state | | initState reason is
          // We must ensure that stateInfo.state is used in subsequent cases where stateinfo. state is set to a false value
          stateInfo.state = stateInfo.stateUsed ? stateInfo.state : (stateInfo.stateUsed = true, initState)
          If setState has been initialized before, use the previously initialized setSstate directly, otherwise initialize setState
          // The reason for this is that we must ensure that the setState function returned by each call to useState is the same
          if(! stateInfo.setState) { stateInfo.setState =function (newState) {
                  If the setState argument is a function, the current state is passed and its return value is obtained
                  const newStateTemp = typeof newState === 'function' ? newState(stateInfo.state) : newState
                  // if the new and old states are the same, ignore this update
                  if (, stateInfo.state)) return
                  // If the new state is different from the old state, update the state
                  stateInfo.state = newStateTemp
                  After setState, we need to re-render the current component
                  ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root')); }}// 2.3, return state and setState
          return [stateInfo.state, stateInfo.setState]
      // 3, use our useState
      function Index() {
          const [count, setCount] = useState(-1)
          return <button onClick={()= > setCount(count => count + 1)}>{count}</button>
      ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
      Copy the code
    • UseState (multiple state processing supported): UseState can only handle one state. Now we’re going to handle multiple states. We’re going to store multiple states in an array and use array subscripts to map different states. Ensure that multiple states are not cluttered. This is why we emphasize that useState cannot be placed in conditional statements, because the order in which useState is used depends on where its state is stored. Once the order is out of order, the state position is out of order.
      import React from 'react';
      import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
      // 1, declare stateInfoList to hold multiple useState consumer states, including the current useState consumer's state and setState
      let stateInfoList = []
      // 2, declare index index, each time useState is used, index will be +1, so that multiple useState consumers can use index to distinguish the current useState consumer
      let index = 0
      // 3, implement useState
      function useState(initState) {
          // 3.1, if there is no state corresponding to the current index, it indicates that the current useState consumer uses useState for the first time, and initializes the state corresponding to the current index
          if(! stateInfoList[index]) stateInfoList[index] = {state: initState }
          If there is no setState function corresponding to the current index, it indicates that the current useState consumer is using useState for the first time, then initialize the setState corresponding to the index
          if(! stateInfoList[index].setState) {// 3.2.1, use closures to cache currentIndex of the current useState consumer. Next time the component is re-rendered, stateInfoList can obtain the state of the useState consumer according to the cache index
              const currentIndex = index
              3.2.2, initialize the setState function for the current useState consumer
              stateInfoList[currentIndex].setState = function (newState) {
                  //, newState If it is a function, the current state is passed to get the return value
                  const newStateTemp = typeof newState === 'function' ? newState(stateInfoList[currentIndex].state) : newState
                  //, if newStateTemp is the same as the last state, cancel the update operation
                  if ([currentIndex].state, newStateTemp)) return
                  //, if newStateTemp is different from the last state, update the state
                  stateInfoList[currentIndex].state = newStateTemp
                  //, the index needs to be restored to its original value before each update of state causes the component to re-render, so that each useState consumer index corresponds to the last one when the function component updates and re-executes the code. Find the last state and setState functions in stateInfoList
                  index = 0
                  //, re-render the current function component
                  ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root')); }}// 3.3, return the current index state, setState, and index +1, so that the next useState consumer can get the unique index
          return [stateInfoList[index].state, stateInfoList[index++].setState]
      // 4, use our useState
      function Index() {
          const [count, setCount] = useState(-1)
          const [string, setString] = useState(The '*')
          return <div>
              <button onClick={()= > setCount(count => count + 1)}>{count}</button>
              <button onClick={()= > setString(count => count + '*')}>{string}</button>
      ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
      Copy the code
    • useReducer: useState alternative, which accepts a form such as(state,action)=>newStateReducer function that returns the current state and the dispatch function that updates the state. UseReducer is more applicable than useState in some scenarios, such as a complex state with multiple child values, or a state that depends on the previous state.Of course, like setState, React keeps the Dispatch function stable and does not change when the component is re-rendered.The implementation principle of useReducer is similar to useState, but the major difference is that reducer is used to update state.
      import React from 'react';
      import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
      // 1, create a reducerStateList to hold the states of multiple useReducer consumers
      let reducerStateList = []
      // 2, use different indexes to identify different useReducer consumers
      let index = 0
      // create our own useReducer
      function useReducer(reducer, initialState) {
          if(! reducerStateList[index]) reducerStateList[index] = {state: initialState }
          if(! reducerStateList[index].disptach) {const currentIndex = index
              reducerStateList[currentIndex].disptach = function (action) {
                  const newState = reducer(reducerStateList[currentIndex].state, action)
                  if (, reducerStateList[currentIndex].state)) return
                  reducerStateList[currentIndex].state = newState
                  index = 0
                  ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root')); }}return [reducerStateList[index].state, reducerStateList[index++].disptach]
      // 4, use our useReducer
      function reducerAdd(state, action) {
          switch (action.type) {
              case 'add': return { addCount: state.addCount + 1 }
              default: throw new Error('Cannot match to current incoming type')}}function reducerMinus(state, action) {
          switch (action.type) {
              case 'minus': return { minusCount: state.minusCount - 1 }
              default: throw new Error('Cannot match to current incoming type')}}function Index() {
          const [{ addCount }, addDisptach] = useReducer(reducerAdd, { addCount: 7 })
          const [{ minusCount }, minusDisptach] = useReducer(reducerMinus, { minusCount: 1 })
          return <div>
              <button onClick={()= > addDisptach({ type: 'add' })}>{addCount}</button>
              <button onClick={()= > minusDisptach({ type: 'minus' })}>{minusCount}</button>
      ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
      Copy the code
    • useCallBack
      • UseCallBack: useCallBack passes in a function’s dependency on the current function and returns a memorized version of the function.

