Add Skywalking to tomcat project, this service is war package. Skywalking probe monitoring needs to be added to the server
Tools required:
- The skywalking agent. The jar
Put the Skywalking. jar file in the /opt folder and decompress the file to /opt/agent
Change the probe name of Skywalking to /opt/agent/agent.conf
Agent. The service_name = ${14} SW_AGENT_NAME: passback_230.
Modify/opt/tomcat/bin/catalina. Sh add the following content:
mem=free -g|awk ‘NR==2 {print $2}’ if [[ mem -le 5 && mem -gt 2 ]]; Then let jVMmem = MEm − 1ELif [[MEm −1elif[[MEm −1elif[[MEm -le 2]];then jVMmem =1 else let jVMmem = mem/2fiJAVAOPTS=”mem/2 fi JAVA_OPTS=”mem/2fiJAVAOPTS=”JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/opt/agent/skywalking-agent.jar”
Restart the service after the service is added.
Stop /tomcat/bin/ and restart /tomcat/bin/
Trouble spots
Don’t you need to add skywalking parameters to the startup script?
You only need to add it in the script. The script is referenced in startup script
Are there release requirements for installing Skywalking?
JDK 1.8 and above can be used;
The red hat system in CentOS cannot be lower than 6.