Abstract: On March 10th and 11th, the two sessions concluded one after another. In recent years, “artificial intelligence” has become an indispensable topic at the two sessions. This year’s two sessions, and what about artificial intelligence proposals?

Original: HyperAI hypernerve

Key words: NPC and CPPCC science and technology artificial intelligence

The fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) will close on the afternoon of March 10 and 11 respectively.

Among the many suggestions made by deputies and members, artificial intelligence has been mentioned many times, becoming one of the focus of the two sessions and attracting the attention of the whole nation.

These proposals and suggestions on ARTIFICIAL intelligence, involving transportation, education, medical care, pension and other aspects, have been sorted out through the open data.

Shen Nanpeng, Li Yanhong: AI helps intelligent transportation

Artificial intelligence helps carbon peak

As the only CPPCC member in the field of Venture capital in China, Sequoia China, led by Shen Nanpeng, focuses on investment in science and technology, industrial technology and other directions, and has accumulated profound insight and experience in digitization, informatization and technology empowerment.

His proposal during the two sessions focused on harnessing the power of technological innovation to solve social issues. In his proposal on carbon peak, “Road Traffic is Committed to low-carbon, and ARTIFICIAL Intelligence helps carbon peak,” he suggested vigorously developing the application of ARTIFICIAL intelligence in road traffic, reducing the intensity of private car use, accelerating the optimization of road operation efficiency, and strengthening the accurate measurement of carbon emissions from transport.

Specifically, AI can help in several ways:

  • Controlling the demand for private cars is the key direction of deep emission reduction. AI and connectivity can lead to the reduction of the intensity of private car use.
  • Congestion and inadequate urban planning also contribute to emissions, and AI can accelerate optimization of road performance;
  • It is difficult to monitor and calculate emissions from road mobile sources, and the Internet of vehicles and big data can provide technical support.

Note: Peak carbon is the point at which carbon dioxide emissions stop growing and peak, and then gradually fall back.

We will accelerate the popularization of autonomous driving for commercial use and intelligent transportation

Transportation is one of the most important issues concerning people’s livelihood and an important area of carbon emissions, Li said in his book Speeding up the Popularization of Autonomous Driving for Commercial Use and Intelligent Transportation.

By vigorously developing low-carbon transportation and using artificial intelligence, 5G and other new technologies to accelerate the commercial use of autonomous driving and the popularization of intelligent transportation, we can effectively ease traffic congestion, make people’s travel greener and more convenient, and achieve the coordination and unity of carbon peak and high-quality economic development.

In this regard, he suggested that the national level should further strengthen policy innovation, support the popularization of autonomous driving for commercial use and intelligent transportation, meet people’s better travel needs, and achieve the goal of carbon peak in the transportation sector at an early date.

Zhang Jindong: Strengthen the security of data circulation

Establish a data governance committee to strengthen data resource security

In the context of digital economy, information leakage, excessive access to rights and other behaviors emerge one after another, and data circulation and security are of great concern.

Zhang suggested strengthening top-level design, establishing a data governance committee as the leading body for data resource sharing and management, and establishing a state-level data sharing platform.

While doing a good job in opening and sharing data, we should also strengthen the integration, sharing and circulation security of data resources.

Zhang in the near east, meanwhile, has suggested, to establish the general education of socialization of public data sharing, lets the student beginning to enter the campus, is built on the data base, management, application and protection of the understanding and awareness, cultivating advanced consciousness, further build big data value target of knowledge system, to achieve more widely to cultivate talents of higher order.

Liu Qingfeng, Yu Minhong: AI improves education

Use artificial intelligence to promote and popularize the common national language

Liu Qingfeng, deputy to the National People’s Congress and chairman of IFlytek, proposed to use artificial intelligence to solve the “topic of The Times”. He submitted seven written suggestions, all around ARTIFICIAL intelligence, related to promoting the development of education, medical and other social undertakings.

Among them, in his book “Using ARTIFICIAL intelligence technology to promote and popularize the Common National language”, he proposed to use artificial intelligence to promote and popularize the common national language.

Mandarin is the national common language among different regions and ethnic groups. However, at present, the popularization of Mandarin is not sufficient problem is still relatively prominent.

As of September 2020, the mandarin penetration rate was 80.72 percent nationwide, and only 61.56 percent in relatively poor areas, according to the Ministry of Education.

Qing-feng liu said that artificial intelligence technology has played a more and more important role in language learning, so he suggested that rely on artificial intelligence and the construction of national common language teaching platform of Internet technology, to carry out the combination of offline and online learning mode of learning, help the ethnic masses quickly improve the application level of national common language.

It is understood that there are currently AI Putonghua “teacher”, AI Putonghua assessment, Putonghua promotion games and other applications, in-depth rural and remote areas, accelerate the promotion of local Putonghua.

Using artificial intelligence to improve English teaching in rural primary schools

Yu Minhong, chairman of New Oriental Education And Technology Group and a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), suggested in his proposal that artificial intelligence be used to improve English teaching in rural primary schools to lay a good foundation for rural students’ follow-up study and narrow the gap between urban and rural education.

The shortage of English teachers is a problem facing many rural schools. According to the survey of more than 500 rural primary schools in 20 provinces, the average teacher/student ratio of English subject is 1:227, and in some areas, it even reaches 1:2400.