      • UseCallback principle: For the setState function returned by useState, the same setState function is returned each time the function component is rerendered (the setState address remains the same), whereas for useCallback, as long as the dependency does not change, The useCallBack returns the same memory function each time the function component is rerendered, but if the dependency changes, it does not return the same memory function as the last one (the address has changed).

      • UseCallback role: If we create a function inside the parent and pass it to the child (props passing data) and the child does a performance optimization (react.Memo), if we don’t use useCallback for this function, then every time the parent rerenders, The function passed by props is a new function (because it is re-created every time the parent component is re-rendered), causing the props to change every time. The react.memo and other performance optimizations are invalid, so we can use useCallback to handle this function as long as its dependencies are not changed. Then we pass the same function to the child components to avoid unnecessary child component rendering.

      • UseCallback implementation (single useCallback consumption scenario) : This implementation is only for the useCallback consumer scenario. Multiple useCallback consumer scenarios require the index to be used together and the index to restore the initial value before the component is rerender. Here we cannot monitor the component rerender timing. So the useCallback implementation supports only one consumer.

        import React, { useState } from 'react';
        import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
        // 1, declare callbackState to hold the callback and its dependencies
        let callbackState
        // 2, implement our useCallback
        function useCallback(callback, dep) {
            // 2.1, if no dependencies are passed in, then each time the component rerender returns the latest callback
            if(! dep)return callback
            If it is the first time render uses useCallback, save the callback and dependencies to callbackState and return the current callback
            if(! callbackState) { callbackState = { callback, dep }return callbackState.callback
            If useCallback is not used for the first time, callbackState must have stored the dependencies and callbacks after the last render, so we need to compare the dependencies after this render and last render to see if there is any change
            const notChanged = callbackState.dep.every((e, i) = >, dep[i]))
            // 2.4, if the dependency changes between render, we update the latest dependency to callbackState and return the latest callback
            if(! notChanged) { callbackState = {callback: callback, dep: dep }
                return callbackState.callback
            // 2.5, if the two render dependencies have not changed, the last callback is returned
            return callbackState.callback
        // 3, use useCallback:
        // when we update count, the subcomponent will be re-rendered, because log1 depends on count, and the change in count causes a new log1 to be passed in,
        When we update string, the subcomponent does not rerender because log1 does not depend on string, so we pass in the old log1.
        function Child(props) {
            console.log('child render', props);
            return <button onClick={()= > props.log1()}>Child</button>
        const ChildMemo = React.memo(Child)
        function Index() {
                [count, setCount] = useState(7),
                [string, setString] = useState(The '*'),
                log1 = useCallback(() = > console.log(count), [count]);
            return <div>
                <button onClick={()= > setCount(count => count + 1)}>{count}</button>
                <button onClick={()= > setString(string => string + '*')}>{string}</button>
                <ChildMemo log1={log1} />
        ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
        Copy the code
    • useMemo
      • UseMemo: useMemo accepts callback functions and dependencies and returns the result of the callback function execution. Similar to useCallback, the callback function is not re-executed as long as the dependency remains unchanged.
      • UseMemo purpose: If a function that involves a lot of computation is executed each time a function component is rendered, then we can use useMemo to process the function and only recalculate it if its dependencies change, otherwise do not compute for performance optimization. Note: useMemo is executed at render time, please do not execute non-rendering code in this function, such as side effects should be handled in useEffect.
      • UseMemo implementation (single useMemo consumption scenario) : Similar to the useCallback implementation, except that the cached function is changed to the cached function result.
      import React, { useState } from 'react';
      import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
      // 1, declare memoState to hold the results and dependencies of the useMemo consumer's callback function
      let memoState
      // 2 to implement our useMemo
      function useMemo(callback, dep) {
          if(! dep)return callback()
          if(! memoState) { memoState = {result: callback(), dep: dep }
              return memoState.result
          const notChanged = memoState.dep.every((e, i) = >, dep[i]))
          if(! notChanged) { memoState = {result: callback(), dep: dep }
              return memoState.result
          return memoState.result
      // 3, using our useMemo: when we click count, the callback in useMemo is reexecuted, but when we click string, the callback in useMemo is not reexecuted
      function Index() {
          const [count, setCount] = useState(7), [string, setString] = useState(The '*');
          const result = useMemo(() = > { return (console.log('memo used'), count + 1) }, [count])
          return <div>
              <div>Current + + count: {result}</div>
              <button onClick={()= > setCount(count => count + 1)}>{count}</button>
              <button onClick={()= > setString(string => string + '*')}>{string}</button>
      ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
      Copy the code
    • UseContext (single useContext consumption scenario): use useContextconst context = useContext(MyContext)And class componentsstatic contextType = MyContextThe behavior is the same, and the current context data comes from the most recent parent component using the value property of myContext.provider, and when MyContext is updated, all components consuming MyContext will be re-rendered. Even if you use react. Memo or shouldComponentUpdate.
      import React from 'react';
      import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
      const ColorContext = React.createContext('red')
      // 1, useContext implementation: get the value of the Context directly and return it
      function useContext(context) {
          return context._currentValue
      // 2, use our useContext
      function Child() {
          const color = useContext(ColorContext)
          return <div>{color}</div>
      function Index() {
          return <ColorContext.Provider value={'blue'} >
              <Child />
      ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
      Copy the code
    • useEffect:
      • UseEffect: useEffect accepts functions that may have side effects. With dependencies, side effects may return a function that is executed after the function component is rendered, and the side effect return function is executed before the next side effect function is executed.
      • UseEffect Application scenarios: UseEffect is equivalent to componentDidMount and componentDidUpdate. We usually useEffect to handle side effects functions, such as subscriptions, data requests, and side effects return functions. The side effect return function is executed not only before the next side effect function, but also before the component is unloaded.
      • UseEffect implementation (single useEffect consumption scenario) : Since the side effect function in useEffect is executed after the page is rendered, we will wrap the side effect function in a timer to form a macro task, since the macro task will be executed after the page is rendered.
        import React, { useState } from 'react';
        import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
        // 1, declare effectState to save useEffect dependencies
        let effectState
        UseEffect = componentDidmount (); useEffect = componentDidUpdate ();
