The old lifecycle approach
- Initialization phase: triggered by reactdom.render () — initial render
1. constructor() 2. componentWillMount() 3. render() 4. componentDidMount() Copy the code
- Update phase: triggered by the component’s internal this.setstate () or parent’s render
/ * * * 0. ComponentWillReceiveProps () will be in the parent to render call * / 1. ShouldComponentUpdate () 2. ComponentWillUpdate () 3. The render () 4. componentDidUpdate()Copy the code
- Unload components: by ReactDom unmountComponentAtNode triggered ()
1. componentWillUnmount() Copy the code
Conclusion: The old one is obsoletecomponentWillReceiveProps
The newstatic getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state)
New life cycle
- Initialization phase: triggered by reactdom.render () — initial render
1. constructor() 2. getDerivedStateFromProps 3. render() 4. componentDidMount() Copy the code
- Update phase: triggered by the component’s internal this.setstate () or the parent’s rerender
/ * * * 0. ComponentWillReceiveProps () will be in the parent to render call * / 1. 2 getDerivedStateFromProps shouldComponentUpdate () 3. The render () 4. getSnapshotBeforeUpdate 5. componentDidUpdate()Copy the code
- Unload components: by ReactDom unmountComponentAtNode triggered ()
1. componentWillUnmount() Copy the code
JSX embedded variables
- If the variable is Number,String, or Array, it can be displayed directly. - If the variable is null,undefined, or Boolean, the content is emptyCopy the code
The React – the router – dom routing
2. Route component: receives three fixed attributes history: Go: FN go(n) GOBack: FN goback() goForward: FN goForward() Push: fn push(path,state) replace: fn replace(path,state) location: pathname: "/about" search: "" state: undefined match: params: {} path: "/about" url: "/about"Copy the code
The use of the Switch
Switch package tag improves route matching efficiency (single match)
Strict matching and fuzzy matching of routes
1. Fuzzy matching is used by default. (Note: [input path] must contain [matched path] in the same order.) 2. Enable strict matching: <Route exact={true} path="/about" Component ={about}/> 3. Strict matching Do not enable strict matching. You need to enable strict matching again. In some cases, secondary routes cannot be matchedCopy the code
The use of the Redirect
1. It is written at the bottom of all route registrations. If all routes fail to match, route 2 specified by the Redirect is challenged. <Route path="/about" component={about}/> <Route path="/home" component={home}/> <Redirect to="/about"/> </Switch>Copy the code
Pass parameters to the routing component
Params :<Link to='/demo/test/ Tom /18'> </Link> Register Route :<Route path='/demo/test/:name/:age" Component ={Test}/> Const {id,title} = this.props. Mathch.params 2. Name =tom&age=18'> Details </Link> Route path="/demo/test" component={test}/> Const {search} = this.props. Location Note: Search is a Urlencoded string, queryString parsing is required. < Link to = {{path: '/ demo/test'}, state: {name: "Tom, age: 18}}} > details < / Link > register routing (without declaration, normal registration) : <Route path="/demo/test" Component ={test}/> Received parameter: const {state} = this.props. Location Note: The refresh can also preserve the parameters, which are stored in the history object, and the flush cache is invalidatedCopy the code
API for routing components to generic components
import {Component} from 'react' import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom' class Header extends Component export Default withRouter(Header) Wrap common components with the withRouterCopy the code
Differences between BrowserRouter and HashRouter
1. The underlying principles are different: BrowserRouter uses the HIstroy API of H5 and is incompatible with IE9 and earlier versions. HashRouter uses the hash value of the URL. 2. Path is represented differently. Effect on route State parameters BrowserRouter has no effect after refreshing. Because state is stored in the history object, a HashRouter refresh will cause the route state parameter to be lost
- In the first time
Must be executed once after - If the function is returned, then the next time
Before or componentunmount
The return function code must be run once before - If a dependent array is specified and is not empty, it is reruned whenever every element in the array changes
- If the array is empty, it is executed only once on the first render
- If state is updated in useEffect and no dependent array is specified, or state exists in a dependency array, an infinite loop is created
- Every time a functional component is re-rendered
[count,setCount] = useState(1)
They’re all equal
- through
Create a store - through
- through
To obtainreducer
The state of - through
Subscribe to dispatch event, state change triggers update
Functional component
- Functional components are re-executed, and local variables (functions, objects) within a method are not equal
Function * foo() {console.log("111"); // Function * foo() {console.log("111"); yield "Hello"; console.log("222"); yield "World"; console.log("333"); yield "coderwhy"; console.log("444"); } // iterator: const result = foo(); console.log(result); Const res1 =; // const res1 =; // console.log(res1); // const res2 =; // console.log(res2); // const res3 =; // console.log(res3); // const res4; // console.log(res4); GenerateNumber () {function* generateNumber() {for (var I = 1; i <= 10; i++) { yield i; } } // const numIt = generateNumber(); // console.log(; Function * bar() {console.log("1111"); function* bar() {console.log("1111"); const result = yield new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve("Hello Generator"); }, 3000); }); console.log(result); } const it = bar(); => { })Copy the code
SetState Synchronization asynchronous
Asynchronous in composition time and life cycle, the asynchronous here is actually batch update, to optimize performance
2. SetState is synchronized in setTimeout and native event 3. In setState(fn,callback) it is synchronized
The React development project encountered problems
tag is not allowed to play music while the page is open
/** * audio tag events * onEnded when the song isPlaying * onTimeUpdate when the song isPlaying milliseconds * audio. CurrentTime when the song isPlaying milliseconds */ const [isPlaying, setIsPlaying] = useState(false) useEffect( () => { audioRef.current.src = getPlaySong(>{ setIsPlaying(true) }).catch( err=> { setIsPlaying(false) }) },[currentSong]) const playMusic = useCallback(() => { setIsPlaying(! isPlaying) isPlaying ? audioRef.current.pause() : },[isPlaying])Copy the code
Css Model tips
To reference CSS class selectors or ID selectors in TSX, you need to install typescript-plugin-CSS-modules
npm install typescript-plugin-css-modules -D
Copy the code
Then add the configuration in tsconfig.json
"CompilerOptions ":{"noImplicitAny": false,// No type is set. "plugins": [{"name": "typescript-plugin-css-modules" } ] }Copy the code
At the same time, create.vacode/settings.json in vscode’s current project root directory
"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib",
"typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true
Copy the code
npm install react-i18next i18next --save
Copy the code
Redux middleware formula
Const middleware = (store) => (next) => (action) =>{}, as follows, the middleware that prints logs
import { Middleware } from "redux" const actionLog: Middlleware = (store) => (next) => (Action) => {console.log("state current ", store.getState()) console.log("fire Action ", Action) next(action) console.log("state update ", store.getState())}Copy the code
Load HTML in JSX
<div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html:'<span>abc<span>'}}></div>
Copy the code
Centos docker installation
Yum update yum install epel-release -y yum clean all yum list yum install docker-io -y systemctl start docker Docker info // View the startup resultCopy the code
Docker Ari Cloud Image Accelerator
- Open the official website of Aliyun and log in
- Click on the top right
The console
- Open the
Products and Services
, the choice ofContainer Service Image
4. Click the sidebar
Mirror tool: Mirror accelerator
, according to the operation document