The environment

  • Linux/Ubuntu20.04 LTS
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Editon 2021.1
  • java-11-openjdk-amd64
  • Apache tomcat — 7.0.109


The Tomcat service port is occupied!

Serious: Failed to Initialize End Point associated with ProtocolHandler [" HTTP-Bio-8087 "] Address already in use (Bind failed) <null>:8087
On July 14, 2021 9:45:36 afternoon org. Apache. Catalina. Core. StandardServer await seriously: StandardServer. Await: create [localhost: 8005] :


  1. Port address is already in use, port address conflict
  2. The last time the service was run, the service was still running, so it caused a port conflict


  1. Port conflict, directly change the port number in the configuration file, and rerun the project

  1. If the service was not shutdown in time, close the last run service, open the file where the tomcat directory is located, directly shutdown the service, and execute $./shutdown
Lauiji @ lauiji - siml IdeaPad - 15-2020: / usr/local/apache tomcat - 7.0.109 $. / bin/shutdown. Sh

Rerun the project


  • In the rainy season, eat the rainbow
  • By the individual finishing release, the compilation process is inevitable omissions or mistakes, kindly point out, so as not to mislead everyone!