        // So every time we execute callback, we need to place it in the macro task setTimeout to ensure that our callback is executed at the end of the browser rendering
        // If callback returns resFn, this function will be executed before the next callback, so the last callback must be executed before the next callback
        function useEffect(callback, dep) {
            If the function component is rendered for the first time, save our dependencies and execute callback, and if there is a return function, save it for execution before the next callback
            if(! effectState) { effectState = { dep }return setTimeout(() = > {
                    const resFn = callback()
                    typeof resFn === 'function' && (effectState.resFn = resFn)
                }, 0);
            If there is no dependency and no first function component rendering, if the last callback had a return function, then the callback is executed, if there is no return function, then the callback is executed directly
            if(! dep) {return setTimeout(() = > {
                    typeof effectState.resFn === 'function' && effectState.resFn()
                    const resFn = callback()
                    if (typeof resFn === 'function') effectState.resFn = resFn
                }, 0);
            // 2.3, if there is a dependency and it is not the first function component to render, then we need to compare the current render dependency with the last render dependency
            const notChanged = effectState.dep.every((e, i) = >, dep[i]))
            If the dependency has changed, save the changed dependency and check whether the last callback returned a function. If yes, execute the current callback. If no, execute the current callback directly
            if(! notChanged) { effectState.dep = depreturn setTimeout(() = > {
                    typeof effectState.resFn === 'function' && effectState.resFn()
                    const resFn = callback()
                    if (typeof resFn === 'function') effectState.resFn = resFn
                }, 0); }}// 3, use our useEffect
        function Index() {
            const [count, setCount] = useState(7)
            useEffect(() = > {
                Promise.resolve(2).then(e= > console.log(e));
                return () = > console.log('1')
            }, [count])
            return <button onClick={()= > { console.log('click'); setCount(count => count + 1) }} >
        ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
        Copy the code
    • useLayoutEffect
      • UseLayoutEffect:
        • UseLayoutEffect: useLayoutEffect is used in the same way as useEffect. It accepts functions and dependencies that may have side effects, and accepts functions that may return a function.
        • The difference between useLayoutEffect and useEffect: They all happen after Render, and useEffect is executed after the page is rendered (i.e. after the real DOM update is done by collecting the virtual DOM differences, and the same time as componentWillDidMount), so if a useEffect is used to trigger a page update, The update is also in the next page render. However, useLayoutEffect is executed after all virtual DOM updates are completed and before updating the real DOM. If the page updates are triggered in useLayoutEffect, they will be completed together in the next page rendering, rather than wait until the next page rendering like useEffect. I think that’s why it’s called useLayoutEffect, because if you have a page update operation in useLayoutEffect, you don’t render the page, you update the DOM, and when the DOM is completely laid out, then the page is rendered, This means that page updates in useLayoutEffect block the page rendering. So we use useEffect whenever possible to avoid blocking page rendering.
        • UseLayoutEffect implementation: Similar to useEffect, but different from useEffect is its timing, it is executed before all pages are about to render, so we can wrap it with microtasks to ensure that it is executed before the page renders.Note: In general, browser render timing (React update real DOM timing) is performed after the resynchronization task has finished and before the macro task, so that’s why I use the micro implementation before the page is about to render and the macro implementation after the page has finished rendering.
          import React, { useState } from 'react';
          import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
          let layoutEffectState
          function useLayoutEffect(callback, dep) {
              if(! layoutEffectState) { layoutEffectState = { dep }return Promise.resolve().then(() = > {
                      const resFn = callback()
                      typeof resFn === 'function' && (layoutEffectState.resFn = resFn)
                  }, 0);
              if(! dep) {return Promise.resolve().then(() = > {
                      typeof layoutEffectState.resFn === 'function' && layoutEffectState.resFn()
                      const resFn = callback()
                      if (typeof resFn === 'function') layoutEffectState.resFn = resFn
                  }, 0);
              const notChanged = layoutEffectState.dep.every((e, i) = >, dep[i]))
              if(! notChanged) { layoutEffectState.dep = depreturn Promise.resolve().then(() = > {
                      typeof layoutEffectState.resFn === 'function' && layoutEffectState.resFn()
                      const resFn = callback()
                      if (typeof resFn === 'function') layoutEffectState.resFn = resFn
                  }, 0); }}// 3, use our useLayoutEffect
          function Index() {
              const [count, setCount] = useState(7)
              useLayoutEffect(() = > {
                  Promise.resolve(2).then(e= > console.log(e));
                  return () = > console.log('1')
              }, [count])
              return <button onClick={()= > { console.log('click'); setCount(count => count + 1) }} >
          ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
          Copy the code
    • UseRef: useRef returns a mutable REF object whose current property is initialized to the default value passed in, and the returned REF does not change throughout the life of the component.From the code level this sentence is: useRef in every component rendering back are the same object, specifically back to the object’s address is the same, you can go to modify the internal attributes or object to the object assignment again, but regardless of the operation, the next time to render, useRef returned or the object, the address will not change.
      • UseRef USES:
        • 1. Access to the DOM: equivalent to use in class componentsthis.ref = React.createRef()And then attach the REF to the component that actually needs to be accessed.
          function Index() {
              let divRef = useRef()
              useEffect(() = > {
                  .current allows access to the DOM node bound to ref
              return <div ref={divRef} > ref </div>
          Copy the code
        • 2. Save data: Similar to the class component, we will save some data on this that will not be used in page rendering, such as save toast messageThis. message = 'interface failed'And so on.
          function Index() {
              let message = useRef('Interface failed')
              useEffect(() = > {
                  // A fixed message is displayed when the interface call fails
                  request().catch(err= > alert(message))
              }, [])
              return <div  > ref </div>
          Copy the code
      • UseRef Note: Changes to the useRef content do not cause rerendering.
      • UseRef implementation: implementation to save the data version, access to the DOM operation is not in this implementation. And this implementation is a single useRef, because the render timing is not available, the index can not be reset.
        import React, { useState } from 'react';
        import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
        // 1, declare refData to save useRef data
        let refData
        // 2, create our useRef
        function useRef(initData) {
            If no refData exists, create refData for the first time and save the initial value
            if(! refData) refData = {current: initData }
            If refData is not used for the first time, the refData created for the first time is returned
            return refData
        // 3, using our useRef
        function Index() {
            let info = useRef('use the ref)
            const [count, setCount] = useState(7)
            return <div>
                <button onClick={()= > setCount(count => count + 1)}>add:{count}</button>
        ReactDOM.render(<Index />.document.getElementById('root'));
        Copy the code