Therefore, Focusing on the application of artificial intelligence technology, Yu Minhong proposed that artificial intelligence technology should be used to integrate high-quality English teaching resources at home and abroad and eliminate regional differences in teaching resources and teaching levels. Strengthen English classroom interactive experience, improve the quality and efficiency of rural children’s English learning.

Lei Jun, Yang Yuanqing, Li Yanhong: Promoting technology for the elderly

From the current public proposals can be seen, “science and technology for the elderly” has become a hot focus of the two sessions.

China’s elderly population and the Internet scale is increasingly large. According to the Prediction of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the size of the elderly population in China will increase rapidly at the rate of more than 10 million every year, and the number of people aged 60 and above may exceed 300 million by 2025.

At the same time, with the increasing penetration of the Internet and smart technologies in our lives, the elderly are increasingly facing difficulties and challenges brought by these emerging technologies.

During this year’s two sessions, many deputies and members have paid attention to this issue and put forward suggestions.

Use smart technology to help older people better integrate into digital life

Lei Jun, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group and a deputy to the National People’s Congress, submitted three proposals to the two sessions, one of which was titled “Suggestions on using smart technologies to help the elderly better integrate into digital life.”

It is suggested that digital services for the elderly be incorporated into the national information infrastructure construction as soon as possible. Guide the establishment of intelligent technology aging standard system; Strengthen the linkage between smart home data and smart community data of the elderly; Make full use of artificial intelligence Internet of Things technology, quickly respond to active needs, timely and accurately identify passive needs (such as falls, fire, gas leakage, etc.), and improve the coordination and management ability of community elderly assistance services.

At the same time, we will improve laws and regulations to protect data security and privacy of the elderly.

Use information technology to help the elderly better enjoy intelligent services

Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO of Lenovo Group and a deputy to the National People’s Congress, submitted a proposal titled “Suggestions on using information technology to effectively solve the difficulties of the elderly and help the” silver generation “bridge the” digital divide “.

In products, services, and puts forward security advice, encourage enterprises to introduce more intelligent terminal products can meet the demand of the elderly, at the same time all kinds of intelligent applications should give full consideration to the actual needs of old people and operability, not “one size fits all” close the artificial service, let old people become better digital economy of the participants and beneficiaries, implementation technology to be good.

We will move faster to promote smart elderly care in communities

Robin Li, A member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and CEO of Baidu, pointed out that at present, 90% of the elderly rely on the community for home care, but only a small part of the community can truly carry out systematic care services, and most grassroots communities lack manpower and facilities, and the form and content of services cannot meet their needs.

In response, he suggested that relevant departments should strengthen policy guidance, encourage more smart devices to enter communities, and expand and deepen smart elderly care services.

Liu Qingfeng: Accelerate the application of AI in primary care

Accelerate the application of ARTIFICIAL intelligence in primary medical care in China

Facing the structural problems of China’s relative lack of high-quality medical resources and inadequate primary medical service capacity, Liu Qingfeng suggested in his proposal “Accelerating the application of ARTIFICIAL Intelligence in Primary Medical care in China, Building a Healthy China” :

Research on key ARTIFICIAL intelligence technologies in the medical field should be intensified, and the cultivation of medical ARTIFICIAL intelligence talents and artificial intelligence literacy of grass-root doctors should be strengthened.

In addition, in the prevention and control of infectious diseases and major diseases, the early monitoring and warning capacity of primary medical institutions is weak, the monitoring density and breadth are low, and the early warning is not timely, etc., he proposed in The Establishment of National Intelligent Prevention and Control System of Infectious Diseases and Major dangerous Diseases by Using ARTIFICIAL Intelligence technology:

* * on the basis of existing, quicken the construction of infectious disease monitoring early warning platform based on the artificial intelligence and application promotion, promote grass-roots medical institutions doctors for infectious diseases and major disease recognition, diagnosis, and the ability to direct quote, * * effectively expand the scope of infectious diseases and major disease monitoring, greatly shorten the infectious disease monitoring and early warning and response time, We will achieve the “four early hours” target for epidemic prevention and control.

Pei Chunliang, You Yi: Use AI to improve the prevention mechanism of wrong cases

Use big data artificial intelligence technology to improve the prevention mechanism of wrong cases

As one of the top ten legal supervision cases in 2020, “correcting Zhang Yuhuan’s case” was a topic of great concern for deputies at the fourth Session of the 13th National People’s Congress.

National People’s Congress deputies Pei Chunliang and You Yi proposed to use big data artificial intelligence technology to improve the prevention mechanism of wrong cases in order to correct the case of Zhang Yuhuan and other wrongful convictions.

Representative Pei Chunliang believes that to prevent the occurrence of unjust, false and erroneous cases, we should start from the source, constantly improve the prevention mechanism of wrong cases, make full use of big data, artificial intelligence and other modern information technology, combined with the intelligent assistance system for handling cases, guide judicial organs to collect and review evidence in a comprehensive and standardized manner in accordance with the law.

Two sessions in the AI program, landing can be

At this year’s two sessions, artificial intelligence is undoubtedly a high-frequency word, and it is no longer just a topic of concern in the technology circle.

This is not only because it is becoming an indispensable part of our lives, but also because it has greater potential and possibility in all aspects of society in the future, which will bring profound changes in all fields.

These proposals may take a long time from submission to implementation. However, we believe that with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, these suggestions for the benefit of society with science and technology will gradually come into reality.

