Tomcat enterprise production performance tuning

There are seven main ways to tune Enterprise production performance of Tomcat:

1. Increase the JVM heap memory size: This is done by increasing the JVM’s stack memory so that the JVM usually doesn’t call the garbage collector, so the server can focus more on handling Web requests and demanding that they be completed as quickly as possible.

2. Fix JRE memory leaks: Tomcat provides a listener to handle JRE and PermGen memory leaks.

3. Thread pool Settings: Thread pools specify the number of Web request loads, so this should be handled with care for better performance.

4. Compression: Compares large files to compress and transfer them

5. Database performance tuning: Use a relational database that may contain “named queries” to ensure that all database connections are closed correctly.

6.Tomcat local library: provides programmers with super scalability and performance,

7. Other options: For example, enable browser cache

PS: named queries: if you need to create screening, group or connection data from multiple tables, you can create a known as named query (named query) logic table, including SQL select statement, although the source data is usually stored in the data warehouse or data mart, but sometimes need to access business data is stored in multiple tables.