This article focuses on the redux handwriting implementation, including createStore, combineReducer, applyMiddleWares, compose, at the same time in the handwriting implementation retains some important details in the source code, delete some of the source code judgment, in the concrete implementation, For each line of code there is a comment to explain the specific role, you can refer to the comment to understand.

  • What a redux is: Redux is a predictable state management container, which saves the data state internally and exposes the data access interface. Of course, we not only need to access data, but also need to change the data state. In REDUx, if the data is expected to change, the corresponding Reducer must be provided. Changes are then made through the Dispatch method exposed by Redux, which leverishes Redux predictability.

  • Implement basic redux (redux.createstore) : Redux. CreateStore implements three methods: getState, DiPatch, and Subscribe. We focus on the subscribe implementation, because in REdux, all the functions in the subscription queue will be executed at each time of the dispatch action. The subscription queue execution will not be affected if the subscription function is added or unsubscribed.

    • GetState: Returns the state in redux
    • Dispatch: dispatch action, update state, subscribe function queue execution, note:: Dispatch After updating state each time, the execution of the listening queue is the listening queue at the moment of the current dispatch. If the operation is performed on the listening queue during the execution of the listening queue function, the listening queue at the moment of disptach cannot be affected. There are mainly the following two situations to pay attention to:
      • 1. The listener queue joins a new listener to the listener queue, which will only be executed at the next dispatch and will not affect this disptach
      • 2. The execution of the listening queue cancels the original listening to the listening queue, which does not affect the current disptach listening queue, that is, the original listening will be executed this time, but the next disptach will not be executed.
    • Subscribe: Adds a subscription function that executes all subscription functions on each dispatch. Note: The returned unsubscribe function is guaranteed to execute only one unsubscribe.
    function createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer) {
        // 0, if the enhancer is passed in, the result returned by the enhancer's createStore is directly returned
        if (typeof enhancer === 'function') return enhancer(createStore)(reducer, preloadedState)
        // initialize currentState
        let currentState = preloadedState
        // 2,currentListeners: Saves the subscription function and executes it
        let currentListeners = []
        // 3,nextListeners are used to save subscription functions, and are responsible for adding and unsubscribing
        // currentListeners and nextListeners separate the process of adding and canceling subscription functions from the process of executing subscription functions to avoid bugs
        let nextListeners = currentListeners
        // 4. When isDispatching controls dispatch, the operations of getState, subscription, unsubscription, and continued dispatch are prohibited in the reducer execution process
        let isDispatching = false
        // 5,getState: returns the data state in the current REdux
        function getState() {
            if (isDispatching) throw new Error(a)return currentState
        // 6,dispatch: updates the data state in redux. After the update, the subscription function queue needs to be executed. The function returns the accepted value, i.e. Action
        function dispatch(action) {
            if (isDispatching) throw new Error(a)// 6.1. Perform the reducer task to update the state and forbid getState, subscription, unsubscription, and dispatch operations in the Reducer execution process
            try {
                isDispatching = true
                currentState = reducer(currentState, action)
            } finally {
                isDispatching = false
            6.2. Obtain the latest listening queue snapshot, that is, obtain the listening queue at the current dispatch time
            let listeners = (currentListeners = nextListeners)
            // 6.3, execute the function in the listener queue
            for (let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
                Listeners [I] are not allowed to change the listener queue through this because this points to the current listener queue when the direct listners[I]() is executed
                let listener = listeners[i]
            // 6.4 return action
            return action
        / / 7, getShallowCopyFromCurrentListeners: Get a shallow copy of currentListeners, separate the nextListeners from currentListeners, and use this function when subscribing or unsubscribing
        function getShallowCopyFromCurrentListeners() {
            if (currentListeners === nextListeners) nextListeners = currentListeners.slice()
        // 8,subscribe: Adds a subscription function, which returns a function to cancel the current subscription
        function subscribe(listener) {
            if (isDispatching) throw new Error(a)At $subscribed, isSubscribed primarily for the returned unsubscribed functions to prevent sequential unsubscribing of the same function, i.e., unsubscribing once and then unsubscribing later
            let isSubscribed = true
            // Separate the nextListeners from the currentListeners and add them to the listeners.
            // The nextListeners are synchronized to the currentListeners at dispatch time.
            // It will only be added to next, not current, and will only be executed at the next dispatch.
            // Only listens under the queue snapshot at the current dispatch are processed at each dispatch
            // 8.3, returns the unsubscribe function
            return () = > {
                // 8.3.1, ensure that the cancel listener function is fully executed only once
                if(! isSubscribed)return
                if (isDispatching) throw new Error()
                isSubscribed = false
                As with adding a subscription, unsubscribingis only for nextListeners and will not affect currentListeners currently used.
                // Make sure that when disptach is executed, the listener queue executed is a snapshot of the listener queue when the pre-dispatch action occurred
                // 8.3.3, to get the position of the current listener in the queue
                const index = nextListeners.indexOf(listener)
                // 8.3.4, delete the listener function according to the location
                nextListeners.splice(index, 1)
                CurrentListeners are null to prevent memory leaks, and are not used by currentListeners until the next dispatch
                currentListeners = null}}// 9, initialize the reducer default state to currentState (normal reducer has default)
        dispatch({ type: `@@redux/INITThe ${Math.random().toString(36).substring(7).split(' ').join('. ')}` })
        // 10, return getState, dispatch, subscribe
        return { getState, dispatch, subscribe }
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  • Implement combineReducers: It is used to merge multiple reducer. The usage mode is listed below.

    function combineReducers(reducerCompose) {
        / / 1.
        // reducerKeys: Pass in the keys corresponding to reduer
        // goodReducer: A reducer key value pair that has been filtered
        const reducerComposeKeys = Object.keys(reducerCompose), goodReducer = {}
        // 2, filter out reuducer that is not a function type
        for (let i = 0; i < reducerComposeKeys.length; i++) {
            let key = reducerComposeKeys[i]
            typeof reducerCompose[key] === 'function' && (goodReducer[key] = reducerCompose[key])
        // 3, return to the reducer after the merger
        return function (state = {}, action) {
            / / 3.1,
            // goodReducerKeys: Reducer keys corresponding to the reducer, which are then used with state traversal
            NextState: The final result returned by reducer is nextState
            const goodReducerKeys = Object.keys(goodReducer), nextState = {};
            If there is any change between nextState and original state, nextState is returned; otherwise, original state is returned
            let hasChanged = false;
            // 3.3, iterate over goodReducerKeys, update each sub-state value in state, and save the final result in nextState. At the same time, compare each sub-state after updating with each sub-state in the previous state
            for (let i = 0; i < goodReducerKeys.length; i++) {
                let key = goodReducerKeys[i]
                letreducer = goodReducer[key] nextState[key] = reducer(state[key], action) hasChanged = hasChanged || nextState[key] ! == state[key] }// 3.4, compare whether the length of goodReducer's key set is equal to that of state, if not, it is certain that nextState and original state are not equalhasChanged = hasChanged || goodReducerKeys.length ! = =Object.keys(state).length
            If the updated state is different from the original state, the updated state is returned, otherwise the original state is returned
            return hasChanged ? nextState : state
    // Basic usage
    // // 1. Customize reducer
    // function reducer0(state, action) {
    // switch (action.type) {
    // case 'add0': return { ... state, count: state.count + 1 }
    // case 'minus0': return { ... state, count: state.count - 1 }
    // default: return { ... state }
    / /}
    // }
    // // 2. Customize reducer
    // function reducer1(state, action) {
    // switch (action.type) {
    // case 'add1': return { ... state, count: state.count + 1 }
    // case 'minus1': return { ... state, count: state.count - 1 }
    // default: return { ... state }
    / /}
    // }
    // // 3, initial state
    // const state = { reducer0: { count: 0 }, reducer1: { count: 0 } }
    // // 4. Use the createStore and combineReducer
    // const { dispatch, subscribe, getState } = createStore(combineReducers({ reducer0, reducer1 }), state)
    Copy the code
  • What is middleware: Essentially, it is the extension and enhancement of dispatch function. The specific extension position is after Dispatch and before reducer update. Middleware uses function keratology, it is recommended to understand function keratology before researching middleware.

  • Why is the three layer function nesting of middleware? : The following is the standard format for middleware, three-tier functions (see fn1, Fn2, FN3 in the comments below).

    function middleWare(store) {        // fn1
        return function (next) {        // fn2
            return function (action) {  // fn3
                // do sth
    // Or so
    const middleWare = store= >next= >action= >{
        // do sth
    Copy the code
    • 1. Before studying the three layers of FN1, FN2 and FN3, we should first consider that the essence of middleware behavior is the expansion and enhancement of Dispacth function. Is it equivalent to having an enhancement function (specifically for enhancing disptach function), passing disptach to the enhancement function, enhancing Dipatch internally, and returning an enhanced Disptach? This process is actually fn2,fn3 nesting, fn2 is the enhanced function, fn2 takes the argument next is the disptach function, returned fN3 is the enhanced diptach.

    • 2. Understand fn2 and FN3, so let’s look at Fn1. While middleware extends dispatch, we might use the store created by createStore to handle some requirements (such as using store.getState to get the current store state). In the case of a generic tool (middleware), the store fetch action is so generic that we can’t implement it ourselves. So instead of manually retrieving a store in FN2 or FN3, where else can we do it? Fn2 or FN1? Not suitable, because fn2 is essentially a function for enhancing Disptach, we expect it to be more pure, that is, accept Disptach and return enhanced Dispatch, fN1 is essentially an enhanced Dispatch function, We certainly can’t change fn1’s parameter mode (that is, keep the same signature as the original dispatch), so where is the best way to get a store? Yes, it is to nest a layer of function fn1 outside of fn2, fn1 takes store, yes, This is the cache parameter in the function kerophysics (caching our store), so that we can use the store if we need it during the disptach extension.

    • 3. Rearrange the cache store parameters of Fn1, Fn2, FN3, and FN1. Fn2 is the equivalent of the Dispatch enhancer, accepts the Dispatch as a parameter and returns an enhanced version of the Dispatch. So fn1=> Fn2 => FN3 will eventually return an enhanced dispatch. Of course, we will use multiple middleware to enhance dispatch for multiple times, so the enhanced disptach returned from fN1, FN2, and FN3 processes may be further enhanced by fN2 parameters in the next FN1, FN2, and FN3 processes. We definitely don’t want to handle this process manually one by one. All we wanted to do was provide middleware in fN1, FN2, and FN3 formats, so to automate the process, applyMiddleWares was introduced. It helps us automate middleware iterative enhancement disptach, ultimately returning a dispatch process that includes all middleware enhancements.

  • Implement applyMiddleWares: As we know the basic format of middleware and the essence of middleware is to extend and enhance Dispatch, applyMiddleWares is needed to automatically realize the iterative process of enhancing dispatch capability of multiple middleware. The basic applyMiddleWares will be implemented below. Not very complicated, removing some judgment behavior relative to the source code. The compose function is included in applyMiddleWares, so it’s a good idea to look at the compose function first.

    • Enhancer is the applyMiddleWares we pass in to createStore. MiddleWares), enhancer continues to accept parameters in the corophysical form, which are createStore and reducer respectively, preloadedState, so we applyMiddleWares(… MiddleWares must be a function that accepts createStore and then returns a new reducer and preloadedState. Something like thisconst applyMiddleWares = (... middleWares)=>createStore=>(reducer,preloadedState)=>{}
      function createStore(reducer, preloadedState, enhancer) {
          // 0, if the enhancer is passed in, the result returned by the enhancer's createStore is directly returned
          if (typeof enhancer === 'function') return enhancer(createStore)(reducer, preloadedState)
          // other code
      Copy the code
    • ApplyMiddleWares basic implementation: almost every line of code has a comment indicating what to do, if you don’t understand welcome to leave a comment.
      / / implementation applyMiddleWares
      function applyMiddleWares(. middleWares) {
          return createStore= > (reducer, preloadedState) = > {
              // 1, use the cache parameters createStore and reducer, preloadedState, and run createStore to obtain the original store
              const store = createStore(reducer, preloadedState)
              // 2, middleware combination execution process is not allowed to use dispatch dispatch action, so the initial dispatch to all middleware stores in the first layer is an initial throw function,
              // To prevent it from being used during the composing middleware process, only after the composing is complete, i.e. only in the third layer of the middleware, can you use the raw dispatch to do the enhancement you want if you need to manipulate the raw dispatch.
              let dispatch = () = > { throw new Error('Action dispatch is not allowed during middleware execution')}// 3, save a copy of the store getState and the dispatch we defined above for all middleware layer 1 functions to cache
              const storeAPI = {
                  getState: store.getState,
                  // 3.1, copy a dispatch, which should be the same as what was done in reducer to prevent the middleware enhanced dispatch function from internally obtaining the store's this
                  dispatch: (action, ... args) = >dispatch(action, ... args) }// 4, execute all the middleware layer 1 functions to cache the first parameter store, after which the returned middleware function will be left with two layers of functions, namely the enhancer function that receives dispacth and returns the enhanced Dispatch function described in the middleware above.
              const chain = > middleWares(storeAPI))
              For compose, all middleware enhancer functions (layer 2 middleware functions) are executed.
              // Because js is a pass-through call, the compose process is composed:
              // Take raw disptach (store.dispatch) as an argument from the last middleware enhancer function (the last one in the chain array), execute,
              // Return the enhanced dispatch to the previous middleware enhancer function in the chain array as an argument, execute, return the secondary enhanced dispatch function to the previous middleware enhancer function,
              Returns the final disptach function reinforced by all middleware until the first middleware enhancer function in the chain array completes.
              // After this code completes, store.dispatch is the original dispatch and storeapi.disptach is the enhanced dispatchdispatch = compose(... chain)(store.dispatch)// 5, return to our storeAPI where dispatches are replaced with ultimate dispatches enhanced with all middleware
              return {, dispatch }
      // The compose function currently combines fn1, fn2, and fn3 into the compose function. args) => fn1(fn2(fn3(... args)))
      function compose(. fns) {
          // 1, if no middleware enhancement function is passed that needs to be combined (i.e. the second layer in the three-layer nesting of middleware functions), the default return is a function that takes what and returns what (does not do any of disptach's enhancements, applied to disptach is to accept dispatch and return dispatch
          if (fns.length === 0) return args= > args
          // 2, returns the middleware enhancement function if there is only one
          if (fns.length === 1) return fns[0]
          // 3, if multiple middleware enhancement functions are combined, fn1, Fn2, fn3 are combined into functions (... args) => fn1(fn2(fn3(... Args))), where the args will pass in the original dispatch.
          return fns.reduce((preFn, nextFn) = > (. args) = >preFn(nextFn(... args))) }Copy the code
  • Story – thunk: Redux-thunk is an asynchronous solution to Redux. The original dispatch only supports actions that accept pure objects (including the type attribute), whereas redux-Thunk allows us to accept actions with side effects, Also, the action could be a function (because our side effect code needs to be executed inside the function after all) and update the state when the side effect is complete. So the specific Redux-Thunk process is: When redux-thunk receives the side effect function Action, it will not enter the dispatch process. Instead, it will complete the side effect function first and inject the Dispatch at the same time, so that we can manually call the injected Dispatch to complete the redux state update after the side effect function is completed.

    • Redux-thunk handwriting implementation: There is not much code, but you need to understand how redux-Thunk will return to the dispatch pure object after the side effects function is processed. Note: Redux-thunk middleware (reduxThunk,… reduxThunk,… reduxThunk,… OtherMiddleWares), otherwise it is likely to result in dispatch multiple times. Because redux will call dispatch again after the side effect function is completed (this time it is a pure object action), it is expected that the side effect function will be processed first at the head and all middleware will be executed sequentially after completion, whereas if it is not placed at the head and tail, all middleware will be executed first. When redux-thunk is executed, the redux-thunk first processes the side effects function and then executes the dispatch, causing the middleware to start all over again.

          function createReduxThunk(. args){
              Redux-thunk middleware //
              // The createReduxThunk function provides the opportunity to inject data into the redux-thunk side function, if needed.
              ReduxThunk (reduxThunk,... OtherMiddlewares)
              return ({dispatch,getState}) = >next= >action= >{
                  // 1.1, if action is a function, execute the function and pass in the enhanced Dispatch, getState, and possibly injected parameters. Note that this is the enhanced Dispatch and is retrieved from storeAPI, not store.dispacth
                  // This phase is actually a departure from the dispatch process, focusing on the side effect function execution, and after execution,
                  // Use the injected enhanced Dispatch in the side effect callback to dispatch the original object actions and re-enter the Dispatch process to update the state in the Redux via the Reducer.
                  // This function will go two times, the first time is the side effect function (execute the side effect function), the second time is the pure object action of Dispacth after the side effect function is completed (execute all middleware state update through reducer)
                  if(typeof action === 'function') {returnaction(dispatch,getState,... args) }// 1.2, if it is not a function, simply dispatch the action to the next middleware enhanced Dispatch (in this case, Next) for processing
                  return next(action)
          // 2, get reduxThunk middleware
          const reduxThunk = createReduxThunk()
          // 3, the middleware hooks up a redux-thunk function that creates the injected parameters, and if the parameters need to be injected, uses it to recreate the reduxThunk and inject the parameters.
          reduxThunk.withExtraArguments = createReduxThunk
          // 4, export redux-thunk middleware
          export default reduxThunk
      Copy the code
  • How to use redux in React

    import React from 'react'
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
    import { createStore } from 'redux'
    function reducer(state = 10, action) {
        switch (action.type) {
            case 'INCREMENT':
                return state + 1
            case 'DECREMENT':
                return state - 1
                return state
    // 1, create a reducer store (dispatch, getState, subscribe)
    const { dispatch, getState, subscribe } = createStore(reducer)
    class Counter extends React.Component {
        constructor(props) {
            this.unSubscribe = null
            // 2, associate store data with state
            this.state = { num: getState() }
        componentDidMount() {
            // 3, monitor data changes in store, if there are changes, update the changed data to the current state, so that the page is re-rendered
            this.unSubscribe = subscribe(() = > { this.setState({ num: getState() }) })
        componentWillUnmount() {
            // 5, unsubscribe from store data changes when component uninstalls
            this.unSubscribe && this.unSubscribe()
        // 4, update store data with dispatch
        add = () = > dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' })
        minus = () = > dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' })
        render() {
            return <div>
                <div>count now: {this.state.num}</div>
                <button onClick={this.add} >add</button>
                <button onClick={this.minus} >minus</button>
    ReactDOM.render(<Counter />.document.getElementById('root'))
    Copy the code

4. React-redux application and Connect principle and implementation

  • React-redux

    • 1. Create and react.Context
    • 2. Wrap context. Provider around the React app and set value to Store so that store can be used in the React app.
    • 3. Bind our component with Connect to get action distribution and store data internally from props
  • The connect principle:

    • 1. Connect is essentially a function that accepts (mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps) and returns higher-order components. The higher-order components accept the components that need to be enhanced with the redux state. Through PROPRS passed disptach and other action distribution functions and enhanced components need to be enhanced to the state of the component, and finally returned enhanced components.
  • React-redux and Connect are available in the following code, with detailed comments.

    import React from 'react'
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
    import { createStore } from 'redux'
    // 1, get the Context (Provider, Consumer)
    const { Provider, Consumer } = React.createContext()
    // 2, implement a reducer
    function reducer(state, { type }) {
        if (type === 'INCREMENT') return { ...state, num: state.num + 1 }
        if (type === 'DECREMENT') return { ...state, num: state.num - 1 }
        return state
    // create a store for redux
    const store = createStore(reducer, { num: 10 })
    // 4, React-redux implements the core connect function. Connect is essentially a function that returns high-order components. High-order components are essentially a function that returns enhanced components
    function connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) {
        // 4.1, connect accepts mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and returns a higher-order component function
        return function HOC(Component) {
            class Wrapper extends React.Component {
                constructor(props) {
                    // In 4.1.1, store data is processed using mapStateToProps to obtain the data of the enhanced Component and place it in the Wrapper state of the higher-order Component
                    this.state = mapStateToProps(
                componentDidMount() {
                    // 4.1.2, once the data changes in the subscription store, update the state of the package Component and trigger the re-rendering of the package Component and its sub-components
                    this.unSubscribe = store.subscribe(() = > this.setState(mapStateToProps(
                componentWillUnmount() {
                    // 4.1.3, unsubscribe from store data when component uninstalls
                    this.unSubscribe && this.unSubscribe()
                render() {
                    // If mapDispatchToProps is a function, then it will act as actions and pass these actions to sub-components. This way the component can distribute the action directly to this.props. Action
                    let actions = { dispatch: }
                    if (typeof mapDispatchToProps === 'function') {
                        actions = mapDispatchToProps(
                    // 4.1.5, pass the action, store data (stored in the package component state) to the enhanced child component via props pass
                    return <Component {. this.state} {. actions} / >}}// 4.1.6, return a function component that wraps the Consumer higher-order component with render, which is responsible for handing the store in the Context to the current higher-order component.
            return () = > <Consumer>{value => <Wrapper store={value} />}</Consumer>}}// 5, the Counter component will be applied to our own implementation of CONNECT
    class Counter extends React.Component {
        // 5.1, since we don't have mapDispatchToProps set, let's just use raw dispatches to deliver actions.
        add = () = > this.props.dispatch({ type: 'INCREMENT' })
        minus = () = > this.props.dispatch({ type: 'DECREMENT' })
        render() {
            return <div>
                <div>count now: {this.props.num}</div>
                <button onClick={this.add} >add</button>
                <button onClick={this.minus} >minus</button>
            </div>}}// 6, react-redux maps the state of the higher-order component to the props of the currently bound component.
    const mapStateToProps = state= > { return { num: state.num } }
    // 7, use connect to handle our Counter component
    const ConnectCounter = connect(mapStateToProps)(Counter)
    // 8, the entire React application uses context. Provider to wrap the value in the store.
        <Provider value={store}><ConnectCounter /></Provider>.document.getElementById('root'))Copy the code

Thank you for the reference

  • Chen Yi: Dive into the REACT technology stack
  • React diff algorithm
  • Understand the React: Diff algorithm
  • Redux createStore source
  • Redux 中文 版 -Middleware
  • Thunks in Redux: The Basics